kq031. Samson and Delilah [Hint]

1. What was the name of Samson's home town?
(a) Jerusalem
(b) Gaza
(c) Hebron
(d) Zorah

2. Of which Israelite tribe was Samson?

(a) Levi
(b) Judah
(c) Manasseh
(d) Dan

3. What did the mothers of Samson and John the Baptist have in common?

(a) They were both of the tribe of Levi
(b) They were both married to Jews
(c) They were both miraculously-enabled to have children - Samson and John
(d) The were both from Ruth's hometown in Moab

4. Why did Samson have uncut hair?

(a) He lived in the wilderness where everyone had long hair
(b) It was an Israelite custom of the time
(c) The Roman invasion forces didn't allow Israelites to own sharp razors
(d) He was a Nazarite whereby "no razor shall come on his head"

5. What did the angel do after he prophesied Samson's birth to Samson's father?

(a) He flew up into heaven in a flaming altar
(b) He went down and destroyed Sodom
(c) He appeared to the king of Israel
(d) He instantly disappeared

6. Who was Samson's first wife?

(a) Delilah
(b) A Philistine woman from Timnath
(c) A nice Jewish girl from Jerusalem
(d) A young widow from Egypt

7. What did Samson's riddle involve?

(a) Honey and a lion
(b) Milk and a bear
(c) Coins and a raven
(d) Water and a fire

8. Where was Delilah living when Samson first met her?

(a) Timnath
(b) Gaza
(c) Zorah
(d) In the valley of Sorek

9. Why did Samson lose his miraculous strength when his Nazarite hair was cut?

(a) He no longer looked fearsome
(b) The hair made him strong because it was itself miraculous
(c) His hair was a sign to his enemies
(d) The Holy Spirit left him

10. Where did Samson die in his last battle with the Philistines?

(a) Gaza
(b) Timnath
(c) At Delilah's house
(d) Zorah

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교