Kq052. Pharaohs

1. What did "Pharaoh" originally refer to?

(a) The King of Egypt
(b) The land of Egypt
(c) The god of Egypt
(d) The palace of the King of Egypt

2. What was the Hebrew name for Egypt - which itself was the name of the descendant of Noah who became the father of the people of Egypt?

(a) Mizraim
(b) Canaan
(c) Ham
(d) Phut

3. Which Israelite patriarch was made the Prime Minister of Egypt, second in authority only to the Pharaoh himself, by a Pharaoh?

(a) Jacob
(b) Judah
(c) Joseph
(d) Moses

4. What did a Pharaoh do with the entire Israelite population of the time when they wanted to live in Egypt?

(a) He refused
(b) He sent his chariots after them
(c) He made them into slaves
(d) He welcomed them and gave them land in the richest area of the Nile Delta, known as "Goshen"

5. Why did a Pharaoh, four hundred years after the Israelites were welcomed into Egypt by a Pharaoh, reduce them into slaves?

(a) He was a racist
(b) He became involved in the slave trade
(c) He was jealous of their success
(d) He feared them because they had become numerous and powerful

6. What relative of a Pharaoh adopted Moses and raised him as her own son in the Pharaoh's palace?

(a) Wife
(b) Daughter
(c) Mother
(d) Sister

7. What Pharaoh or Pharaoh-to-be did Egypt lose on the night of the Exodus?

(a) The Pharaoh who drowned with his army in the Red Sea
(b) The retired father of the Exodus Pharaoh
(c) The royal prince Moses
(d) The to-be-Pharaoh son of the Exodus Pharaoh who died from the Passover death of the firstborn

8. How did King Solomon become related to a Pharaoh?

(a) Solomon adopted an Egyptian prince
(b) Solomon was adopted by a Pharaoh
(c) Solomon married a Pharaoh's daughter
(d) None of the above

9. What Greek invader dynasty ruled in place of the actual Egyptian Pharaohs?

(a) The Herodians
(b) The Ptolemies
(c) The Seleucids
(d) The Essenes

10. What Greek invader dynasty queen ruled in place of the actual Egyptian Pharaohs?

(a) Jezebel
(b) Zuleikha
(c) Demona
(d) Cleopatra

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교