▶ 아마샤(Amazaih)

뜻 : 여호와가 기력있음

[1] 유대국 제9대 왕(B.C.838-810). 요아스 왕의 아들이다(왕하12:20-21, (왕하14:2), (대하25:25).
그는 부왕을 암살한 자를 처형할 때 당시의 관습에 의하지 않고 자족 연죄를 고치고 그 아들들을 사하여 주었다 (왕하14:6).

[2] 여로보암 2세때 벧엘단에서 봉사하던 제사장인데 그가 왕에게 선지자 아모스를 무고하여 유대로 추방하자고 권고하였다(왕상12:25-38), (암07:10).
[3] 그 밖에 2인이 있다(대상04:34, (대상06:45).  



Amaziah. [Amazi'ah]

1.  Son of Jehoash, or Joash, king of Judah, and who succeeded to the throne: he reigned 29 years, B.C. 839-810. He walked well at the commencement of his reign. He made war on the Edomites; 10,000 were slain, and 10,000 cast down from the top of the rock. But he brought back the gods of the children of Seir, and bowed down to them, whereby he fell under God's displeasure. He provoked a war with the king of Israel but was defeated, the treasures of Jerusalem were taken, and part of the city wall broken down. He was slain at Lachish whither he had fled from a conspiracy. 2 Kings 14:1-23 ; 2 Chr. 25:1-28.

2.  Descendant of Simeon. 1 Chr. 4:34.

3.  Son of Hilkiah, a descendant of Merari. 1 Chr. 6:45.

4.  Israelite who was priest of the idol set up in Bethel. Amos 7:10-14.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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