▶ 바락(Barak)


납달리 지파 아비나움의 아들(삼상12:11), (대상07:17).
여사사 드보라와 이 이스라엘의 사사가 되어 가나안을 격멸하고 

드보라와 같이 노래 를 지어 하나님을 찬송 하였다.
그들의 치하에서 이스라엘은 40년간 태평을 누리었다(삿04:5), (히11:32).

▶ 바락 Barak. [Ba'rak] 

Son of Abinoam, of Naphtali. He was called by Deborah the prophetess (who judged Israel at that time) to collect from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon 10,000 men that God might deliver into his hand Sisera, the captain of the army of Jabin, king of Canaan, who had 900 chariots of iron, and who had mightily oppressed the children of Israel twenty years. It required great faith to attack so strong an enemy with such a small force; and Barak had not this strong faith in God; he said he would not go unless Deborah would go with him. Deborah consented to go, but told Barak that it would not be to his honour; Sisera would fall by the hand of a woman. When the armies were face to face it was still Deborah that had to tell Barak when to arise to the attack.

Jehovah discomfited Sisera and his chariots and his host, by the swords of the Israelites, and apparently the overthrow was completed by a severe storm and the overflowing of the river Kishon. Judges 4:6-17; Judges 5:20, 21. The Canaanites being smitten, Sisera left his chariot and fled for refuge to the house of Heber the Kenite, where he was killed by Jael, Heber's wife. Judges 4:18-24.  Judges 5: gives the song of Deborah and Barak over the victory. Barak's faith is like that of many who can follow if another will lead, though they cannot take a first place; it is very gracious of God to mention Barak in Heb. 11:32 as one in the cloud of witnesses who had become victorious by their faith.

(삿04: (삿05: 사사 드보라

(삿05:20, 21. 별들이 하늘에서부터 싸우되 그 다니는 길에서 시스라와 싸웠도다 기손강은 그 무리를 표류시켰으니 이 기손강은 옛강이라 내 영혼아 네가 힘 있는 자를 밟았도다


(히11:32 내가 무슨 말을 더 하리요 기드온, 바락, 삼손, 입다와 다윗과 사무엘과 및 선지자들의 일을 말하려면 내게 시간이 부족하리로다

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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