▶ 에스더(Esther)


본명은 하닷사인 것을 왕후의 위에 오를 때 에스더라고 고쳤다.

아비하일의 딸로서 어렸을 때 조실 부모하고 4촌 오빠인 모르드개의 양육을 받아오던 중 왕후 와스디가 폐출 당한 뒤 전국에서 모여온 수 많은 아리따운 처녀중에 내시 헤개의 추천으 로 아하수에로 왕에게 간택되어 왕후가 되었다 (에01:19, (에02:7-9, 16-18).

총리 하만이 자기에게 경의를 포하지 않는 모르드개에게 분노하여 전 유대 민족을 죽 이려는 계획을 세웠다.

모르드개가 이것을 알고 에스더에게 편지하니 에스더가 왕에게 고하여 그 일을 뒤엎 고 전날 왕을 암살하려던 자를 알려 주어 화를 면케한 공로가 있는 모르드개로 총리를 삼고 유 대인을 칙명을 취소하는 동시에 유대인에게 자유 권 을 주고 적대 행동을 하려던 자를 다 죽였다(에03:5,6, (에04:1, (에07:-(에08:).

======== ▶ Esther. [Es'ther] 

The Persian name of Hadassah, daughter of Abihail, son of Shimei, son of Kish, a Benjamite. Being an orphan she was brought up by her cousin Mordecai. She was fair and beautiful and was thought suitable to be presented to the king. God gave her favour in the eyes of the royal household, and also caused the king to choose her for his queen, though she was a captive. The king is called Ahasuerus, but he is supposed to have been the Xerxes of history.

Mordecai, refusing to bow to Haman the Agagite, roused the wrath of the latter, who procured an edict for the destruction on a certain day of all the Jews in the empire. Esther was hereupon charged by Mordecai to plead with the king for their deliverance. She therefore called all the Jews in Shushan to fast with her three days and nights, saying she would go in to the king unbidden, and if she perished she perished. God gave her favour in the eyes of the king and he held out the sceptre to her. At a banquet she told the king that Haman had sold her and her people. The king was enraged, and being told at this moment of the gallows on which Haman intended to hang Mordecai (who had been the means of the king's life being saved), orders were at once given to hang Haman thereon. Esther had again to endanger her life by appearing before the king unbidden; but again the king received her graciously and gave her the desired authority to rescue the Jews from their threatened calamity: they were allowed to defend themselves when attacked by their enemies.

By a remarkable providence, the king not being able to sleep one night, Mordecai had been brought into favour, and he was now exalted to fill the office of Haman. This gave the Jews great advantage, for the provincial rulers all stood in fear of Mordecai. When the appointed day arrived, instead of the Jews being destroyed, they were able, not only to defend themselves, but avenge themselves on their enemies, ending with a day of feasting and gladness. The days of deliverance were appointed by Esther and Mordecai as an annual festival.  See ESTHER, BOOK OF.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


Esther, the Jewish wife of the Persian king Assuerus (Xerxes I, 485-464 B.C.), is the main character of the Book of Esther. Orphaned at an early age, Esther was brought up in the family of her older cousin Mardochus (or Mordecai), who, like many other Jews, was a captive of Persia. The king of that time, Assuerus (Ahasuerus), was looking for a new wife, and many pretty girls were taken into his harem, among them was Esther. After a year's training the girls were introduced to the king and he liked Esther most. She became the new queen.  During all this time Mardochus was in contact with his cousin, giving her advice and instructions. Following her cousin's instructions she did not reveal her Jewish origin. Once, lingering at the gates of the palace, Mardochus overheard two guards planning to kill the king. He immediately, through Esther, informed the king about the plot. Soon thereafter king Assuerus appointed one Haman his first minister. Mardochus was among the spectators at the palace gates when the new first minister was entering the palace; everyone bowed, but Mardochus refused. Haman was infuriated and plotted to kill not only Mardochus, but all the Jews in Persia. When the terrible decree was issued Mardochus applied to Esther for help. 

Meanwhile the king was having a bad sleep and asked that the royal journal be read to him. Thus he learned that Mardochus had earlier saved him and realized that he had never thanked him.  Next day when Haman came to the palace the king asked him how to reward a man to whom the king was obliged. Haman, thinking that the king meant him, offered an honorary procession, of course, he was unpleasantly surprised when the king ordered him to organize the procession in honor of the Jew Mardochus. 

Esther in her turn asked the king to make a banquet and invite Haman, who was much pleased with the queen's attention. But during the banquet Esther revealed her Jewish origin and told the king about Haman's plan to kill her people. The king left the banquet room to consider the question, and Haman threw himself at the queen's feet pleading her to have mercy on him. When the king returned, he thought that Haman was attacking his queen, and ordered his death immediately. Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mardochus. Thus the Jewish population of Persia was saved and their enemy punished. 
This event is celebrated by Jews as Purim holiday. 

========Paintings Esther, Assuerus, Haman and Mardochus

Andrea del Castagno. 
Queen Esther. From the Cycle of Famous Men and Women. 
c. 1450. Detached fresco. 
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

▶ 페르시아에 포로된 유태민족을 몰살의 위기로 부터 구해 낸 용기의 여자

성경:에스더 2장7∼11절

에스더는 바사나라 말로 「별」이라는 뜻이며 히브리 이름은 하닷사인데 「도금향」이라는 뜻이다.

에스더는 베냐민지파의 소녀로 신앙이 좋은 가정에서 자랐다. 일찍이 어려서 부모를 여의었으며 사촌오바인 모르드개를 통해 양육됐다. 당시의 왕 아하수에로가 왕후 와스디를 폐위하게 되는데 에스더에게 축복의 기회가 허락된다.

아하수에로왕은 각처에서 미모의 처녀들을 모아 그 몸을 가꾸고 단장하게 한 후 왕후를 간택하고자 했다. 에스더는 그 많은 처녀 중에서 왕의 총애를 받아 왕후가 된다. 에스더가 유대인인줄 몰랐던 하만은 모르드개를 미워한 나머지 유대민족까지 진멸시키려 계획했다.

이 사실을 알게 된 모르드개와 에스더는 온 이스라엘 백성에게 3일 금식기도를 명했고 이일 후에 규례를 어기고 왕 앞에 나아갔는데 이 때는 절대군주시대여서 왕의 기분이나 비위를 거스르면 왕후라도 죽게 됐다. 그러므로 에스더는 「죽으면 죽으리라」는 각오로 왕앞에 나아가 잔치 개최허락을 받아내는데 성공했다.

그 후 에스더는 두차례나 큰 잔치를 베풀고 왕과 하만을 동석시킨 자리에서 하만의 악한 꾀를 폭로했다. 아하수에로왕은 궁중일기를 읽은 뒤였기 때문에 모르드개와 이스라엘 선민을 해하려는 하만의 계획을 듣고 하만이 만든 장대에 그를 처형했다. 하나님은 의인의 편이시다.  (교훈과 적용)

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 읽기(Wayne),
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,