Gen1824-The Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire.jpg
01Gen1822 [LLM0204] Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 18:22-33, Genesis 19:1-29 
개역한글성경 창18:   창19:

After the angels visited Abraham, the LORD spoke to Abraham, and the angels went towards Sodom.  And the LORD told Abraham that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was very great.  But Abraham went near the LORD and said "Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked?  If there are 50 righteous, won't you spare the city?  Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" And the LORD said "If I find 50 righteous men, I will spare it for their sake." And Abraham asked the Lord again for 45 sake, and for 40 sake, and for 30 sake, and 20 sake, and finally 10 sake, and the LORD said "I will not destroy it for 10's sake." And the LORD went his way, and Abraham returned to his place.

And the two angels came to Sodom at evening time, and Lot was sitting in the gate, and when he saw them, they appeared as men, and Lot asked them to come to his house and to spend the night there.  And in the morning they could go on their way.  But the angels who appeared as men, said "No, but we will stay in the street all night."  And Lot pleaded with them and so finally they went with Lot and entered his house, and Lot made them a feast.

But before they lay down for the night, the men of the city, old men and young men, surrounded the house and demanded that Lot send out the two men to them, and Lot asked them to leave the men (angels) alone, because they were in his house.  So the men became very angry with Lot, and they went after him and tried to break the door of the house down.  But the men who were angels pulled Lot into the house and shut the door, and they caused the men outside to become blind so that they could not find the door.

And the angels asked Lot if he had any family, that he should take them out of the city because they were going to destroy the city for its wickedness before the LORD.  So Lot went out to speak to his family, but they they did not believe him, and made fun of him. 

And in the morning the angels hurried Lot, and told him to take his wife, and his two daughters and hurry out of the city, and they took Lot out of the city.  And they told him "Escape for your life, do not look behind you, and do not stay in the plain, escape to the mountain, or you will be consumed."  But Lot did not want to go to the mountain because he thought that some evil would overtake him, he wanted to stay in a little city called Zoar.  And so Lot and his family went to Zoar. 

Then the LORD brought down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, from out of heaven, and the cities, and the plain, and everyone in the cities were destroyed.  But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

And early in the morning Abraham got up and saw the smoke and it looked like the smoke from a furnace.  But God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot and his daughters out of the city. 
More Quiz 01Gen18  01Gen19

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