Aaronic Priesthood

The first thought in priesthood is that those appointed might minister to the Lord in the priests' office, that they might be a company in nearness to and in communion with the Lord. God had said of Israel that He had brought them to Himself, and redemption had been accomplished; but the people, having placed themselves under law, could not be in nearness, and needed the priesthood to maintain their relations with God, and to help them by the way. The high priest was appointed that he might offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins, and might exercise forbearance towards the ignorant and the erring Heb. 5:1, 2. The priest was to teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord had spoken. Lev. 10:11. He was the messenger of the Lord of hosts. Malachi 2:7. He offered up the sacrifices, and blessed the people. Lev. 9. He daily offered incense and attended to the lamps of the 'candlestick.' Minute instructions were given by God respecting everything the priest had to do, nothing being left for his own individual devising. Ample provision was made for the priests in portions of the sacrifices being given to them and by the first-fruits. After the death of Nadab and Abihu, Aaron was allowed to enter the holiest of all only once a year, and then not without blood. Lev. 16:1, 2. Whenever he officiated in the sanctuary in his garments of glory and beauty, the people were also presented, for in his breastplate and on the shoulder-pieces were the names of the children of Israel. Proper priestly work for the people was not to work out redemption for them, but to maintain their relations with God.See MELCHISEDEC.

(히05:1 대제사장마다 사람 가운데서 취한 자이므로 하나님께 속한 일에 사람을 위하여 예물과 속죄하는 제사를 드리게 하나니 

(레10:11 또 여호와가 모세로 명한 모든 규례를 이스라엘 자손에게 가르치리라

(말02:7 대저 제사장의 입술은 지식을 지켜야 하겠고 사람들이 그 입에서 율법을 구하게 되어야 할 것이니 제사장은 만군의 여호와의 사자가 됨이어늘 

(레09: 아론의 첫 제사

(레16:1-2 아론의 두 아들이 여호와 앞에 나아가다가 죽은 후에 여호와께서 모세에게 말씀하시니라 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 네 형 아론에게 이르라 성소의 장안 법궤 위 속죄소 앞에 무시로 들어오지 말아서 사망을 면하라 내가 구름 가운데서 속죄소 위에 나타남이니라

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