▶ 양털 Wool. 

The fleece of sheep and other animals. That of sheep was used for weaving into cloth, and is generally referred to as 'wool.' In the figurative language of Isa. 1:18 undyed wool represents the state resulting from the removal of sin by Jehovah from His people; the sin being compared to that which had been dyed crimson. The law forbade the wearing of a garment made of linen and wool: it was an unnatural mixture, figurative of the working of the Spirit and the flesh in a Christian. Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:11.

(사01:18 여호와께서 말씀하시되 오라 우리가 서로 변론하자 너희 죄가 주홍 같을찌라도 눈과 같이 희어질 것이요 진홍 같이 붉을찌라도 양털 같이 되리라

(레19:19;  너희는 내 규례를 지킬찌어다 네 육축을 다른 종류와 교합시키지 말며 네 밭에 두 종자를 섞어 뿌리지 말며 두 재료로 직조한 옷을 입지 말찌며

(신22:11. 양털과 베실로 섞어 짠 것을 입지 말지니라

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