▶ 귀신들린자 Demoniacs.

This word is used to describe men who were possessed by demons, as revealed in scripture. In the N.T. those 'possessed' by demons were certainly under the control of the demons, even to casting them into the fire and into the water.

It has been argued that the persons said to be possessed were really lunatics, who imagined they were possessed; and to meet that fancy the Lord spoke to the supposed spirit and told it to come out! But this is simply an effort to deny the power of Satan and his emissaries over man, and also God's power in the miracles. The Lord spoke of the casting out of demons when he was not speaking to those possessed. The demons also knew the Lord to be the Son of God, answered Him, asked permission to go into the herd of swine, and feared he had come to punish them before the time. Those who were lunatics are mentioned along with, and as different from, those possessed with demons. Matt. 4:24. It is true that the father of a lad who was possessed by a demon called him a lunatic, and said the disciples could not cure him, in Matt. 17:14-16; but in Mark 9:17 he said his son had a dumb spirit, and in Luke 9:39 'a spirit taketh him.' It was clearly a case of possession: the Lord rebuked the demon, and it departed from him.

(마04:24 그의 소문이 온 수리아에 퍼진지라 사람들이 모든 앓는 자 곧 각색 병과 고통에 걸린 자, 귀신 들린 자, 간질하는 자, 중풍병자들을 데려오니 저희를 고치시더라

(마17:14-16. 14 저희가 무리에게 이르매 한 사람이 예수께 와서 꿇어 엎드리어 가로되 15 주여 내 아들을 불쌍히 여기소서 저가 간질로 심히 고생하여 자주 불에도 넘어지며 물에도 넘어지는지라 16 내가 주의 제자들에게 데리고 왔으나 능히 고치지 못하더이다

(막09:17 무리 중에 하나가 대답하되 선생님 벙어리 귀신 들린 내 아들을 선생님께 데려 왔나이다

(눅09:39 예수께서 가라사대 금하지 말라 내 이름을 의탁하여 능한 일을 행하고 즉시로 나를 비방할 자가 없느니라

In all cases the relief was experienced immediately the demon was expelled; the words used are too explicit to mean aught else than that the persons were possessed, and that the wicked spirits were cast out. The case of Judas Iscariot was somewhat different, inasmuch as it was Satan himself that entered into that wretched man. Luke 22:3. Here it was more than the mere question of power over man, it was the Adversary standing up against Christ.

(눅22:3 열 둘 중에 하나인 가룟인이라 부르는 유다에게 사단이 들어가니

Besides the permanent possession of men, there was the unclean spirit of lying prophecy. In the O.T. we have a remarkable instance of a spirit influencing 400 prophets. Ahab was to be enticed to go to war, and a spirit said he would accomplish it. He would go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. "Now therefore," said Micaiah, "behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee." 2 Chr. 18:20-22. We do not know the nature of this spirit, nor how he influenced the prophets.

(대하18:20-22. 20 한 영이 나아와 여호와 앞에 서서 말하되 내가 저를 꾀이겠나이다 여호와께서 저에게 이르시되 어떻게 하겠느냐 21 가로되 내가 나가서 거짓말 하는 영이 되어 그 모든 선지자의 입에 있겠나이다 여호와께서 가라사대 너는 꾀이겠고 또 이루리라 나가서 그리하라 하셨은즉 22 이제 여호와께서 거짓말 하는 영을 왕의 이 모든 선지자의 입에 넣으셨고 또 여호와께서 왕에게 대하여 화를 말씀하셨나이다

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