▶ 새생명 New Birth

is a term commonly used to convey concisely the truth brought out in the beginning of John 3, namely, that a man's origin spiritually must be of God's work in him if he is to come under the moral sway of God in grace. This is specially the point in the conversation of the Lord with Nicodemus: "Except a man be born again [ἄνωθεν, not only again, but 'anew,' a new source and beginning], he cannot see the kingdom of God." "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God": that is, born of the Holy Spirit as the power, and of water (the word) as the means of moral cleansing. "Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth." James 1:18: cf. Eph. 5:26. "That which is born of the Spirit is spirit:" it is of the nature of its source — spiritual and not natural.

(요03: 니고데모와의 대화.

(약01:18 그가 그 조물 중에 우리로 한 첫 열매가 되게 하시려고 자기의 뜻을 좇아 진리의 말씀으로 우리를 낳으셨느니라

(엡05:26 이는 곧 물로 씻어 말씀으로 깨끗하게 하사 거룩하게 하시고

Nicodemus was astonished at what he heard, yet as a teacher in Israel he should have known the 'earthly' (not 'worldly') things concerning the kingdom of God. He should have learned from such passages as Ezek. 36:25-28; Jer. 31:33, that new birth was necessary for Israel to have part in God's kingdom. The heavenly things of Christianity are spoken of subsequently in John 3 as the fruit of the cross, and the love of God, but there must be new birth as the foundation in man, whatever be the nature of the blessing proposed.

(겔36:25-28; 25 맑은 물로 너희에게 뿌려서 너희로 정결케 하되 곧 너희 모든 더러운 것에서와 모든 우상을 섬김에서 너희를 정결케 할 것이며 26 또 새 영을 너희 속에 두고 새 마음을 너희에게 주되 너희 육신에서 굳은 마음을 제하고 부드러운 마음을 줄 것이며 27 또 내 신을 너희 속에 두어 너희로 내 율례를 행하게 하리니 너희가 내 규례를 지켜 행할지라 28 내가 너희 열조에게 준 땅에 너희가 거하여 내 백성이 되고 나는 너희 하나님이 되리라

(렘31:33 나 여호와가 말하노라 그러나 그 날 후에 내가 이스라엘 집에 세울 언약은 이러하니 곧 내가 나의 법을 그들의 속에 두며 그 마음에 기록하여 나는 그들의 하나님이 되고 그들은 내 백성이 될 것이라

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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