▶ 이스라엘(Israel)

뜻:하나님이 투쟁하심

야곱 이 처가에서 고향에 돌아 오다가 얍복강 가에서 천사와 씨름하여 이기고 축복으로 받은 이름(창32:22-28).

그 후부터 그 이름을 족명,국명을 삼아 이스라엘 족속 이스라엘 자손이라 불렀다(출16:31, (행01:6, (출01:7, (출05:1).

▶ 이스라엘/유다 Israel. [Is'rael]

Name given to Jacob after 'a man' had wrestled with him, to whom he clung when he was by him crippled. It signifies 'a prince of God:' and it was said, "as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed." It thus indicated the way of blessing with regard to the nation in which God's government in the earth was to be established. The twelve sons of Jacob became the heads of the twelve tribes, and they and their descendants were called the children of Israel, or simply Israel. At the division of the kingdom, the ten tribes were called 'Israel,' and the two tribes 'Judah,' though this distinction is not at all times rigidly adhered to: thus the princes and kings of Judah are called princes of Israel, and kings of Israel. 2 Chr. 12:5, 6; 2 Chr. 21:2; 2 Chr. 28:19. So those who returned from exile, though they were in the main of the two tribes, are called people of Israel, or Israel. In the prophets also, though the ten tribes are not called Judah, the two tribes are at times called Israel. The ten tribes in the prophets are often spoken of as EPHRAIM, which was the chief of the ten. Though Israel was reckoned as ten tribes, it is most probable that the portion of Simeon, being situated on the extreme south, was united to Judah, as well as the territory of Dan in the S.W., though the people of Simeon may have scattered themselves among the other tribes, and those of Dan have gone north and joined their tribe there.

(대하12:5-6; 5 때에 유다 방백들이 시삭을 인하여 예루살렘에 모였는지라 선지자 스마야가 르호보암과 방백들에게 나아와 가로되 여호와의 말씀이 너희가 나를 버렸으므로 나도 너희를 버려 시삭의 손에 붙였노라 하셨다 한지라 6 이에 이스라엘 방백들과 왕이 스스로 겸비하여 가로되 여호와는 의로우시다 하매

(대하21:2 여호사밧의 아들 여호람의 아우 아사랴와 여히엘과 스가랴와 아사랴와 미가엘과 스바댜는 다 유다 왕 여호사밧의 아들이라

(대하28:19 이는 이스라엘 왕 아하스가 유다에서 망령되이 행하여 여호와께 크게 범죄하였으므로 여호와께서 유다를 낮추심이라

THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL commenced when Jeroboam was made king, to whom it was promised that his house should be established if he followed the Lord. He, on the contrary, to prevent the people going to Jerusalem, immediately set up the golden calves at Dan and at Bethel. The kingdom was given up to idolatry, and a series of judgements followed. Baasha murdered Jeroboam's son and successor; and his own son and successor was slain by Zimri; Zimri was killed by Omri, and after a civil war of four years with Tibni, Omri became king and reigned with his successors forty-five years, ending with Jehoram the son of Ahab. He and the survivors of the house of Ahab were slain by Jehu directly or indirectly, and Jehu began the 5th dynasty, B.C. 884. He and his successors reigned, with varying judgements upon them, for a hundred and twelve years. Zachariah was the last, being the fourth successor of Jehu, as God had said, 2 Kings 15:12: he reigned only six months and was murdered by Shallum. During another fifty years the kingdom was spared: but there was no repentance. About B.C. 740 the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan were carried into captivity, and Israel became tributary to Assyria. Hoshea murdered Pekah, and after nine years of anarchy succeeded to the throne. He revolted against Assyria, trusting to Egypt; but Samaria was taken, and Israel carried into captivity. Thus ended the kingdom of Israel, B.C. 721. From about B.C. 784 to 725 Hosea was God's prophet in Israel. He solemnly pleaded with them, protesting against their evil ways, and was ever ready to help them to turn to God, though his efforts were, alas, in vain. 2 Kings 17:13-18; Hosea 13:16; Hosea 14:1-9.

(왕하15:12 여호와께서 예후에게 말씀하여 이르시기를 네 자손이 이스라엘 위를 이어 사대까지 이르리라 하신 그 말씀대로 과연 그렇게 되니라

(왕하17:13-18 이스라엘이 멸망한 원인

(호13:16 사마리아가 그 하나님을 배반하였으므로 형벌을 당하여 칼에 엎드러질 것이요 그 어린 아이는 부숴뜨리우며 그 아이 밴 여인은 배가 갈리우리라

(호14:1-9 이스라엘의 회복 약속

Israel when carried away were placed in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan (in the neighbourhood of the river Khabour, an affluent of the river Euphrates), and in the cities of the Medes. As far as is known they never returned, though doubtless individuals found their way back in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, and in the four hundred years that followed before the Lord appeared. Jews from those districts were present on the day of Pentecost; but as a body they are still commonly regarded as 'the Lost Tribes.' God knows where to find them when His set time of blessing arrives. The twelve tribes surely exist, and remnants of them will again come into the land. Ezek. 48:1-29; Matt. 19:28; Acts 26:7; James 1:1; Rev. 7:5-8.

(겔48:1-29 새 땅의 분배약속

(마19:28 예수께서 가라사대 내가 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 세상이 새롭게 되어 인자가 자기 영광의 보좌에 앉을 때에 나를 좇는 너희도 열 두 보좌에 앉아 이스라엘 열 두 지파를 심판하리라

(행26:7 이 약속은 우리 열 두 지파가 밤낮으로 간절히 하나님을 받들어 섬김으로 얻기를 바라는 바인데 아그립바 왕이여 이 소망을 인하여 내가 유대인들에게 송사를 받는 것이니이다

(약01:1 하나님과 주 예수 그리스도의 종 야고보는 흩어져 있는 열 두 지파에게 문안하노라

(계07:5-8. 5 유다 지파 중에 인 맞은 자가 일만 이천이요 르우벤 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 갓 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 6 아셀 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 납달리 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 므낫세 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 7 시므온 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 레위 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 잇사갈 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 8 스불론 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 요셉 지파 중에 일만 이천이요 베냐민 지파 중에 인 맞은 자가 일만 이천이라

The ten tribes will be dealt with differently from the two, who were in the land when the Lord was presented to them, and who rejected Him, and demanded His crucifixion. The ten tribes will, by a mighty hand and with fury poured out, be brought into the wilderness, and there God will plead with them, cause them to pass under the rod, and bring them into the bond of the covenant; but the rebels will be purged out. Ezek. 20:31-38. The question as to the wounds in the hands of the Lord, which He received in the house of His 'friends' is connected with Judah, who will be judged when in the land, and only one third of them after being refined, will be owned as God's people. Zech. 13:6-9. When God thus purges and restores a remnant of all the tribes, and brings them into full blessing in the land, the name of ISRAEL will embrace them all as it did at the first, and God will be their God for evermore. Ezek. 37:1-28.

(겔20:31-35 31 너희가 또 너희 아들로 화제를 삼아 예물로 드려 오늘날까지 우상들로 스스로 더럽히느냐 이스라엘 족속아 너희가 내게 묻기를 내가 용납하겠느냐 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 나의 삶을 두고 맹세하노니 너희가 내게 묻기를 내가 용납지 아니하리라 32 너희가 스스로 이르기를 우리가 이방인 곧 열국 족속 같이 되어서 목석을 숭배하리라 하거니와 너희 마음에 품은 것을 결코 이루지 못하리라 33 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 나의 삶을 두고 맹세하노니 내가 능한 손과 편 팔로 분노를 쏟아 너희를 단정코 다스릴지라 34 능한 손과 편 팔로 분노를 쏟아 너희를 열국 중에서 나오게 하며 너희의 흩어진 열방 중에서 모아내고 35 너희를 인도하여 열국 광야에 이르러 거기서 너희를 대면하여 국문하되

(슥13:6-9 6 혹이 그에게 묻기를 네 두 팔 사이에 상처는 어찜이냐 하면 대답하기를 이는 나의 친구의 집에서 받은 상처라 하리라 7 만군의 여호와가 말하노라 칼아 깨어서 내 목자, 내 짝된 자를 치라 목자를 치면 양이 흩어지려니와 작은 자들 위에는 내가 내 손을 드리우리라 8 여호와가 말하노라 이 온 땅에서 삼분지 이는 멸절하고 삼분지 일은 거기 남으리니 9 내가 그 삼분지 일을 불 가운데 던져 은 같이 연단하며 금 같이 시험할 것이라 그들이 내 이름을 부르리니 내가 들을 것이며 나는 말하기를 이는 내 백성이라 할 것이요 그들은 말하기를 여호와는 내 하나님이시라 하리라

(겔37:1-28 마른 뼈들의 골짜기 비유와 화평의 언약

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