kq030. Israel in Egypt

1. Which Israelite tribal patriarch became a Prime Minister of Egypt?

(a) Moses
(b) Judah
(c) Jacob
(d) Joseph

2. How many Israelites moved to Egypt to begin Israel's 400 years there?

(a) Less than 100
(b) About 1,000
(c) About 100,000
(d) About 3,000,000

3. How many Israelites left Egypt in the Exodus after 400 years?

(a) Over 600 military-age males, plus everyone else
(b) Over 6,000 military-age males, plus everyone else
(c) Over 60,000 military-age males, plus everyone else
(d) Over 600,000 military-age males, plus everyone else

4. What part of Egypt did the Israelites live and prosper in for their 4 centuries in Egypt?

(a) In the Sinai Desert
(b) In the south of Egypt, along the Nile River
(c) In the west of Egypt, near the border of Libya
(d) In the well-watered area of the Nile Delta known as Goshen

5. Who were the two Israelite tribal patriarchs that were born in Egypt from an Egyptian mother?

(a) Simon and Shuster
(b) Gershom and Eliezer
(c) Abdullah and Ishmael
(d) Ephraim and Manasseh

6. Why was the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus afraid of the Israelites in his country?

(a) They were opposing him politically
(b) They refused to earn their own living
(c) They were converting Egyptians to their religion
(d) They were peaceful and law-abiding, but powerful in number

7. From what river was Moses saved in a floating basket?

(a) The Jordan
(b) The Euphrates
(c) The Mississippi
(d) The Nile

8. Who raised Moses as her own child?

(a) The Pharaoh's wife
(b) The Pharaoh's mother
(c) The Pharaoh's sister
(d) The Pharaoh's daughter

9. Who named Moses?

(a) His actual Israelite mother
(b) The Egyptian woman who adopted him
(c) Aaron
(d) The Pharaoh

10. When Jacob / Israel died of old age in Egypt, what did his son Joseph have done with it?

(a) Jacob was buried in Goshen
(b) Jacob was cremated and his ashes were placed in the Nile River
(c) Jacob was placed in a tomb; his bones were carried out in the Exodus
(d) Jacob was mummified and buried in the family tomb at Hebron

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성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교