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English Story - 이솝이야기

닉네임 등록일 조회 추천
4 The Farmer and the Stork 파일
2013-09-19 1237  
농부와 황새 The Farmer and the Stork A Stork of a very simple and trusting nature had been asked by a gay party of Cranes...
3 The Dog and His Reflection 파일
2013-01-26 1237  
개와 그림자 The Dog and His Reflection A Dog, to whom the butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his prize ...
2 The Bull and the Goat 파일
2012-11-07 1237  
황소와 염소 The Bull and the Goat A Bull once escaped from a Lion by entering a cave which the Goatherds used to house ...
1 A Raven and a Swan 파일
2012-11-02 1231  
까마귀와 백조 A Raven and a Swan A Raven, which you know is black as coal, was envious of the Swan, because her feathers ...