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번호   제목 닉네임 등록일 조회 추천
Notice QnA 중국어 문장구조, 발음 설명 동영상 파일
2019-08-08 119623 11
Notice 故事成語 고사성어로 읽는 사기/손자병법/초한지/삼국... 파일
2018-04-23 140319 12
Notice 實力點檢 고사성어/속담격언 문제풀기[Idioms++ Qui...
2011-08-27 783793 16
Notice 故事成語 漢子熱風 “하늘天 따地”…선택 아닌 필...
2004-03-30 196805 573
Notice QnA QNA 게시판(글작성)에 대하여 [4]
2004-02-21 205767 330
32 Drawing a snake and Adding Feet 파일
2011-03-29 4229  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国,475-221BC), a man in the State of Chu (chǔ guǒ楚国) was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors. After the ceremo...
31 Discussing strategms on paper 파일
2012-04-10 3536  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao had a famous general called Zhao She, whose son, Zhao Kuo, was very fond of reading books on military sc...
30 Cut the feet to fit the shoes 파일
2015-02-09 2430  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Cut the feet to fit the shoes; act in a procrustean manner The Han Dynasty (hàn cháo汉朝) book titled Huai Nan Zi (huaí nán zǐ 淮南子) tells a story ab...
29 Crossing a River in the Same Boat 파일
2014-05-07 3024  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Crossing a River in the Same Boat. In the Spring and Autumn period (春秋 chūn qiū,770 — 221BC), the Wu State (wú guó 吴国 ) and the Yue State (yuè guó ...
28 Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire 파일
2010-07-07 4417 17
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire In the last years of the Warring States period (zhàn guó 战国, 475-221BC), the State of Qin attacked the State of Wei (...
27 Cannot make a decision 파일
2018-12-31 1518  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Cannot make a decision The ‘You’ is a kind of wild animal which is by nature extremely suspicious. Whenever it hears a sound, it immediately becomes afraid, ...
26 Calling a Stag a Horse 파일
2006-06-21 3843 58
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 아래 댓글로 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to u...
25 Break through brambles and thorns
2019-06-25 2073 2
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the early stage of Eastern Han Dynasty (dōng hàn 东汉,25—220AD),Feng Yi (féng yì 冯异)established himself as a prestigious general,who risked his own life...
24 Borrowing the Skin from a Fox 파일
2014-04-23 2686  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Borrowing the Skin from a Fox. In ancient times there was a man who was very fond of fur clothes and fine food. He asked a fox to give him its pelt,...
23 beating the grass and flushing out ... 파일
2019-01-16 1612  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ beating the grass and flushing out the snake In ancient times there was a county magistrate who took bribes and practised graft. One day, somebody sent him a pe...
22 Be there just to make up the numbe... 파일
2019-05-18 5007  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ During the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国,475-221BC),the King of the State of Qi (qí guó 齐国) was very keen on listening to a traditional musical instr...
21 Be on its last legs. 
2019-08-02 4077  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ During the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋 chūn qiū,770 - 221BC),Chu Pingwang (chǔ pěng wǎng 楚平王),the ruler of the state of Chu (chǔ guó 楚国),was notorious ...
20 Basking in Reflected Glory 파일
2010-10-12 4548 20
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ A tiger caught a fox in a forest, and was just about to eat it, when the fox said, 'You mustn't eat me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eat...
19 At one's wit's end. 
2019-07-05 2150 1
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Long long ago,in ancient China, there were no donkeys in Guizhou (guì zhōu 贵州) province. One day,a man brought a donkey from somewhere else by boating,only ...
18 As precarious as a pile of eggs 파일
2014-04-15 2582  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ As precarious as a pile of eggs. During the Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū 春秋时期,770-476 BC), Duke Ling of the Kingdom of Chin ordered a nine-level...
17 As If it were Raining Flowers 파일
2011-03-29 5284  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Southern and Northern Dynasties (南北朝,420-589 AD), Liang Wudi (梁武帝), the ruler of Liang Dynasty (梁朝) had a strong belief in Buddhism, therefo...
16 Aping the beauty’s frown. 파일
2019-01-28 1515  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ the Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū 春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (xī shī 西施). She often suffered from pa...
15 An Old Horse Knows the Way. 파일
2019-05-15 2334  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū 春秋时期,770-476 BC), Duke Huan of Qi (qí huán gōng 齐桓公) led an army to attack a small state in the north. The...
14 An Ant Trying to Shake a Big T...
2019-06-22 2357 1
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ Han Yu (hàn yù 韩愈)was a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty ( tàng chào 唐朝,618-907). In one of his poems he wrote, "An ant tries to topple a giant tre...
13 Allaying Hunger with Pictures of ... 파일
2019-04-26 1531  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Three Kingdoms Period (sān guó 三国时代,220-280AD), the king of the state of Wei (wèi guó 魏国), Cao Rui (cáo ruì 曹睿), wanted to select a very cap...
12 A well-thought-out plan already befo... 파일
2014-02-07 2693  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Song Dynasty (宋朝), an artist called Wen Tong (文同) was especially fond of drawing bamboos. He planted a lot of bamboos in his garden so that h...
11 A Warning Taken From the Overturn...
2019-06-30 1946 1
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ During the Western Han dynasty (xī hàn西汉), there lived in Loyang a man named Jia Yi. Jia Yi was very knowledgeable , and even the emperor engaged him ...
10 A Sichuan Dog Barks At the Sun 파일
2014-02-08 2608  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ A Sichuan Dog Barks At the Sun. A leading writer of the Tang Dynasty (táng cháo 唐朝,618-907AD) named Liu Zongyuan (liú zōng yuán 柳宗元),once told a ...
9 A Roc's flight of ten thousand l...
2019-06-20 1877 1
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Chinese classic《Chuangtze》(zhuāng zǐ 庄子),there is a legend like this: Once upon a time, a gigantic fish named Kun (kūn 鲲) lived in the northe...
8 A repeated slander makes others be... 파일
2014-01-22 2602  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ The Warring States Period (475-221BC) witnessed a great deal of wars and alliances among small states in China. At that time,in order to pursue their common i...
7 A mantis trying to stop a chariot 파일
2014-03-21 2919  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ A mantis trying to stop a chariot A long time ago,a carter was driving his cart,when a mantis jumped out in front of the cart. Raising its forelegs,it trie...
6 A Gentleman on the Beam. 파일
2019-05-25 1876  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Eastern Han Dynasty (dōng hàn 东汉), there was a man named Chen Shi (chén shí 陈寔) . One day, a thief slipped into his livingroom. Hiding behin...
5 A flower that vanishes as soon as ... 파일
2015-02-12 2616  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ A flower that vanishes as soon as it appears. The broad-leaved epiphyllum is a beautiful and precious white flower which usually blooms at night, and its blossom...
4 A courtyard as crowded as a marketp... 파일
2019-06-07 4047 2
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ During the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国,481 - 386BC),there was a handsome government official named Zou Ji (zōu jì 邹忌) who lived in the kindom of Qi...
3 A Castle in the Air. 파일
2019-05-09 1565  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ A rich man asked an architect to build a three-story house for him. When the first story was finished, the rich man said to the architect: "I want only t...
2 A Broken Mirror Made Whole Again...
2019-06-27 1941 1
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Northern and Southern Dynasties (nán běi cháo 南北朝,420-589AD) when the State of Chen (chén guó 陈国) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan (xú dé ...
1 A bird startled by the mere twan... 파일
2019-05-04 1462  
어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. ▶ In the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国), there was a man in the State of Wei (wèi guó 魏国) called Geng Lei. One day he said to the king: 'I can ...

12간지(生肖成语) : 쥐Rat鼠, 소Ox牛, 호랑이Tiger虎, 토끼Rabbit兎, 용Dragon龍, 룡Dragon龍, 뱀Snake蛇, 말Horse馬, 양Sheep羊, 원숭이Monkey猴, 닭Chicken鶏, 개Dog1狗, 개Dog2犬, 돼지Pig猪, 동물 : 여우fox狐, 코끼리Elephant象, 이리Wolf1狼, 이리Wolf2狼, 곰Bear熊, 고양이Cat猫, 사슴Deer鹿, 물고기Fish魚, 표범Leopard豹, 당나귀Donkey驴, 까마귀Crow烏, 학Crane鶴, 사마귀mantis螳螂, 식물(植物) : 꽃Flower, 풀Grass, 나무Tree1, 나무Tree2, 열매Fruit, 4계절(四季) : 봄Spring, 여름Summer, 가을Autumm, 겨울Winter, 방향(方位) : 북North, 동East, 서West, 남South, Anim