

Idioms - 고사성어 백과사전E.Idioms › beating the grass and flushing out the snake

cyber | 2019.01.16 18:00:40 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.24 13:04:42-1

어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. 

▶ beating the grass and flushing out the snake

In ancient times there was a county magistrate who took bribes and practised graft. One day, somebody sent him a petition accusing his secretary of practising graft and taking bribes. The magistrate trembles when he read the petition. He wrote on it:"You have beaten the grass and frightened a snake."
This idiom refers to alerting the target of one's scheme by being incautious.


【翻 译】beating the grass and flushing out the snake.
【解 释】比喻做法不谨慎,反使对方有所戒备。
【例 句】为不打草惊蛇, 警方在那里守候了十多天,终于将嫌疑人擒获归案。
【近义词】操之过急、因小失大 、敲山震虎、顾此失彼

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Idioms Category, TEST실력점검, 成语낭독 20200522_youtube.jpg, 사자성어 인물별, 주제별, 시대별, 물,술,돌,태양..., 숫자,나이,꿈..., 동,식물관련, 삼국시대, 삼국지년대별, 삼국지xe, 동물 : 개Dog, 소Cattle, 여우fox, 용 Dragon, 쥐Rat, 토끼Rabbit, 코끼리, 사자성어유머, 올해의 사자성어 (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015년, 2014년, 2013년, 2012년, 2011년, 2010년, 2009년, 2008년, 2007년, 2006년, 2005년, 2004년, 2003년), 三國演義, 바둑관련Idioms, 병법三十六計,

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