

Idioms - 고사성어 백과사전E.Idioms › The horse which does harm to the herd

cyber | 2019.03.18 18:24:02 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.24 10:58:03-2

어떤 고사성어에 대한 이야기일까요? 맞추어 보세요. 

▶ It was about four thousand years ago. Huangdi (Yellow Emperor)-the first legendary ruler in China went to the countryside to visit an old friend with his entourage. They met a boy keeping watch over a herd of horses on their way.
Huangdi asked the boy, "Do you know the way to my friend's village far away from here?"
The boy said yes.
Then the emperor asked, "Do you know my friend?"
The answer was yes again.
Huangdi thought the boy was broad-minded. So he asked him,"Do you know how to rule a country?"
The boy said, "There is little difference between ruling a country and watching over a herd of horses. You simply have to drive the wild horses out of the herd."

The emperor left, brooding over the boy's words. The idiom "The horse which does harm to the herd - A black sheep" is taken from what the boy said and is used to describe anyone who has a bad influence on his peers.




【翻译】The Horse Which Does Harm To The Herd - A Black Sheep.

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Idioms Category, TEST실력점검, 成语낭독 20200522_youtube.jpg, 사자성어 인물별, 주제별, 시대별, 물,술,돌,태양..., 숫자,나이,꿈..., 동,식물관련, 삼국시대, 삼국지년대별, 삼국지xe, 동물 : 개Dog, 소Cattle, 여우fox, 용 Dragon, 쥐Rat, 토끼Rabbit, 코끼리, 사자성어유머, 올해의 사자성어 (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015년, 2014년, 2013년, 2012년, 2011년, 2010년, 2009년, 2008년, 2007년, 2006년, 2005년, 2004년, 2003년), 三國演義, 바둑관련Idioms, 병법三十六計,

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