1. Theme별 유머
  2. English Story
  3. 토픽 뉴스



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Notice E-Jokes Theme 2019-01-12 3341  
  • BAPTISTS - The old colored man

    조회:523 / 추천:0

    2019.01.12 by wjoker

  • A new preacher looks like a country

    조회:785 / 추천:8

    2004.11.25 by wjoker

  • A new Pastor moves into town

    조회:802 / 추천:3

    2004.06.07 by wjoker

  • A pastor decides to paint his church

    조회:810 / 추천:6

    2004.08.05 by wjoker

  • Three couples are interested in joining a church.

    조회:822 / 추천:10

    2004.03.20 by wjoker

  • A young couple meet with their pastor

    조회:843 / 추천:9

    2004.08.31 by wjoker


    조회:872 / 추천:7

    2004.05.25 by wjoker

  • A mother dies of embarassment

    조회:872 / 추천:8

    2004.06.15 by wjoker

  • A preacher is getting ready to give

    조회:910 / 추천:4

    2004.07.08 by wjoker

  • A little girl wears a pretty dress

    조회:940 / 추천:5

    2004.08.10 by wjoker

  • A story about a wholeseller in New York

    조회:974 / 추천:11

    2005.07.28 by wjoker

  • A man visits a pastor's home

    조회:1023 / 추천:12

    2004.07.13 by wjoker

  • Another collection of jokes

    조회:1083 / 추천:4

    2004.06.03 by wjoker

  • A Rabbai, a minister & a priest are playing poker

    조회:1126 / 추천:17

    2004.05.12 by wjoker

  • When professionals get old

    조회:1149 / 추천:15

    2004.07.08 by wjoker

  • A man & woman decide to get married

    조회:1153 / 추천:12

    2004.02.24 by wjoker

  • Three couples wanted to join a church

    조회:1196 / 추천:2

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • Two boys live in a small little town in virginia

    조회:1310 / 추천:6

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A priest and pastor from the local parishes are standing by the side

    조회:1349 / 추천:11

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • BRIBERY - A thriving baseball club is one of the features

    조회:1477 / 추천:0

    2019.02.09 by wjoker

  • Three Pastors from the south were having lunch in a diner

    조회:1512 / 추천:5

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • As a young man, Norton was an exceptional golfer

    조회:1533 / 추천:9

    2010.01.03 by wjoker

  • Three preachers and their wives were killed in a car accident

    조회:1697 / 추천:5

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A minister passed a group of teenaged boys sitting on the church lawn

    조회:1767 / 추천:204

    2009.08.25 by wjoker