1. Theme별 유머
  2. English Story
  3. 토픽 뉴스



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Notice E-Jokes Theme 2019-01-12 3327  
  • An engineer died and ended up in Hell

    조회:1277 / 추천:11

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • About a century or two ago, the Pope challenged the Jewish community

    조회:1286 / 추천:4

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • There was a priest who decided to enter a monastery

    조회:1189 / 추천:6

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • An old preacher was dying

    조회:1147 / 추천:6

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A guy dies and goes to heaven

    조회:1673 / 추천:3

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • The Pope had just finished a tour of the East Coast

    조회:1514 / 추천:3

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • The head of the monastery wanted to check how strong his priests are

    조회:1174 / 추천:11

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • When Nuns are admitted to Heaven they go through a special gate

    조회:1426 / 추천:6

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A burglar broke into a house one night

    조회:1133 / 추천:2

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A priest was called away for an emergency

    조회:1088 / 추천:8

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A Chinese man and his Jewish friend were walking along one day

    조회:1116 / 추천:18

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • There was a priest who was drowning in the ocean

    조회:1121 / 추천:7

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • Einstein climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God

    조회:934 / 추천:5

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • Two beggars are sitting on a park bench in Mexico City

    조회:1115 / 추천:8

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • After a few days on the new Earth, the Lord called to Adam

    조회:1321 / 추천:3

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • In the convent a young nun went to see the mother superior

    조회:1161 / 추천:2

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A man went to see his Rabbi and said

    조회:1161 / 추천:4

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • As the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast

    조회:1067 / 추천:12

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A drunken man staggered into a Catholic church

    조회:1167 / 추천:12

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A Jewish mother is walking down the street with her two young sons

    조회:1092 / 추천:2

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A Jewish mother walks her son to the school bus

    조회:1113 / 추천:4

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A man once spent days looking for his new hat

    조회:1339 / 추천:8

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • An atheist was taking a walk through the woods

    조회:1130 / 추천:3

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • George W. Bush, in an airport lobby

    조회:1250 / 추천:11

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A very religious man lived right next door to an atheist

    조회:1157 / 추천:4

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • Three men, an Italian, a Frenchman, and a Jew, were condemned

    조회:1059 / 추천:9

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • Moses, Jesus, and an old man are golfing

    조회:1640 / 추천:5

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A Sunday School teacher of pre-schoolers was concerned

    조회:1144 / 추천:8

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A Jewish mother bought her son two pairs of socks for his birthday

    조회:922 / 추천:13

    2009.08.25 by wjoker

  • A very tight man was looking for a gift for a girlfriend

    조회:1169 / 추천:11

    2009.08.25 by wjoker