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  2. English Story
  3. 토픽 뉴스



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Notice E-Jokes Theme 2019-01-12 3315  
  • Absentmindedness - The inventor

    조회:818 / 추천:0

    2013.09.26 by wjoker

  • Absentmindedness - The man

    조회:811 / 추천:0

    2013.09.26 by wjoker

  • Three men are in a bar

    조회:944 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A blonde woman named Brandi finds herself in dire trouble.

    조회:840 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • Claire was becoming frustrated with her husband's insistence

    조회:845 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man came home from work one day to find his wife

    조회:809 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man who just got a raise decides to buy a new scope for his rifle

    조회:814 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A few months after his parents were divorced,

    조회:843 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man gets onto a city bus and sees an attractive nun.

    조회:918 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man walks into a bar and orders a triple scotch.

    조회:827 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A 75 year old man went to his doctor's office for a sperm count test

    조회:866 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man and his wife were having an argument in bed.

    조회:895 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man complained to his friend

    조회:815 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A man went to see his doctor.

    조회:808 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • One day Jane met Tarzan in the jungle

    조회:825 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • A handsome young lad went into the hospital for some minor surgery

    조회:833 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • Top 10 New Additions to the Rules of Golf

    조회:917 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • To The Golfer

    조회:850 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • Top 10 Things That Sound Dirty In Golf But Aren't

    조회:903 / 추천:0

    2013.06.23 by wjoker

  • You try and guess which one I'm going to marry

    조회:1192 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • Excuse me God, can I ask you a few questions?

    조회:955 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage

    조회:999 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • How much does it cost to get married?

    조회:849 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • A man walks out of a bar

    조회:834 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • A man is at the bar, really drunk

    조회:863 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • How many children do you have?

    조회:860 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • A man was stopped by a game warden in Northern Minnesota

    조회:911 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • Top 10 Signs You're Too Old for the Senior Tour

    조회:1120 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • Top 10 Signs You are Golfing Too Much

    조회:1225 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker

  • A corporal needed to use a pay phone

    조회:1014 / 추천:0

    2012.04.08 by wjoker