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Chapter 019-03 여포의 죽음 




 The scouts told Lu Bu, who was then in Xuzhou, whither he had gone to start an expedition to save Xiaopei. He left the protection of Xuzhou to Chen Gui and set out with Chen Deng.

 As Chen Deng was starting, Chen Gui said to him, "Remember the words of Cao Cao, that the business of the east is in our hands. Now is our moment, for Lu Bu is about to suffer defeat."

 "Father, I can look after the outside. But when Lu Bu returns beaten, you must arrange with Mi Zhu to keep him out of the city. I shall find a means of escape," said Chen Deng.

 "His family is here, and he has many friends. How about them?"

 "I also have a scheme to settle them."

 Then Chen Deng went to see Lu Bu, to whom he said, "Xuzhou is surrounded, and this city will be fiercely attacked. We ought to provide for possible retreat, and I advise storing grain and money in Xiapi. We could retreat there if the day went adversely. Why not see about this in good time?"

 "Your words are indeed wise. I will also send my wives and little ones thither," said Lu Bu.

 The family left under escort of Wei Xu and Song Xian, and with them was sent much grain and treasures and coins.

 And then the soldiers marched to the relief of the pass. About half way there Chen Deng said, "Let me go first to reconnoiter so that you, my lord, may advance with confidence."

 Thus Chen Deng parted company with his chief and preceded him to the pass where he was received by Chen Gong.

 Chen Deng said, "The General greatly wonders why you do not advance. He is going to inquire into it."

 "The enemy is in great force, and we cannot be too careful," said Chen Gong. "We are holding the pass, and you should persuade our master to take steps to guard Xiaopei."

 Chen Deng said, "Your words are true."

 That evening he went up to the heights from which he could see Cao Cao's army, which was quite close to the pass. Then he wrote three notes, tied them to arrows, and shot them into Cao Cao's camp.

 Next day he left and hastened back to Lu Bu and said, "Those bandits are about to give up the pass to the enemy, but I have left Chen Gong to hold it. You had better make an attack tonight and hold him."

 "Had it not been for you, the pass would have been lost," said Lu Bu.

 Then he sent Chen Deng back to arrange a fire signal with Chen Gong for simultaneous action.

 So Chen Deng returned to Chen Gong to whom he said, "Cao Cao's troops have found a secret way through the pass, and I fear Xuzhou is already lost. You ought to go back at once."

 At this the pass was abandoned, and Chen Gong began to retreat. Then Chen Deng gave the prearranged signal.

 Lu Bu saw the fire and advanced in the darkness to the relief of the pass. Presently he met Chen Gong's army; and as neither recognized the other in the darkness, a fierce battle ensued. Nor was the trick discovered till daylight came.

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