

古代文学/ 东周列国志, 三國演義, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记, 红楼梦三國演義+영문 › Chapter 109-03 인과응보

cyber | 2016.09.20 21:39:07 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.25 07:10:07-3

Chapter 109-03 인과응보








42 Jiang Wei pulled up and turned to finish his fallen enemy, but the soldiers of Wei were nearly upon him, and he had only time to snatch up Guo Huai's spear and ride off. Now that Jiang Wei was armed and their own leader wounded, the soldiers of Wei had no more desire to fight. They picked up their general and carried him to camp. There the arrow-head was pulled out, but the flow of blood could not be stanched, and Guo Huai died.

43 Sima Zhao descended from the hill as soon as Jiang Wei moved away, and pursued some distance before returning.

44 Xiahou Ba forced his way out and rejoined Jiang Wei as soon as he could, and they marched away together. The losses of Shu in this defeat were very heavy. On the road they dared not halt to muster or reform, but went helter-skelter into Hanzhong. In that campaign, though the Shu army were defeated, they had killed Xu Zi and Guo Huai on the other side and had damaged the prestige of Wei. Thus Jiang Wei's achievement made up for his offense.

45 After rewarding the Qiangs for their help, Sima Zhao led his army back to Capital Luoyang, where he joined his brother Sima Shi in administering the government. They were too strong for any of the officers to dare opposition, and they terrorized Cao Fang, the Ruler of Wei, so that he shook with fright whenever he saw Sima Shi at court, and felt as if needles were being stuck into his back.

46 One day, when the Ruler of Wei was holding a court, Sima Shi came into the hall wearing his sword. Cao Fang hastily left his dragon throne to receive him.

47 "What does this mean? Is this the correct etiquette for a prince when his minister approaches?" said Sima Shi, smiling. "I pray Your Majesty remember your dignity and listen while the ministers address the Throne."

48 Court business then proceeded. Sima Shi decided every question without reference to the Ruler of Wei; and when Sima Shi retired, he stalked haughtily down the hall and went home, followed by his escort, which numbered thousands of horse and foot.

49 When the Ruler of Wei left the court, only three followed him to the private apartments. They were Minister Xiahou Xuan, Secretary Li Feng, and High Minister Zhang Qi. Zhang Qi was the father of his consort, Empress Zhang. Sending away the servants, Cao Fang and these three went into a private chamber.

50 Seizing his father-in-law's hand, Cao Fang began to weep, saying, "That man Sima Shi treats me as a child and regards the officers of state as if they were so many straws. I am sure the throne will be his one day."

51 And he wept bitterly.

52 Said Li Feng, "Do not be so sad, Sire. I am but a poor sort of person. But if Your Majesty will give me authority, I will call together all the bold people in the country and slay this man."

53 "It was from fear of this man that my brother Xiahou Ba was forced to go over to Shu," said Xiahou Xuan. "If Sima Shi were destroyed, my brother could return. I belong to a family related to the rulers of the state for many generations, and I cannot sit still while a wretch ruins the government. Put my name in the command as well, and we will work together to remove him."

54 "But I am afraid we can not overcome him," said Cao Fang.

55 They wept and said, "We pledge ourselves to work together for the destruction of the tyrant, and to show our gratitude to Your Majesty!"

56 Cao Fang them stripped himself of his innermost garment, gnawed his finger till the blood flowed, and with his finger-tip traced a command in blood.

57 He gave it to his father-in-law, Zhang Qi, saying, "My ancestor, Emperor Cao, put to death Dong Cheng for just such a matter as this, so you must be exceedingly careful and maintain the greatest secrecy."

58 "Oh, why use such ill-omened words?" cried Li Feng. "We are not like Dong Cheng, and Sima Shi cannot compare to the Founder. Have no doubts."

59 The three conspirators took leave and went out carrying the edict with them. Beside the Donghua Gate of the Palace, they saw Sima Shi coming to meet them wearing a sword. Following him were many armed guards. The three ministers took the side of the road to let the party go by.

60 "Why are you three so late in leaving the Palace?" asked Sima Shi.

61 "His Majesty was reading, and we stayed with him," said Li Feng.

62 "What was he reading?"

63 "The histories of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties."

64 "What questions did the Emperor ask as he read those books?"

65 "He asked about Yi Yin and how he upheld the Shang; and the Duke of Zhou, how he acted when he was regent. And we told His Majesty that you were both Yi Yin and the Duke of Zhou to him."

66 Sima Shi smiled grimly and said, "Why did you compare me with those two when in your hearts you think me a rebel like Wang Mang and Dong Zhuo?"

67 "How should we dare when we are your subordinates?" said the three ministers.

68 "You are a lot of flatterers," said Sima Shi, angrily. "And what were you crying about in that private chamber with the Emperor?"

69 "We did no such thing."

70 "Your eyes are still red: You cannot deny that!"

71 Xiahou Xuan then knew that the secrecy had been showed, so he broke out into a volley of abuse, crying, "Well, we were crying because of your conduct, because you terrorize over the Emperor and are scheming to usurp the Throne!"

72 "Seize him!" roared Sima Shi.

73 Xiahou Xuan threw back his sleeves and struck at Sima Shi with his fists, but the lictors pulled him back. Then the three were searched, and on Zhang Qi was found the blood-stained garment of the Emperor. They handed it to their chief, who recognized the object of his search, the secret edict. It said:

74 "The two Sima brothers have stolen away all my authority and are plotting to take the Throne. The edicts I have been forced to issue do not represent my wishes, and hereby all officers, civil and military, may unite to destroy these two and restore the authority of the Throne. These ends achieved, I will reward those who help to accomplish them."

75 Sima Shi, more angry than ever, said, "So you wish to destroy me and my brother. This is too much!"

76 He ordered his followers to execute the three on the public ground by waist-bisection and to destroy their whole clans.

77 The three reviled without ceasing. On the way to the place of execution, they ground their teeth with rage, spitting out the pieces they broke off. They died muttering curses.

78 Sima Shi then went to the rear apartments of the Palace, where he found the Emperor talking with his Consort.

79 Just as he entered, she was saying to the Emperor, "The Palace is full of spies, and if this comes out, it will mean trouble for me."


三國志 SanguoZhi CoverPage, Dictionary Category, Novel Category, 삼국지 연대표 & 사자성어 : 155년 ~ 190 ~ 200 ~ 210 ~ 220 ~ 230 ~ 250 ~ 270 ~ 284, 삼국지 인물별 고사성어 - 위(魏), 촉(蜀), 오(吳), 기타, 삼국지 인물별 처세술 - 조조, 유비, 손권, K-Jokes Theme, E-Jokes Theme, 올해의 사자성어,

World Tour, K-Paintings Category, korea news, 名所[Nice Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 文化財[Historic Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 북한문화재/명소 시대별, 지역별, 천연기념, 고전명화, 도자기 서바이벌 퀴즈 (사자성어, 한문, 국사, 세계사, 영어문제, 부동산, 공무원시험), 역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스), W-Tour Category, Korea