

古代文学/ 东周列国志, 三國演義, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记, 红楼梦三國演義+영문 › Chapter 109-04 인과응보

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Chapter 109-04 인과응보










80 Sima Shi strode in, sword in hand.

81 "My father placed Your Majesty on the throne, a service no less worthy than that of Duke Zhou; I have served Your Majesty as Yi Yin served his master. Now is kindness met by enmity and service regarded as a fault. Your Majesty has plotted with two or three insignificant officials to slay me and my brother. Why is this?"

82 "I had no such intention," said Cao Fang.

83 In reply Sima Shi drew the garment from his sleeve and threw it on the ground.

84 "Who did this?"

85 Cao Fang was overwhelmed: His soul flew beyond the skies, his spirit lied to the ninth heaven.

86 Shaking with fear, he said, "I was forced into it. How could I think of such a thing?"

87 "To slander ministers by charging them with rebellion is an aggravated crime," said Sima Shi.

88 Cao Fang knelt at his feet, saying, "Yes, I am guilty. Forgive me."

89 "I beg Your Majesty to rise: The laws must be respected!"

90 Pointing to Empress Zhang, Sima Shi said, "She is of the Zhang house and must die!"

91 "Spare her!" cried Cao Fang, weeping bitterly.

92 But Sima Shi was obdurate. He bade the lictors lead her away, and she was strangled with a white silk cord at a Palace gate.

93 Now I recall another year; and lo! 
An empress borne away to shameful death. 
Barefooted, weeping bitterly she shrieks 
"Farewell," torn from her consort's arms. 
History repeats itself; time's instrument, 
Sima Shi avenges this on Cao Cao's heirs.

94 The day after these events, Sima Shi assembled all the officers and addressed them thus: "Our present lord is profligate and devoid of principle; familiar with the vile and friendly with the impure. He lends a ready ear to slander and keeps good people at a distance. His faults exceed those of the Prince of Changyi of old, and he has proved himself unfit to rule. Wherefore, following the precedents of Yi Yin and Huo Guang, I have decided to put him aside and to set up another, thereby to maintain the sanctity of the ruler and ensure tranquillity. What think you, Sirs?"

95 They all agreed, saying, "General, you are right to play the same part as Yi Yin and Huo Guang, thereby acting in accordance with Heaven and fulfilling the desire of humankind. Who dares dispute it?"

96 Then Sima Shi, followed by the whole of the officials, went to the Palace of Everlasting Peace and informed the Empress Dowager of his intention.

97 "Whom do you propose to place on the throne, General?" she asked.

98 "I have observed that Cao Ju, Prince of Pengcheng, is intelligent, benevolent, and filial. He is fit to rule the empire."

99 She replied, "He is my uncle, and it is not convenient. However, there is Cao Mao, Duke of Gaogui, and grandson of Emperor Pi. He is of mild temperament, respectful, and deferential, and may be set up. You, Sir, and the high officers of state might favorably consider this."

100 Then spoke one, saying, "Her Majesty speaks well: Cao Mao should be raised to the throne."

101 All eyes turned toward the speaker, who was Sima Fu, uncle of Sima Shi.

102 The Duke of Gaogui was summoned to the capital.

103 The Empress called Cao Fang into her presence in the Hall of Principles and blamed him, saying, "You are vicious beyond measure, a companion of lewd men and a friend of vile women. You are unfitted to rule. Therefore resign the imperial seal and revert to your status of Prince of Qi. You are forbidden to present yourself at court without special command."

104 Cao Fang, weeping, threw himself at her feet. He gave up the seal, got into his carriage and went away. Only a few faithful ministers restrained their tears and bade him farewell.

105 Cao Cao, the mighty minister of Han, 
Oppressed the helpless; little then thought he 
That only two score swiftly passing years 
Would bring like fate to his posterity.

106 The Emperor-elect Cao Mao was the grandson of Emperor Pi, and son of Cao Lin, Prince of Donghai. When Cao Mao was nearing the capital, all the officers attended to receive him at the Nanye Gate, where an imperial carriage awaited him. He hastily returned their salutations.

107 "The ruler ought not to return these salutations," said Grand Commander Wang Su.

108 "I also am a minister and must respond," replied he.

109 They conducted him to the carriage to ride into the Palace, but he refused to mount it, saying, "Her Majesty has commanded my presence; I know not for what reason. How dare I enter the Palace in such a carriage?"

110 He went on foot to the Hall, where Sima Shi awaited him. He prostrated himself before Sima Shi. Sima Shi hastily raised him and led him into the presence.

111 The Empress Dowager said, "In your youth I noticed that you bore the impress of majesty. Now you are to be the Ruler of the Empire. You must be respectful and moderate, diffusing virtue and benevolence. You must do honor to your ancestors---the former emperors."

112 Cao Mao modestly declined the proposed honor, but he was compelled to accept it. He was led out of the presence of the Empress Dowager and placed in the seat of empire in the Hall of Principles.

113 The style of the reign was changed from Domestic Calm, the sixth year, to Right Origin, the first year (AD 254). An amnesty was granted. Honors were heaped upon Sima Shi, who also received the golden axes, with the right to proceed leisurely within the precincts, to address the Throne without using his name, and to wear arms at court. Many other officers also received promotions.

114 But in the spring of the second year of Right Origin, it was reported at court that Guanqiu Jian, General Who Guards the East, and Wen Qin, Imperial Protector of Yangzhou, were raising armies with the declared design of restoring the deposed emperor.

115 Sima Shi disconcerted.

116 If ministers of Han have always faithful been, 
Wei leaders, too, prove their loyalty are keen.

117 How this new menace was met will appear in the next chapter.


三國志 SanguoZhi CoverPage, Dictionary Category, Novel Category, 삼국지 연대표 & 사자성어 : 155년 ~ 190 ~ 200 ~ 210 ~ 220 ~ 230 ~ 250 ~ 270 ~ 284, 삼국지 인물별 고사성어 - 위(魏), 촉(蜀), 오(吳), 기타, 삼국지 인물별 처세술 - 조조, 유비, 손권, K-Jokes Theme, E-Jokes Theme, 올해의 사자성어,

World Tour, K-Paintings Category, korea news, 名所[Nice Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 文化財[Historic Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 북한문화재/명소 시대별, 지역별, 천연기념, 고전명화, 도자기 서바이벌 퀴즈 (사자성어, 한문, 국사, 세계사, 영어문제, 부동산, 공무원시험), 역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스), W-Tour Category, Korea