

古代文学/ 东周列国志, 三國演義, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记, 红楼梦三國演義+영문 › Chapter 116-02 제갈량의 혼령

zegal | 2016.09.27 22:07:17 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.20 09:37:58-1

Chapter 116-02 제갈량의 혼령







22 The armies of Wei were on the march when Jiang Wei heard of the intended attack. He at once sent up a memorial:

23 Your Majesty need to make defensive arrangements by commanding Zhang Yi, Left Commander of the Flying Cavalry, to guard the Yangping Pass, and Liao Hua, Right Commander of the Flying Cavalry, to guard the Yinping Bridge in Yinping. These two places are the most important points upon which depend the security of Hanzhong. Send also to engage the help of Wu. I, thy humble servant, shall gather soldiers in Tazhong ready for the march."

24 That year in Shu the reign-style had been changed from Wonderful Sight, the fifth year, to Joyful Prosperity, the first year (AD 263). When the memorial of Jiang Wei came to the Latter Ruler, it found him as usual amusing himself with his favorite Huang Hao.

25 He read the document and said to the eunuch, "Here Jiang Wei says that the Wei armies under Deng Ai and Zhong Hui are on the way against us. What shall we do?"

26 "There is nothing of the sort. Jiang Wei only wants to get a name for himself, and so he says this. Your Majesty need feel no alarm, for we can find out the truth from a certain wise woman I know. She is a real prophetess. May I call her?"

27 The Latter Ruler consented, and a room was fitted up for the seance. They prepared therein incense, flowers, paper, candles, sacrificial articles and so on, and then Huang Hao went with a chariot to beg the wise woman to attend upon the Latter Ruler.

28 She came and was seated on the Dragon Couch. After the Latter Ruler had kindled the incense and repeated the prayer, the wise woman suddenly let down her hair, dropped her slippers, and capered about barefoot. After several rounds of this, she coiled herself up on a table.

29 Huang Hao then said, "The spirit has now descended. Send everyone away and pray to her."

30 So the attendants were dismissed, and the Latter Ruler entreated the wise woman.

31 Suddenly she cried out, "I am the guardian spirit of the West River Land. Your Majesty, rejoices in tranquillity; why do you inquire about other matters? Within a few years the land of Wei shall come under you, wherefore you need not be sorrowful."

32 She then fell to the ground as in a swoon, and it was some time before she revived. The Latter Ruler was well satisfied with her prophesy and gave her large presents. Further, he thereafter believed all she told him. The immediate result was that Jiang Wei's memorial remained unanswered; and as the Latter Ruler was wholly given to pleasure, it was easy for Huang Hao to intercept all urgent memorials from the commander.

33 Meanwhile Zhong Hui was hastening toward Hanzhong. The Van Leader Xu Yi was anxious to perform some startling exploit, and so he led his force to Nanzheng.

34 He said to his officers, "If we can take this pass, then we can march directly into Hanzhong. The defense is weak."

35 A dash was made for the fort, each one vying with the rest to be first. But the Commander of Nanzheng was Lu Xu, and he had had early information of the coming of his enemies. So on both sides of the bridge he posted soldiers armed with multiple bows and crossbows. As soon as the attacking force appeared, the signal was given by a clapper and a terrific discharge of arrows and bolts opened. Many troops of Wei fell, and the army of Xu Yi was defeated.

36 Xu Yi returned and reported his misfortune. Zhong Hui himself went with a hundred armored horsemen to see the conditions. Again the machine bows let fly clouds of missiles, and Zhong Hui turned to flee.

37 Lu Xu led out five hundred troops to pursue. As Zhong Hui crossed the bridge at a gallop, the roadway gave, and his horse's hoof went through so that he was nearly thrown. The horse could not free its hoof, and Zhong Hui slipped from his back and fled on foot. As he ran down the slope of the bridge, Lu Xu came at him with a spear, but one of Zhong Hui's followers, Xun Kai by name, shot an arrow at Lu Xu and brought him to the earth.

38 Seeing this lucky hit, Zhong Hui turned back and signaled to his force to make an attack. They came on with a dash, the defenders were afraid to shoot, as their own troops were mingled with the enemy, and soon Zhong Hui crushed the defense and possessed the pass. The defenders scattered.

39 The pass being captured, Xun Kai was well rewarded for the shot that had saved his general's life. He was promoted to Assistant General and received presents of a horse and a suit of armor.

40 Xu Yi was called to the tent, and Zhong Hui blamed him for the lack of care in his task, saying, "You were appointed Leader of the Van to see that the roads were put in repair, and your special duty was to see that the bridges were in good condition. Yet on the bridge just now my horse's hoof was caught, and I nearly fell. Happily Xun Kai was by, or I had been slain. You have been disobedient and must bear the penalty."

41 The delinquent was sentenced to death.

42 The other generals tried to beg him off, pleading, "His father is Xu Chu who had rendered good services to the state!"

43 "How can discipline be maintained if the laws are not enforced?" said Zhong Hui.

44 The sentence was carried out, and the unhappy Xu Yi's head was exposed as a warning. This severity put fear into the hearts of the officers.

45 On the side of Shu, Wang Han commanded at Yuecheng, and Jiang Bin was in Hancheng. As the enemy came in great force, they dared not go out to meet them, but stood on the defensive with the gates of the cities closed.

46 Zhong Hui issued an order, "Speed is the soul of war: No halts."
47 Li Du was ordered to lay siege to Yuecheng, and Xun Kai was to surround Hancheng. The main army under Zhong Hui would capture the Yangping Pass.

48 The Shu General Fu Qian commanded at the pass. He discussed plans with Jiang Shu, his second in command, and Jiang Shu was wholly in favor of defense, saying, "The enemy is too strong to think of any other course."

49 "I do not agree," replied Fu Qian. "They are now fatigued with marching, and we need not fear them. Unless we go out and attack, Yuecheng and Hancheng will fall."

50 Jiang Shu made no reply. Soon the enemy arrived, and both officers went up to the wall and looked out.


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