

古代文学/ 东周列国志, 三國演義, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记, 红楼梦三國演義+영문 › Chapter 117-03 풍전등화 서촉

zegal | 2016.09.28 07:12:38 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.25 19:45:47-3

Chapter 117-03 풍전등화 서촉








68 As soon as Jiangyou was taken, the posts along the road by which the army had come were withdrawn, and there was a general rendezvous at this point. This done, they marched toward Fucheng.

69 General Tian Xu remonstrated, saying, "We have just finished a long and perilous march and are weary and worn out. We ought to repose for a few days to recover."

70 Deng Ai angrily replied, "Speed is the one important matter in war. Do not encourage any discontent. I will not have it."

71 Tian Xu was sentenced to death. But as many officers interceded for him, he was pardoned.

72 The army pressed on toward Fucheng. As soon as they arrived, the officers yielded as if they thought Deng Ai had fallen from the heavens. Some took the news to the capital, and the Latter Ruler began to feel alarmed. He hastily called for Huang Hao, who at once denied the report.

73 "That is just false rumor. The spirits would not deceive Your Majesty," said Huang Hao.

74 The Latter Ruler summoned the wise woman to the Palace, but the messengers said she had gone no one knew whither.

75 And now urgent memorials and letters fell in from every side like a snow storm, and messengers went to and fro in constant streams. The Latter Ruler called a court to discuss the danger, but no one had any plan or suggestion to offer. The courtiers just looked blankly into each other's faces.

76 Finally Xi Zheng spoke out, "In this extremity Your Majesty should call in the help of the son of the Martial Lord."

77 This son of Zhuge Liang was named Zhuge Zhan. His mother was born of the Huang family and a daughter of Huang Chenyan. She was singularly plain and extraordinarily talented. She had studied everything, even books of strategy and magic. Zhuge Liang in Nanyang had sought to marry her because of her goodness, and she had studied with him for all their lives. She had survived her husband but a short time, and her last words to her son had been "be loyal and filial".

78 Zhuge Zhan had been known as a clever lad and had married a daughter of the Latter Ruler, so that he was an Imperial Son-in-Law. His father's rank, Lord of Wuxiang, had descended to him. In the fourth year of Wonderful Sight (AD 261) Zhuge Zhan received the rank of General of the Guard as well. But he had retired when Huang Hao, the eunuch, as first favorite, began to direct state affairs.

79 As suggested, the Latter Ruler summoned Zhuge Zhan to court, and he said, weeping, "Deng Ai has defeated Fucheng, and the capital is seriously threatened. You must think of your father and rescue me!"
80 "My father and I owe too much to the First Ruler's and Your Majesty's kindness for me to think any sacrifice too great to make for Your Majesty. I pray that you give me command of the troops in the capital, and I will fight a decisive battle."

81 So the soldiers, seventy thousand, were placed under Zhuge Zhan's command.

82 When he had gathered all together, he said, "Who dares be Leader of the Van?"

83 His son, Zhuge Shang, then nineteen, offered himself, saying, "Since my father commands the army, I volunteer to lead the van!"

84 Zhuge Shang had studied military books and made himself an adept in the various exercises. So he was appointed, and the army marched to find the enemy.

85 In the meantime the surrender general, Ma Miao, had given Deng Ai a very complete map of the country showing the whole sixty miles of road to Chengdu. However, Deng Ai was dismayed when he saw the difficulties ahead of him.

86 "If they defend the hills in front, I shall fail; for if I am delayed, Jiang Wei will come up, and my army will be in great danger. The army must press on."

87 He called Shi Zuan and his son Deng Zhong and said, "Lead one army straight to Mianzhu to keep back any Shu soldiers sent to stop our march. I will follow as soon as I can. But hasten; for if you let the enemy forestall you, I will put you to death."

88 They went. Nearing Mianzhu they met the army under Zhuge Zhan. Both sides prepared for battle. The Shu armies adopted the Eight Diagrams formation and presently, after the usual triple roll of drums, Shi Zuan and Deng Zhong saw their opponents' ranks open in the center, and therefrom emerge a light carriage in which sat a figure looking exactly as Zhuge Liang used to look when he appeared on the battlefield. Everybody knew the Daoist robes and the feather fan. The standard bore his name and titles The Han Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

89 The sight was too much for Deng Zhong and Shi Zuan. The cold sweat of terror poured down them, and they stammered out.

90 "If Zhuge Liang is still alive, that is the end of us!"

91 They led their army to flee. The troops of Shu came on, and the army of Wei was driven away in defeat and chased a distance of seven miles. Then the pursuers sighted Deng Ai, and they turned and retired.

92 When Deng Ai had camped, he called the two leaders before him and reproached them for retreating without fighting.

93 "We saw Zhuge Liang leading the enemy," said Deng Zhong, "So we ran away."

94 "Why should we fear, even if they bring Zhuge Liang to life again? You ran away without cause, and we have lost. You ought both to be put to death."

95 However, they did not die, for their fellows pleaded for them, and Deng Ai's wrath was mollified.

96 Then the scouts came in to say: "The leader of the army is a son of Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Zhan. The Van Leader is Zhuge Zhan's son, Zhuge Shang. They had set up on the carriage the old wooden image of the late strategist."


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