

古代文学/ 东周列国志, 三國演義, 三国演义, 水浒传, 西游记, 红楼梦三國演義+영문 › Chapter 120-01 삼분천하는 한바탕 꿈으로

zegal | 2016.10.01 08:22:03 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기
2024.4.25 13:26:58-1

Chapter 120-01 삼분천하는 한바탕 꿈으로

    第百二十回 薦杜預老將獻新謀 降孫皓三分歸一統 
Recommending Du Yu, An Old General Offers New Plans;
Capturing Of Sun Hao, Three Kingdoms Becomes One.






1 When Sun Xiu, the Ruler of Wu, knew that the House of Wei had fallen before the Jins, he also knew that the usurper's next thought would be the conquest of his own land. The anxiety made him ill, so that he took to his bed and was like to die. He then summoned to his bedside his Prime Minister, Puyang Xing, and his heir, Sun Wan. But they two came almost too late. The dying Ruler, with his last effort, took the Minister by the hand, but could only point to his son. Then he died.

2 Puyang Xing left the couch and called a meeting of the officers, whereat he proposed to place the heir on his father's throne.

3 Then Wan Yu, Inspector of the Left Army, rose and said, "Prince Sun Wan is too youthful to rule in such troublous times. Let us confer the throne to Sun Hao, Lord of Wucheng."

4 Zhang Bu, General of the Left Army, supported his election, saying, "Sun Hao is able and prompt in decision. He can handle the responsibilities of an emperor."

5 However, Puyang Xing was doubtful and consulted the Empress Dowager.

6 "Settle this with the officials;" she replied, "I am a widow and know nothing of such matters."

7 Finally Sun Hao won the day, and in the seventh month he was enthroned as Emperor of Wu, and the first year of his reign was Prosperous Beginning (AD 264). Sun Hao was the son of Sun He, a former Heir Apparent, and grandson of Sun Quan the Great Emperor. The excluded prince, Sun Wan, was consoled with the title of Prince of Yuzhang. Posthumous rank was given to his late father, Sun He the Scholar Emperor, and his mother, Lady He, the Scholar Empress. The Veteran Leader Ding Feng was made Commander of the Right and Left Armies.

8 However, the year-style was changed to Sweet Dew the very next year. The new ruler soon proved himself cruel and oppressive and day by day grew more so. Sun Hao indulged in every form of vice and chose Eunuch Cen Hun as his confidant and favorite. When Prime Minister Puyang Xing and General Zhang Bu ventured upon remonstrance, both, with all their family, were put to death. Thereafter none dared to speak; the mouth of every courtier was shut tight.

9 Another year-style, Treasured Paramount, was adopted the next year (266), and the responsibility of the Prime Minister's office was shared by two officers, Lu Kuai the Left and Wan Yu the Right.

10 At this time the imperial residence was in Wuchang. The people of Yangzhou shouldered heavy tribute and suffered exceedingly. There was no limit to the Ruler's extravagance. The treasury was swept clean, and the income of the royal domain exhausted.

11 At length Lu Kuai, Left Prime Minister, ventured a memorial, saying:

12 "No natural calamity has fallen upon the people, yet they starve; no public work is in progress, yet the treasury is empty. I am distressed. The country under the Hans has fallen apart and three states have arisen therefrom. Those ruled by the Caos and the Lius, as the result of their own folly, have been lost in Jin. Foolish I may be, but I would protect the state for Your Majesty against the evils we have seen in the other divisions. This city of Wuchang is not safe as a royal residence. There is a rhyme concerning it, the gist of which is that it is better to drink the water of Jianye than eat the fish of Wuchang, better to die in Jianye than to live in Wuchang. This shows the regard of the people as well as the will of Heaven. Now the public storehouses are nearly empty; they contain insufficient for a year's use. The officers of all grades vex and distress the people and none pity them.

13 "In former times the Palace women numbered less than a hundred; for years past they have exceeded a thousand. This is an extravagant waste of treasure. The courtiers render no disinterested service, but are split into cliques and cabals. The honest are injured, and the good driven away. All these things undermine the state and weaken the people. I beg Your Majesty to reduce the number of officers and remove grievances, to dismiss the Palace women and select honest officers, to the joy of the people and the tranquillity of the state."

14 But the Ruler of Wu was displeased, threw the memorial away, and showed his contempt for the Minister's remonstrance by beginning to collect material for the building of a new palace complex to be called the Reflected Light Palace. He even made the officers of the court go into the forest to fell trees for the work.

15 The Ruler of Wu called in the soothsayer Shang Guang and bade him take the cast and inquire as to the attainment of empire.

16 Shang Guang cast a lot and replied, "All is propitious, and in the year of the 'mouse' your blue umbrella will enter Luoyang!"

17 And Sun Hao was pleased.

18 He said to Minister Hua Jiao, "The former Rulers listened to your words and sent generals to various points and placed defensive camps along the rivers. And over all these was set Ding Feng. Now my desire is to conquer Han and avenge the wrongs of my brother, the Ruler of Shu. What place should be first conquered?"

19 Hua Jiao replied, "Now that Chengdu has fallen and the Throne there been overturned, Sima Yan will assuredly desire to absorb this southern land. Your Majesty should display virtue and restore confidence to your people. That would be the best plan. If you engage in war, it will be like throwing on hemp to put out a fire---the hemp only adds to the blaze. This is worthy of careful consideration."

20 But Sun Hao grew angry and said, "I desire to take this opportunity to return to my real heritage. Why do you employ this ill-omened language? Were it not for your long service, now would I slay you and expose your head as a warning."

21 He bade the lictors hustle Minister Hua Jiao from his presence, and Hua Jiao left the court.

22 "It is pitiful," said Hua Jiao. "Ere long our silky, beautiful country will pass to another!"

23 So Hua Jiao retired.

24 And the Ruler of Wu ordered Lu Kang, General Who Guards the East, to camp his army at Jiangkou in order to attack Xiangyang.

25 Spies reported this in Luoyang, and it was told the Ruler of Jin. When Sima Yan heard that the army of Wu threatened to invade Xiangyang, he called a council.

26 Jia Chong stood forth, saying, "I hear the government of Wu, under its present ruler, Sun Hao, is devoid of virtue, and the Ruler of Wu has turned aside out of the road. Your Majesty should send Commander Yang Hu to oppose this army. When internal trouble shall arise, let him attack, and victory will then be easy."

27 The Ruler of Jin issued an edict ordering Yang Hu to prepare, and so he mustered his troops and set himself to guard the county.

28 Yang Hu became very popular in Xiangyang. Any of the soldiers of Wu who desired to desert to the other side were allowed to come over. He employed only the fewest possible troops on patrol duty. Instead he set his soldiers to till the soil, and they cultivated an extensive area, whereby the hundred days supplies with which they set out were soon increased to enough for ten years.

29 Yang Hu maintained great simplicity, wearing the lightest of garments and no armor. His personal escort and servants numbered only about ten.


三國志 SanguoZhi CoverPage, Dictionary Category, Novel Category, 삼국지 연대표 & 사자성어 : 155년 ~ 190 ~ 200 ~ 210 ~ 220 ~ 230 ~ 250 ~ 270 ~ 284, 삼국지 인물별 고사성어 - 위(魏), 촉(蜀), 오(吳), 기타, 삼국지 인물별 처세술 - 조조, 유비, 손권, K-Jokes Theme, E-Jokes Theme, 올해의 사자성어,

World Tour, K-Paintings Category, korea news, 名所[Nice Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 文化財[Historic Place] - 서울 경기 인천 강원 충남 충북 대전 전남 전북 광주 제주 경남 경북 대구 울산 부산 내고장, 북한문화재/명소 시대별, 지역별, 천연기념, 고전명화, 도자기 서바이벌 퀴즈 (사자성어, 한문, 국사, 세계사, 영어문제, 부동산, 공무원시험), 역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스), W-Tour Category, Korea