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Chapter 089-05 맹획 ,다섯번째로 사로잡히다

  孔明軍馬既得甘泉,遂安然由小徑直入禿龍 洞前下寨。蠻兵探知,來報孟獲曰:「蜀兵不染瘴疫之氣,又無枯渴之患,諸泉皆不應。」朵思大王聞知不信,自與孟獲來高山望之。只見蜀兵安然無事,大桶小擔,搬運水漿,飲馬造飯。朵思見之,毛發聳然,回顧孟獲曰:「此乃神兵也!」獲曰:「吾兄弟二人 與蜀兵決一死戰,就殞於軍前,安肯束手受縛!」朵思曰:「若大王兵敗,吾妻子亦休矣。當殺牛宰馬,大賞洞丁,不避水火,直沖蜀寨,方可得勝。」



  於是各洞蠻兵,皆走回本鄉。楊鋒將孟獲、孟優、朵思等解赴孔明寨來。孔明令入,楊鋒等拜於帳下曰:「某等子侄皆感丞相恩德,故擒孟獲、孟優等呈獻。」孔明重賞之,令驅孟獲入。孔明笑曰:「汝今番心服乎?」獲曰:「非汝之能,乃吾洞中之人,自相殘害,以致如此。要殺便殺,只是不服!」孔明曰:「汝賺吾入無水之地,更以啞泉、滅泉、黑泉、柔泉如此之毒,吾軍無恙,豈非天意乎?汝何如此執迷?」獲又曰:「吾祖居銀坑山中,有三江之險,重關之固。汝若就彼擒之,吾當子子孫孫,傾心服事。」 孔明曰:「吾再放汝回去,重整兵馬,與吾共決勝負;如那時擒住,汝再不服,當滅九族。」叱左右去其縛,放起孟獲。獲再拜而去。孔明又將孟優並朵思大王皆釋其縛,賜酒食壓驚。二人悚懼,不敢正視。孔明令鞍馬送回。正是:



109 The soldiers' spirits revived with the supply of water, and the army soon advanced by hill paths to the Valley of the Bald Dragon, where they camped. When Meng Huo heard the news, he was greatly taken aback.

110 "These troops do not appear to have suffered either thirst or fever," said he. "Our springs have lost their power."

111 King Duo Si heard it, but doubted. He and Meng Huo ascended into a high hill whence they could see their enemies. They saw no signs of illness or distress. All went on calmly and quietly in the camps, water carrying and cooking, eating and attending to the cattle. Duo Si's hair stood on end as he looked at them.

112 "These are not human soldiers," said he, shivering. "They must be sent from Heaven."

113 "Our two brothers will fight one fierce battle with these troops of Shu and die therein," said Meng Huo, "We cannot wait calmly to be put into bonds."

114 "But, O King, if your army should be beaten, my whole family will also perish. Let us encourage the people of the ravines. Let us kill bullocks and slaughter horses to feed them, and urge them to go through fire and water to rush right up to the camp of the enemy and seize upon victory."

115 So there was great feasting before the Mangs took the field. Just as this was going on, there arrived one Yang Fang, King of twenty-one ravines in the west, and he led thirty thousand troops.

116 Meng Huo rejoiced exceedingly, saying, “This addition to our forces shall surely bring us victory.”

117 So he and Duo Si went out of their own valley to welcome Yang Fang.

118 Yang Fang said, "I have with me thirty thousand troops in iron mail, brave and intrepid warriors, who can fly over mountains and bound across the peaks. They of themselves are a match for the enemy even if the enemy numbered a hundred legions. And, moreover, my five sons, all trained in arms, are with me, all to help you, O Kings."

119 The five sons were brought in and presented. They were handsome young fellows, bold and martial looking. Father and sons were entertained at a banquet. Halfway through the feast Yang Fang proposed a diversion.

120 "There is but scanty amusement in the field," said Yang Fang, "and so I have brought along some native singing girls who have been taught fencing and such things. If you care for it, they might give an exhibition."

121 The feasters hailed the suggestion with joy, and soon thirty maidens came to the front of the tent. Their hair hung about their shoulders, and they were barefooted. They danced and skipped and went through their performance outside. The guests inside clapped their hands and applauded their skill, and the soldiers joined in the choruses.

122 Presently, at a signal from their father, two of Yang Fang's sons bore two goblets to Meng Huo and Meng You. Meng Huo and Meng You took the cups and were raising them to their lips when Yang Fang shouted a single word of command, and, instantly, the cupbearers had the two brothers out of their seats and helpless in their hands. At this, Duo Si jumped up to run away, but Yang Fang gripped him, and he was a prisoner too. The Mang maidens ranged themselves in a line along the front of the tent so that none dared approach.

123 "When the hare dies the fox mourns," said Meng Huo. "One sympathizes with one's own as a rule. We are both chiefs and have been friends. I know not why you should injure me."

124 "I had to repay Zhuge Liang the Minister for his compassion on me and my people, and there was no way till you rebelled. Why should I not offer up a rebel in propitiation?"

125 Leaving Meng Huo, Meng You, and Duo Si in the hands of Yang Fang, the Mang warriors dispersed, each man returning to his own valley.

126 Yang Fang then took the prisoners to the camp of Shu, where he bowed at the tent door, saying, "I and my sons and the sons of my brother are grateful to you for much kindness, wherefore we bring to you as an offering the persons of these rebels."

127 Zhuge Liang rewarded Yang Fang and bade them bring forward Meng Huo.

128 "This time are you prepared to yield?" said the Prime Minister.

129 "It is not your ability, but the treachery of my own people that has brought me to this. If you wish to slay, slay. But I will not yield."

130 "You know you were the cause of my army entering into a waterless land, where there were those four evil streams, and yet my soldiers were not poisoned and came to no harm. Does it not seem to you like evidence of a superior protecting power? Why will you follow this misguided road and always be obstinate?"

131 Meng Huo replied, "My fathers have long held the Silver Pit Ravine, and the three rivers and the two forests are their ramparts. If you can take that stronghold, then will I and my heirs forever acknowledge your power and yield."

132 "I am going to liberate you once more," said Zhuge Liang, "and you may put your army in order if you will and fight a decisive battle. But after that, if you are my prisoner and are still refractory and unsubmissive, I shall have to exterminate your whole family."

133 Zhuge Liang ordered the lictors to loose the prisoner's bonds and let him go. After he had gone, the other two, Meng You and Duo Si, were led in and they also received their liberty. They were given wine and food. but they were confused and could not look Zhuge Liang in the face. They were given horses to travel on.

134 The way has been long and now danger is near, 
But faith in their leader banishes fear.

135 The next chapter will tell how Meng Huo reorganized his army and whose the victory was.

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