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Chapter 090-05 칠종칠금

  卻說孟獲在寨中,正望蠻兵回報。忽然千餘人笑拜於寨前,言說:「烏戈國兵與蜀兵大戰,將諸葛亮圍在盤蛇谷中了。特請大王前去接應。我等皆是本洞之人,不得已而降蜀;今知大王前到,特來助戰。」孟獲大喜,即引宗黨並所聚番人,連夜上馬;就令 蠻兵引路。方到盤蛇谷時,只見火光甚起,臭氣難聞。獲知中計,急退兵時,左邊張嶷,右邊馬忠,兩路軍殺出。獲方欲抵敵,一聲喊起,蠻兵中大半皆是蜀兵,將蠻王宗黨並聚集的番人,盡皆擒了。

  孟獲匹馬殺出重圍,望山徑而走。正走之間,見山凹裡一簇人馬,擁出一輛小車;車中端坐一人,綸巾羽扇,身衣道袍,乃孔明也。孔明大喝曰:「反賊孟獲!今番如何?」獲急回馬走。旁邊閃過一將,攔住去路,乃是馬岱。孟獲措手不及,被馬岱生擒活捉了。此時王平、張翼已引一軍趕 到蠻寨中,將祝融夫人並一應老小皆活捉而來。

  孔明歸到寨中,升帳而坐,謂眾將曰:「吾今此計,不得已而用之,大損陰德。我料敵人必算吾於林木多處埋伏,吾卻空設旌旗,實無兵馬,疑其心也。吾令魏文長連輸十五陣者,堅其心也。吾見盤蛇谷止一條路,兩壁廂皆是光石,並無樹木,下面都是沙土,因令馬岱將黑油櫃安排於谷中,車中油櫃內,皆是預先造下的火炮,名曰『地雷』, 一炮中藏九炮,三十步埋之,中用竹竿通節,以引藥線;才一發動,山損石裂。吾又令趙子龍預備草車,安排於谷中。又於山上準備大木亂石。卻令魏延賺兀突骨並籐甲軍入谷,放出魏延,即斷其路,隨後焚之。吾聞:『利於水者必不利於火。』籐甲雖刀箭不能入,乃油浸之物,見火必著。蠻兵如此頑皮,非火攻安能取勝?使烏戈國之人不留種類者,是吾之大罪也!」眾將拜伏曰:「丞相天機,鬼神莫測也!」


  卻說孟獲與祝融夫人並孟優、帶來洞主、一切宗黨在別帳飲酒。忽一人人帳謂孟獲曰:「丞相面羞,不欲與公相見。特令我來放公回去,再招人馬來決勝負。公今可速去。」孟獲垂淚言曰:「七擒七縱,自古未嘗有也。吾雖化外之人,頗知 禮義,直如此無羞恥乎?」遂同兄弟妻子宗黨人等,皆匍匐跪於帳下,肉袒謝罪曰:「丞相天威,南人不復反矣!」孔明曰:「公今服乎?」獲泣謝曰:「某子子孫孫皆感 覆載生成之恩,安得不服!」孔明乃請孟獲上帳,設宴慶賀,就令永為洞主。所奪之地, 盡皆退還。孟獲宗黨及諸蠻兵,無不感戴,皆欣然跳躍而去。後人有詩讚孔明曰:





109 King Meng Huo was in his camp awaiting news of success when he saw a crowd of Mang soldiers come along, and they bowed before him and told him, "King Wutu Gu is fighting a great battle and is about to surround Zhuge Liang in the Valley of the Coiled Serpent. But he needs help. We are the natives of the local ravines, and we ourselves had no alternative when we yielded to Shu. But now we have returned to your allegiance and are willing to come to help Your Majesty."

110 So Meng Huo placed himself at the head of his clansmen and those who had just come to him, and lost no time in marching out. He bade them lead him to the spot. But when he reached the valley and saw the destruction, he knew he had been made a victim again. As he made to retire, there appeared a body of his enemy on each side under Zhang Ni and Ma Zheng, and they began to attack. Meng Huo was making what stand he could when a great shouting arose. The Mangs were nearly all disguised soldiers of Shu, and they quickly surrounded him and his clansmen to make them prisoners.

111 Meng Huo galloped clear and got into the hills. Presently he fell upon a small chariot, with a few guards about it, and therein sat Zhuge Liang, simply dressed and holding a fan.

112 "What now, rebel Meng Huo?" cried Zhuge Liang.

113 But Meng Huo had galloped away. He was soon stopped by Ma Dai and lay a helpless prisoner bound hand and foot. His wife, Lady Zhurong, and the other members of his family were also taken.

114 Zhuge Liang returned to camp and seated himself in the high place in his own tent. He was still sad at the thought of the sacrifice of life.

115 He said to his officers, "There was no help for it; I had to use that plan. But it has sadly injured my inner virtue. Guessing that the enemy would suspect an ambush in every thicket, I sent people to walk about in wooded places with flags. Really there was no ambush. I bade Wei Yan lose battle after battle just to lead the enemy on and harden their hearts. When I saw the Valley of the Coiled Serpent, with its bare sides of smooth rock and the road in its depths, I recognized what could be done and sent Ma Dai to arrange the contents of the black carts, the mines, which I had prepared long ago for this purpose. In every bomb were nine others, and they were buried thirty paces apart. They were connected by fuses laid in hollow bamboos that they might explode in succession, and the force was enormous. Zhao Zilong prepared those carts laden with straw and rolled down the piles of timber and boulders that blocked the mouth. Wei Yan led Wutu Gu on and on till he had enticed the King into the valley, when he took up a position to escape. Then the burning began. They say that what is good for water is not much good for fire, and the oil-soaked rattan, excellent as a protection against swords and arrows, was most inflammable, catching fire at sight. The Mangs were so stubborn that the only way was to use fire, or we should never have scored a victory. But I much regret that the destruction of the people of Wuguo has been so complete. Heaven shall not overlook this wrong."

116 The officers were deeply moved.

117 Then Meng Huo was summoned. He appeared and fell upon his knees. His limbs were freed from the bonds, and he was sent into a side tent for refreshment. The chief prisoners were Meng Huo, Lady Zhurong, Meng You, and Dai Lai. There were many of his clan as well.

118 As they were eating and drinking, a messenger appeared in the door of the tent and addressed the King: "The Prime Minister is ashamed and does not wish to see you again, Sir. He has sent me to release you. You may enlist another army if you can and once more try a decisive battle. Now you may go."

119 But instead of going Meng Huo began to weep.

120 "Seven times a captive and seven times released!" said the King. "Surely there was never anything like it in the whole world. I am not entirely devoid of a sense of propriety and rectitude. Does he think that I feel no shame?"

121 Thereupon he and all his followers fell upon their knees and crawled to the tent of the Commander-in-Chief and begged pardon, saying, "O Minister, you are the majesty of Heaven. We people of the south will offer no more opposition."

122 "Then you yield?" said Zhuge Liang, sighing.

123 "I and my children and grandchildren are deeply affected by your all-pervading and life-giving mercy. Now how can we not yield?"

124 Zhuge Liang asked Meng Huo to come up into the tent and be seated, and he prepared a banquet of felicitation. Also he confirmed Meng Huo in his kingship and restored all the places that had been captured. Everyone was overwhelmed with Zhuge Liang's generosity, and they all went away rejoicing. A poem has praised Zhuge Liang's action:

125 He rode in his chariot green, 
In his hand just a feather fan, 
Seven times he released a king 
As part of his conquering plan. 
Having chosen a beautiful spot 
Where the valleys debauch on the plain, 
Lest his kindness should ever be forgot, 
The vanquished erected a fane.

126 High Counselor Fei Yi ventured to remonstrate with Zhuge Liang on his policy.

127 He said, "You, O Minister, have led the army this long journey into the wilds and have reduced the Mang country, and have brought about the submission of the king. Why not appoint officials to share in the administration and hold the land?"

128 Zhuge Liang replied, "There are three difficulties. To leave foreigners implies leaving a guard for them: There is the difficulty of feeding the guard. The Mangs have lost many of their relatives. To leave foreigners without the guard will invite a calamity: This is the second difficulty. Among the Mangs, dethronements and murders are frequent, and there will be enmities and suspicions. Foreigners and they will be mutually distrustful: This is the third difficulty. If I do not leave our people, I shall not have to send supplies, which makes for peace and freedom from trouble."

129 They had to agree that the policy was wise.

130 The kindness of the conqueror was rewarded by the gratitude of these southern people, and they even erected a shrine in his honor, where they sacrificed at the four seasons. As Zhuge Liang and Meng Huo declared peace, the joy spread to all ravines and villages. And the people sent gifts of jewels, cinnabar, lacquer, medicines, plowing cattle, and chargers for the use of the army. And they pledged themselves not to rebel.

131 When the feastings to the soldiers were finished, the army marched homeward to Shu. Wei Yan was in command of the advanced column. He marched to the River Lu. But on his arrival the clouds gathered and a gale blew over the face of the waters. Because of the force of the gale, the army could not advance. Wei Yan then returned and reported the matter to his chief. Zhuge Liang called in Meng Huo to ask what this might mean.

132 The Mangs beyond the border have yielded now at last, 
The water demons raging mad won't let the Shu men go past.

133 The next chapter will contain Meng Huo's explanation.

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