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Chapter 087-03 남만 정벌

  細作拜謝而去,回見高定,呈上孔明之書,說雍闓如此如此。定看書畢,大怒曰:「吾以真心待之,彼反欲害吾,情理難容!」使喚鄂煥商議。煥曰:「孔明乃仁人,背之不祥。我等謀反作惡,皆雍闓之故;不如殺以投孔明。」定曰:「如何下手?」煥曰:「可設一席,令人去請雍闓。彼若無異心,必坦然而來;若其不來,必有異心。我主可攻其前,某伏於寨後小路候之;可擒矣。」高定從其言,設席請雍闓。果疑前日放回軍士之言,懼而不來。是夜高定引兵殺投雍闓寨中。原來有孔明放回免死的人,皆想高定之德,乘時助戰。雍闓軍不戰自亂。上 馬望山路而走。行不二裡,鼓聲響處,一彪軍出,乃鄂煥也:挺方天戟,驟馬當先。雍闓措手不及,被煥一戟刺於馬下,就梟其首級。部下軍士皆降高定。定引兩部軍來降孔明,獻雍闓首級於帳下。

  孔明高坐於帳上,喝令左右推轉高定,斬首報來。定曰: 「某感丞相大恩,今將雍闓首級來降,何故斬也?」孔明大笑曰:「汝來詐降。敢瞞吾耶!」定曰:「丞相何以知吾詐降?」孔明於匣中取出一緘,與高定曰:「朱褒已使人 密獻降書,說你與雍闓結生死之交,豈肯一旦便殺此人?吾故知汝詐也。」定叫屈曰:「朱褒乃反間之計也。丞相切不可信!」孔明曰:「吾亦難憑一面之詞。汝若捉得朱褒,方表真心。」定曰:「丞相休疑。某去擒朱褒來見丞相,若何?」孔明曰:「若如此,吾疑心方息也。」高定即引部將鄂煥並本部兵,殺奔朱褒營來。比及離寨約有十里,山後一彪軍到,乃朱褒也。


  於是永昌太守王伉出城迎接孔明。孔明入城已畢,問曰:「誰與公守此城,以保無 虞?」伉曰:「某今日得此郡無危者,皆賴永昌不韋人,姓呂,名凱,字季平。皆此人之力。」孔明遂請目凱至。凱入見,禮畢。孔明曰:「久聞公乃永昌高士,多虧公保守此城。今欲平蠻方,公有何高見?」呂凱遂取一圖,呈與孔明曰:「某自歷仕以來,知 南人欲反久矣,故密遣人入其境,察看可屯兵交戰之處,畫成一圖,名曰『平蠻指掌圖』。今敢獻與明公。明公試觀之,可為征蠻之一助也。」孔明大喜,就用呂凱為行軍教授,兼向導官。於是孔明提兵大進,深入南蠻之境。

  正行軍之次,忽報天子差使命至。 孔明請入中軍,但見一人素袍白衣而進,乃馬謖也;為兄馬良新亡,因此掛孝。謖曰:「奉主上敕命,賜眾軍酒帛。」孔明接詔已畢,依命一一給散,遂留馬謖在帳敘話。孔明問曰:「吾奉天子詔,削平蠻方;久聞幼常高見,望乞賜教。」謖曰:「愚有片言,望丞相察之;南蠻恃其地遠山險,不服久矣;雖今日破之,明日復叛。丞相大軍 到彼,必然平服;但班師之日,必用北伐曹丕;蠻兵若知內虛,其反必速。夫用兵之道:『攻心為上,攻城為下;心戰為上,兵戰為下。』願丞相但服其心足矣。」孔明嘆曰:「幼常足知吾肺腑也!」於是孔明遂令馬謖為參軍,即統大兵前進。

45 The spy took the letter and got away. As soon as he reached camp, he gave the letter to Gao Ding and also the message.

46 Gao Ding read the missive and became very angry.

47 "I have ever been true to him, and yet he wants to kill me. It is hard to be either friendly or reasonable."

48 Then he decided to take E Huan into his confidence, and called him.

49 E Huan was much prejudiced in favor of Zhuge Liang, and said, "Zhuge Liang is a most benevolent man, and it would be ill to turn our backs upon him. It is Yong Kai's fault that we are now rebels, and our best course would be to slay him and betake ourselves to Zhuge Liang."

50 "How could it be done?" asked Gao Ding.

51 "Invite him to a banquet. If he refuses, it means he is a traitor, and then you can attack him in front while I will lie in wait behind his camp to capture him as he runs away."

52 They agreed to try this plan. The banquet was prepared, and Yong Kai invited. But as Yong Kai's mind was full of suspicion from what his returned soldiers had said, he would not come. That night, as soon as darkness fell, Gao Ding attacked his camp.

53 Now the soldiers who had been released were imbued with the goodness of Gao Ding all quite ready to help him fight. On the other hand, Yong Kai's troops mutinied against him, and so Yong Kai mounted his steed and fled. Before he had gone far, he found his road blocked by the cohort under E Huan, who galloped out with his halberd and confronted the fugitive. Yong Kai could not defend himself, and was struck down. E Huan decapitated him. As soon as they knew he was dead, his troops joined themselves to Gao Ding, who then went and surrendered to Zhuge Liang.

54 Zhuge Liang received Gao Ding sitting in state in his tent, but at once ordered the lictors to decapitate Gao Ding.

55 But Gao Ding said, "Influenced by your kindness, Sir, I have brought the head of my colleague as a proof of the sincerity of my surrender. Why should I die?"

56 "You come with false intent. Do you think you can hoodwink me?" said Zhuge Liang, laughing.

57 "What proof have you that I am false?"

58 Zhuge Liang drew a letter from his box, and said, "Zhu Bao sent this secretly to say he wished to surrender, and he said you and Yong Kai were sworn friends to death. How could you suddenly change your feelings and slay him? That is how I know your treachery."

59 "Zhu Bao only tried to make trouble," cried Gao Ding, kneeling.

60 Zhuge Liang still refused to believe him, and said, "I cannot believe you without more solid proof. If you would slay Zhu Bao, I could take that as proving you were sincere in your surrender."

61 "Do not doubt me. What if I go and capture this man?"

62 "If you did that, my doubts would be set at rest."

63 Thereupon Gao Ding and his subordinate, E Huan, led away their troops to the camp of Zhu Bao. When they were about three miles from his camp, Zhu Bao appeared with a cohort. As soon as they recognized each other, Zhu Bao hastily came forward to parley.

64 But Gao Ding cried out to him, "Why did you write a letter to the Prime Minister and so intrigue with him to get me killed?"

65 Zhu Bao stared open mouthed and could not reply. Then E Huan rode out from behind his chief and struck Zhu Bao with his halberd so that he fell to the ground.

66 Thereupon Gao Ding shouted, "The soldiers should either yield or be slain!"

67 And they yielded in a body.

68 Gao Ding then went back to Zhuge Liang and offered the head of the man just slain.

69 Zhuge Liang laughed again. "I have made you kill both these as a proof of loyalty."

70 Then he created Gao Ding Governor of Yizhou and chief of three territories, while E Huan was made General. Thus the three rebel divisions were disposed of and troubled the peace no more.

71 Governor Wang Kang of Yongchang then came out of the city and welcomed Zhuge Liang.

72 When Zhuge Liang had made his entry into that city, he called Wang Kang and asked, "Who has aided you in the defense of this city?"

73 The Governor said, "The safety of this city is due entirely to Lu Kai."

74 So Lu Kai was called. He came and bowed.

75 Zhuge Liang said, "Long since I heard of you as a remarkable person of this area. We are greatly indebted to you for its safety. Now we wish to conquer the Mangs. Have you any advice to offer?"

76 Lu Kai then produced a map of the country and presented it, saying, "From the time of my appointment, I have felt certain that the southern tribespeople would rise against you, and so I sent secret agents to map out the country and find the strategic points. From that information I prepared this map, which I call 'The Plan to Subdue the Mangs.' I beg you, Sir, to accept it, as it may be of use."

77 Zhuge Liang was very glad. He took Lu Kai into his service as Adviser and Army Guide. With Lu Kai's help, Zhuge Liang advanced and penetrated deeply into the country.

78 While the army was advancing, there came a messenger from the court. When he appeared, Zhuge Liang saw it was Ma Su, and he was clothed in white. He was in mourning for his brother, Ma Liang, who had just died.

79 He said, "I come by special command of the Emperor with gifts of wine and silks for the soldiers."
80 When the ceremonies proper on receipt of a mandate from the Emperor had been performed, and the gifts distributed as instructed, Ma Su was asked to remain to talk over matters.

81 Zhuge Liang said, "I have His Majesty's command to conquer these Mangs. I hear you have some advice to offer, and I should be pleased if you would instruct me."

82 "Yes. I have one thing to say that may be worth thinking over. These people refuse to recognize our supremacy, because they think their country is distant and difficult. If you should overcome them today, tomorrow they would revolt. Wherever your army marches, they are overcome and submit; but the day you withdraw the army and attack Cao Pi, they will renew their attack. In arms even it is best to attack hearts rather than cities; to fight with sentiment is better than to fight with weapons. It will be well if you can win them over."

83 "You read my inmost thoughts," said Zhuge Liang.

84 Then Ma Su was retained with the army as Adviser, and the army marched on.

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