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Chapter 096-03 읍창마속






55 Soon after this edict was issued, a memorial was received from Cao Xiu, Minister of War and Commander of Yangzhou, saying that Zhou Fang, the Wu Governor of Poyang, wished to tender his submission and transfer his allegiance, and had sent a man to present a memorandum under seven headings showing how the power of the South Land could be broken and to ask that an army be dispatched soon.

56 Cao Rui spread the document out on the couch that he and Sima Yi might read it.

57 "It seems very reasonable," said Sima Yi. "Wu could be quite destroyed. Let me go with an army to help Cao Xiu."

58 But from among the courtiers stepped out Jia Kui, who said, "What this man of Wu says may be understood in two ways. Do not trust it. Zhou Fang is a wise and crafty man and very unlikely to desert. In this is some ruse to decoy our soldiers into danger."

59 "Such words must also be listened to," said Sima Yi. "Yet such a chance must not be missed."

60 "You and Jia Kui might both go to the help of Cao Xiu," said the Ruler of Wei.

61 Sima Yi and Jia Kui went.

62 A large army, led by Cao Xiu, moved to Huancheng. Jia Kui, assisted by General Man Chong and Governor Hu Zhi of Dongwan, marched to capture Yangcheng, and facing the East Pass. Sima Yi led the third army to Jiangling.

63 Now the Prince of Wu, Sun Quan, was at the East Pass in Wuchang, and there he assembled his officers and said, "The Governor of Poyang, Zhou Fang, has sent up a secret memorial saying that Cao Xiu intends to invade. Zhou Fang has therefore set out a trap for Cao Xiu and has drawn up a document giving seven plausible circumstances, hoping thereby to cajole the Wei army into his power. The armies of Wei are on the move in three divisions, and I need your advice."

64 Gu Yong stood forth, saying, "There is only one man fit to cope with the present need: He is Lu Xun."

65 So Lu Xun was summoned and made Grand Commander, General Who Pacifies the North, Commander-in-Chief of all the State Armies, including the Imperial Guards, and Assistant in the Royal Duties. He was given the White Banners and the Golden Axes, which denoted imperial rank. All officers, civil and military, were placed under his orders. Moreover, Sun Quan personally stood beside him and held his whip while he mounted his steed.

66 Having received all these marks of confidence and favor, Lu Xun wanted two persons to be his assistants.

67 Sun Quan asked their names, and Lu Xun said, "They are Zhu Huan, General Who Fortifies Prowess, and Quan Zong, General Who Calms the South. These two should be in command."

68 Sun Quan approved and appointed Zhu Huan and Quan Zong as Left Commander and Right Commander respectively.

69 Then the grand army, comprising all the forces of the eighty-one counties of the South Land and the levies of Jingzhou, seven hundred thousand troops in total, was assembled and marched out in three divisions, Lu Xun in the center, with Zhu Huan and Quan Zong supporting him left and right with the other two columns.

70 Then said Zhu Huan, "Cao Xiu is neither able nor bold. He holds office because he is of the blood. He has fallen into the trap laid by Zhou Fang and marched too far to be able to withdraw. If the Commander-in-Chief will smite, Cao Xiu must be defeated. Defeated, he must flee along two roads, one Jiashi on the left, the other Guichi on the right, both of which are precipitous and narrow. Let me and my colleague go to prepare an ambush in these roads. We will block them and so cut off their escape. If this Cao Xiu could be captured, and a hasty advance made, success would be easy and sure. We should get Shouchun, whence Xuchang and Luoyang can be seen. This is the one chance in the thousand."

71 "I do not think the plan good," said Lu Xun. "I have a better one."

72 Zhu Huan resented the rejection of his scheme and went away. Lu Xun ordered Zhuge Jin and certain others to garrison Jiangling and oppose Sima Yi and made all other dispositions of forces.

73 Cao Xiu neared Huancheng, and Zhou Fang came out of the city to welcome him and went to the general's tent.

74 Cao Xiu said, "I received your letter and the memorandum, which was most logical, and sent it to His Majesty. He has set in motion accordingly three armies. It will be a great merit for you, Sir, if the South Land can be added to His Majesty's dominions. People say you are abundant in craft, but I do not believe what they say, for I think you will be true to me and not fail."

75 Zhou Fang wept. He seized a sword from one of his escort and was about to kill himself, but Cao Xiu stopped him.

76 Still leaning on the sword, Zhou Fang said, "As to the seven things I mentioned, my regret is that I cannot show you all. You doubt me because some persons from Wu and Wei have been poisoning your mind against me. If you heed them, the only course for me is to die. Heaven only can make manifest my loyal heart."

77 Again he made to slay himself.
78 But Cao Xiu in trepidation threw his arms about him, saying, "I did not mean it. The words were uttered in jest. Why do you act thus?"

79 Upon this, Zhou Fang, with his sword, cut off his hair and threw it on the ground, saying, "I have dealt with you with sincerity, Sir, and you joke about it. Now I have cut off the hair, which I inherited from my parents, in order to prove my sincerity."

80 Then Cao Xiu doubted no more, but trusted him fully and prepared a banquet for him, and when the feast was over Zhou Fang returned to his own.

81 General Jia Kui came to Cao Xiu, and when asked whether there was any special reason for the visit, he said, "I have come to warn you, Commander, to be cautious and wait till you and I can attack the enemy together. The whole army of Wu is encamped at Huancheng."

82 "You mean you want to share in my victory," sneered Cao Xiu.

83 "It is said Zhou Fang cut off his hair as a pledge of sincerity. That is only another bit of deceit. According to the Spring and Autumn Annals, Yao Li cut off his arm as a pledge of loyalty before he assassinated Prince Qing Ji. Mutilation is no guarantee. Do not trust Zhou Fang."

84 "Why do you come to utter ill-omened words just as I am opening the campaign? You destroy the spirit of the army!" said Cao Xiu.

85 In his wrath he told the lictors to put Jia Kui to death.

86 However, the officers interceded, saying, "Before the march, killing our general is not favorable to the army. O Commander, spare him until after the expedition!"

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