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Chapter 088-04 맹획, 세번째 사로잡히다

  獲再回洞中,與親弟孟優商議曰:「如今諸葛亮之虛實,吾已盡知,汝可去如此如此。」孟優領了兄計,引百餘蠻兵,搬載金珠、寶貝、象牙、犀角之類,渡了瀘水,徑投孔明大寨而來;方才過了河時,前面鼓角齊鳴,一彪軍擺開:為首大將乃馬岱也。孟優大驚。岱問了來情, 令在外廂,差人來報孔明。孔明正在帳中與馬謖、呂凱、蔣琬、費等共議平蠻之事, 忽帳下一人,報稱孟獲差弟孟優來進寶貝。

  孔明回顧馬謖曰:「汝知其來意否?」謖曰:「不敢明言。容某暗寫於紙上,呈與丞相,看合鈞意否?」孔明從之。馬謖寫訖,呈與 孔明。孔明看畢,撫掌大笑曰:「擒孟獲之計,吾已差派下也。汝之所見,正與吾同。」遂喚趙雲入,向耳畔分付如此如此;又喚魏延入,亦低言分付;又喚王平、馬忠、關索入,亦密密地分付。各人受了計策,皆依令而去,方召孟優入帳。

  優再拜於帳下曰:「家兄孟獲,感丞相活命之恩,無可奉獻,輒具金珠寶貝若幹,權為賞軍之資。續後別有進貢天子禮物。」 孔明曰:「汝兄今在何處?」優曰:「為感丞相天恩,徑往銀坑山中收拾寶物去了,少時便回來也。」孔明曰:「汝帶多少人來?」優曰:「不敢多帶。只是隨行百餘人,皆運貨物者。」孔明盡教入帳看時,皆是青眼黑面,黃發紫須,耳帶金環,頭跣足,身長力大之士。孔明就令隨席而坐,教諸將勸酒,殷勤相待。   

  卻說孟獲在帳中專望回音,忽報有二人回了;喚入問之,具說:「諸葛亮受了禮物 大喜,將隨行之人,皆喚入帳中,殺牛宰羊,設宴相待。二大王令某密報大王:今夜二更,裡應外合,以成大事。」孟獲聽知甚喜,即點起三萬蠻兵,分為三隊。獲喚各洞酋長分付曰:「各軍盡帶火具。今晚到了蜀寨時,放火為號。吾當自取中軍,以擒諸葛亮。」諸多蠻將,受了計策,黃昏左側,各渡瀘水而來。孟獲帶領心腹蠻將百餘人,徑投孔明大寨,於路並無一軍阻當。

  前至寨門,獲率眾將驟馬而入,乃是空寨,並不見一人。獲 撞入中軍,只見帳中燈燭熒煌,孟優並番兵盡皆醉倒。原來孟優被孔明教馬謖、呂凱二人管待,令樂人搬做雜劇,殷勤勸酒,酒內下藥,盡皆昏倒,渾如醉死之人。孟獲入帳問之,內有醒者,但指口而已。


73 Meng Huo then returned to his own ravine and discussed matters with his brother, Meng You, saying, "I know all the details of the enemy's force from what I saw in their camp."

74 And Meng Huo gave his brother certain instructions, which Meng You at once began to carry out. Meng You loaded a hundred men with gold and jewels and pearls and ivory and rhinoceros horn, crossed River Lu, and was on his way to the main camp of the Shu army, when he heard the sound of drums and a cohort under Ma Dai poured out to stop him. Meng You did not expect to meet an enemy, and was surprised. But Ma Dai only asked what he had come for. And when he had heard, Meng You was detained while a message was sent to Zhuge Liang.

75 The messenger arrived while a council was in progress, the matter under discussion being how to pacify the Mangs.

76 They announced, “The brother of Meng Huo has come bearing gifts of gold and pearls.”

77 Zhuge Liang turned to Ma Su, saying, "Know you why this man has come?"

78 "I dare not say plainly, but let me write it," said Ma Su.

79 "Write it, then."

80 So Ma Su wrote and handed the paper to his chief, who had no sooner read it than he clapped his hands with joy, crying, "What you say is exactly what I think. But you may know I have already made arrangements for the capture of Meng Huo."

81 Then Zhao Zilong was called, and some orders were whispered into his ear. Next Wei Yan came, and he also went off with secret orders. Wang Ping, Ma Zheng, and Guan Suo also came, and left with particular instructions. All these things done, the bearer of gifts was called.

82 Meng You came and bowed low at the door of the tent, saying, "The brother of my house, Meng Huo, having received great kindness at your hands in sparing his life, feels bound to offer a paltry gift. He has presumed to collect a few pearls and some gold and other trifling jewels by way of something to give your soldiers. And hereafter he will send tribute to your Emperor."

83 "Where is your brother at this moment?" asked Zhuge Liang.

84 "Having been the recipient of your great bounty, he has gone to the Silver Pit Ravine to collect some treasures. He will soon return."

85 "How many soldiers have you brought?"

86 "Only about a hundred. I should not dare to bring any large number. They are just porters."

87 They were brought in for Zhuge Liang's inspection. They had blue eyes and swarthy faces, auburn hair and purple beards. They wore earrings, their hair was fuzzy, and they went barefoot. They were tall and powerful.

88 Zhuge Liang made them sit down, and bade his generals press them to drink and treat them well and compliment them.

89 Meanwhile, Meng Huo was anxious about the reception that would be given to his brother and the treatment of his gifts, so he sat in his tent expecting the messenger at any moment. Then two men came, and he questioned them eagerly.

90 They said, "The presents have been accepted, and even the porters have been invited to drink in the tent and have been regaled with beef and flesh in plenty. O King, your brother sends the news that all will be ready at the second watch for the attack. He will support you from within."

91 This was pleasing news, and Meng Huo prepared his thirty thousand troops ready to march out to the camp. They were divided into three divisions.

92 The King called up his chieftains and notables, and said, "Let each army carry the means of making fire, and as soon as they arrive let a light be shown as a signal. I am coming to the main camp to capture Zhuge Liang."

93 With these orders they marched, and they crossed River Lu at sunset. The King, with a hundred generals as escort, pressed on at once toward the main camp of Shu. They met with no opposition. They even found the main gate open, and Meng Huo and his party rode straight in. But the camp was a desert; not a soldier was visible.

94 Meng Huo rode right up to the large tent and pushed open the flap. It was brilliantly lighted with lamps, and lying about under their light were his brother and all his men, dead drunk. Zhuge Liang had ordered Ma Su and Lu Kai to entertain Meng You and his men with wine and dance performances. The wine they had been pressed to drink while the plays were going on had been heavily drugged, and they had fallen down almost as soon as they had swallowed it. One or two who had recovered a little could not speak: They only pointed to their mouths.

95 Meng Huo then saw that he had been the simple victim of another ruse. However, he picked up his brother and the others and started off to return to his main army.

96 But as he turned, torches began to flash out and drums to beat. The Mangs were frightened and took to their heels. But they were pursued, and the pursuing cohort was led by Wang Ping. The King bore away to the left to escape, but again a cohort appeared in front of him; Wei Yan was there. Meng Huo tried the other side, and was stopped by Zhao Zilong. He was in a trap and attacked on three sides and no fourth to escape by. He abandoned everything, making one wild rush for the River Lu.

97 As he reached the river bank, he saw a bark on the river with Mang soldiers on board. Here was safety. He hailed the boat and jumped on board as soon as it touched the bank. No sooner had he embarked than suddenly he was seized and bound. The boat, which Ma Dai had provided and prepared, was part of the general plan, and the Mang soldiers therein were Ma Dai's soldiers disguised.

98 Many of Meng Huo's troops accepted the chance of surrender held out by Zhuge Liang, who soothed them and treated them well and did not injure one of them.

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