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Chapter 089-02 맹획 ,다섯번째로 사로잡히다




  不一時,魏延解孟獲至。孔明大怒曰:「你今番又被吾擒了,有何理說!」獲曰:「吾今誤中詭計,死不瞑目!」孔明叱武士推出斬之。獲全無懼色,回顧孔明曰:「若敢再放吾回去,必 然報四番之恨!」孔明大笑,令左右去其縛,賜酒壓驚,就坐於帳中。孔明問曰:「吾今四次以禮相待,汝尚然不服,何也?」獲曰:「吾雖是化外之人,不似丞相專施詭計,吾如何肯服?」孔明曰:「吾再放汝回去,復能戰乎?」獲曰:「丞相若再拿住吾,吾那時傾心降服,盡獻本洞之物犒軍,誓不反亂。」


  於是孟獲先教孟優到禿龍洞,見了朵思大王。朵思慌引洞兵出迎,孟獲入洞,禮畢,訴說前事。朵思曰:「大王寬心。若蜀兵到來,令他一人一騎不得還鄉,與諸葛亮皆死於此處!」獲大喜,問計於朵思。朵思曰:「此洞中止有兩條路:東北上一路,就是大王所來之路,地勢平坦,土厚水甜,人馬可行;若以木石壘斷洞口,雖有百萬之眾,不能進也。西北上有一條路,山險嶺惡,道路窄狹;其中雖有小路,多藏毒蛇惡蠍 ;黃昏時分,煙瘴大起,直至已,午時方收,惟未、申、酉三時,可以往來;水不可飲,人馬難行。此處更有四個毒泉:一名啞泉,其水頗甜,人若飲之,則不能言,不過旬日 必死;二曰滅泉,此水與湯無異,人若沐浴,則皮肉皆爛,見骨必死;三曰黑泉,其水微清,人若濺之在身,則手足皆黑而死;四曰柔泉,其水如冰,人若飲之,嚥喉無暖氣,身軀軟弱如綿而死。此處蟲鳥皆無,惟有漢伏波將軍曾到;自此以後,更無一人到此。今壘斷東北大路,令大王穩居敝洞,若蜀兵見東路截斷,必從西路而入;於路無水,若見此四泉,定然飲水,雖百萬之眾,皆無歸矣。何用刀兵耶!」孟獲大喜,以手加額曰:「今日方有容身之地!」又望北指曰:「任諸葛神機妙算,難以施設!四泉之水,足以 報敗兵之恨也!」自此,孟獲、孟優終日與朵思大王筵宴。   

24 One day when the wind blew violently, the Mangs saw great flames spring up around them, and at the same time the rolling of drums heralded an attack. The Mangs, instead of going out to meet the enemy, began to force their way out of the Shu attack. Meng Huo became alarmed and fled with all his clans and dependents. They fought their way through and made a dash for their former camp.

25 Just as they reached it, there appeared a cohort of the enemy led by Zhao Zilong. Meng Huo turned off west and sought refuge in the mountains. But he was fiercely attacked by a cohort under Ma Dai. With a small remnant of followers, he got away into a valley. Soon he saw in the west, north, and south clouds of smoke rising and the glow of torches, so that he was forced to halt. However, the east remained clear, and presently he fled in that direction. As he was crossing the mouth of a gully, he noticed a few horsemen outlined against a thick wood and saw they were escorting a small carriage. And in that carriage sat Zhuge Liang.

26 Zhuge Liang laughed, and said, "So King of the Mangs has got here! You have been defeated. I have waited for you a long time."

27 Meng Huo angrily turned to his followers and said, "Thrice have I been the victim of this man's base wiles and have been put to shame. Now chance has sent him across my path, and you must attack him with all your energy. Let us cut him to pieces and those with him."

28 The Mang horsemen, with Meng Huo shouting to encourage them, pushed forward in hot haste toward the wood. But in a few moments they all stumbled and disappeared into some pits that had been dug in the way. And just then Wei Yan emerged from the wood. One by one the Mangs were pulled out of the pits and bound tight with cords.

29 Zhuge Liang returned to his camp, where the captors of the King could bring in their prisoner. Zhuge Liang busied himself in soothing the other Mang prisoners. Many of the notables and chiefs of the tributaries had betaken themselves to their own ravines and villages with their followers. Many of those who remained came over and yielded to Shu. They were well fed and assured of safety, and allowed to go to their own. They went off gladly enough.

30 By and by Zhang Yi brought up the King's brother, Meng You. Zhuge Liang reproached him for his brother's behavior.

31 "Your brother is a misguided simpleton. You ought to remonstrate with him and persuade him to change his course. Here you are, a captive for the fourth time. Are you not ashamed? How can you have the effrontery to look anyone in the face?"

32 A deep flush of shame passed over Meng You's face, and he threw himself to the earth begging forgiveness.

33 Zhuge Liang said, "If I put you to death, it shall not be today. This time I pardon you, but you are to talk to your brother."

34 So Meng You was loosed from his bonds and allowed to get up. He went away weeping.

35 Very soon Wei Yan brought up Meng Huo, and to him Zhuge Liang simulated great rage, saying, "What can you say now? You see you are in my hands again."

36 "I am again an unfortunate victim," said Meng Huo. "Once more I have blundered into your net, and now I shall die with unclosed eyes."

37 Zhuge Liang shouted to the lictors to take him away and behead him.

38 Meng Huo never blenched at the sentence, but he turned to his captor and said, "If you freed me only once more, I would wipe out the shame of all four captures."

39 Zhuge Liang smiled at the bold reply and bade the lictors loose his bonds, and the attendants served him with wine. Meng Huo was invited to sit in the commander's tent.

40 Said Zhuge Liang, "Four times you have been treated generously and yet you are still defiant. Why?"

41 "Though I am what you call a barbarian, I would scorn to employ your vile ruses. And that is why I remain defiant."

42 "I have liberated you four times. Do you think you can give battle again?"

43 "If you catch me again, I will incline my heart to yield and I will give everything in my ravine to reward your army. I will also take an oath not to cause any further trouble."

44 Zhuge Liang smiled, but let him go. The King thanked him and left.

45 As soon as he was set at liberty, Meng Huo got together several thousand of his adherents and went away southward. Before long he fell in with his brother, Meng You, who had got together an army and was on his way to avenge his brother. As soon as they saw each other, the brothers fell upon each other's necks and wept. They related their experiences.

46 Meng You said, "We cannot stand against the enemy. We have been defeated several times. Now I think we had better go into the mountains and hide in some dark gully where they cannot find us. Those soldiers of Shu will never stand the summer heat. They must retire."

47 "Where can we hide?" asked his brother.

48 "I know a valley away southwest from us called 'Bald Dragon Ravine', and the King, Duo Si, is a friend of mine. Let us take refuge with him."

49 "Very well. Go and arrange it," said Meng Huo.

50 So Meng You went. When he got there and talked to the chief, King Duo Si lost no time but came out with his soldiers to welcome Meng Huo, who then entered the valley. After the exchange of salutations, Meng Huo explained his case.

51 Duo Si said, "O King, rest content. If those men from the River Lands come here, I will see to it that not one goes home. And Zhuge Liang will meet his death here too."

52 Naturally, Meng Huo was pleased. But he wanted to know how his host could feel so secure.

53 Duo Si said, "In this ravine there are only two roads, the one you came by and another by the northwest. The road you traveled along is level and soft, and the waters are sweet. Humans and horses may both use it. But if we close the mouth of the ravine with a barricade, then no one, however strong, can get in. The other road is precipitous, dangerous, and narrow. The only path is beset with venomous serpents and scorpions, and as evening comes on there are malarial exhalations which are dangerous till past noon the next day. The road is only practicable between two watches before sunset. Then the water is undrinkable. The road is very difficult.

54 "Then again there are four streams actually poisonous. One is called 'The Dumb Spring'. Its water is pleasant to the palate, but it makes people dumb and they die in a few days. A second fountain is called 'The Destruction Spring' and is hot. But if a person bathes therein, his flesh rots till his bones protrude and he dies. The third is 'The Black Spring'. Its water is clear. If it be sprinkled on a person's body, his limbs turn black and presently he dies. The fourth is 'The Weak Spring', ice cold. If a person drink of this water his breath is chilled, he becomes weak as a thread and soon dies. Neither birds nor insects are found in this region, and no one but the Han General Ma Yuan, who was styled General Who Quells the Waves for this exploit, has ever passed. Now the northeast road shall be blocked, and you may hide here perfectly safe from those troops of Shu, for, finding that way blocked, they will try the other road, which is waterless save for the four deadly springs. No matter how many they be, they will perish, and we need no weapons."

55 "Now indeed I have found a place to live in," cried Meng Huo, striking his forehead. Then looking to the north he said, "Even Zhuge Liang's wonderful cunning will be of no avail. The four springs alone will defeat him and avenge my army."

56 The two brothers settled down comfortably as guests of King Duo Si, with whom they spent the days in feasting.

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