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Chapter 089-01 맹획 ,다섯번째로 사로잡히다

    第八十九回 武鄉侯四番用計  南蠻王五次遭擒

The Lord of Wuxiang Uses The Fourth Ruse;
The King of Mang Is Captured The Fifth Time.

  卻說孔明自駕小車,引數百騎前來探路。前有一河,名曰西洱河,水勢雖慢,並無一隻船筏。孔明令伐木為筏而渡,其木到水皆沉。孔明遂問呂凱,凱曰:「聞西洱河上流有一山,其山多竹,大者數圍。可令人伐之,於河上搭起竹橋,以渡軍馬。」孔明即調三萬人入山,伐竹數十萬根,順水放下,於河面狹處,搭起竹橋,闊十餘丈。乃調大軍於河北岸一字兒下寨,便以河為壕塹,以浮橋為門,壘土為城;過橋南岸,一字 下三個大營,以待蠻兵。   

  卻說孟獲引數十萬蠻兵,恨怒而來。將近西洱河,孟獲引前部一萬刀牌獠丁,直扣 前寨搦戰。孔明頭戴綸巾,身披鶴氅,手執羽扇,乘駟馬車,左右眾將簇擁而出。孔明見孟獲身穿犀皮甲,頭頂朱紅盔,左手挽牌,右手執刀,騎赤毛牛,口中辱罵;手下萬餘洞丁,各舞刀牌,往來沖突。孔明急令退回本寨,四面緊閉,不許出戰。蠻兵皆裸衣赤身,直到寨門前叫罵。諸將大怒,皆來稟孔明曰:「某等情願出寨決一死戰!」孔明不許。諸將再三欲戰,孔明止曰:「蠻方之人,不遵王化,今此一來,狂惡正盛,不可迎也;且宜堅守數日,待其猖獗少懈,吾自有妙計破之。」於是蜀兵堅守數日。

  孔明在高阜處探之,窺見蠻兵已多懈怠,乃聚諸將曰:「汝等 敢出戰否?」眾將欣然要出。孔明先喚趙雲、魏延入帳,向耳畔低言,分付如此如此。 二人受了計策先進。卻喚王平、馬忠入帳,受計去了。又喚馬岱分付曰:「吾今棄此三寨,退過河北;吾軍一退,汝可便拆浮橋,移於下流,卻渡趙雲、魏延軍馬過河來接應。」岱受計而去。又喚張翼曰:「吾軍退去,寨中多設燈火。孟獲知之,必來追趕,汝卻斷其後。」張翼受計而退。孔明只教關索護車。眾軍退去,寨中多設燈火。蠻兵望見,不敢沖突。   


  於是孟獲自驅前部,直到西洱河邊。望見河北岸上, 寨中旗幟整齊如故,燦若雲錦;沿河一帶,又設錦城。蠻兵哨見,皆不敢進。獲謂優曰:「此是諸葛亮懼吾追趕,故就河北岸少住,不二日必走矣。」遂將蠻兵屯於河岸;又使人去山上砍竹為筏,以備渡河;卻將敢戰之兵,皆移於寨前面。卻不知蜀兵早已入自己之境。

1 Zhuge Liang's small carriage was escorted by only a few horsemen. Hearing that a sluggish river, the West Er River, lay in the way, and having no boat, Zhuge Liang bade the escort cut down some trees and make a raft. They did so, but the raft sank.

2 So Zhuge Liang turned to Lu Kai, who said, "There is close by a mountain covered with bamboos. I have heard of these bamboos, and some are several spans in girth. We can make a bridge of them for the army to cross."

3 So thirty thousand soldiers were sent to the mountains, where they cut down many thousands of bamboos, and floated them down river. Then at the narrowest point they made a bridge a hundred spans or so in length. Next the main army was brought down to the river and camped in line along the bank. The camp was protected by a moat, crossed by a floating bridge, and a mud rampart. On the south bank they constructed three large stockades so as to prepare for the coming of the Mang soldiers.

4 They had not long to wait. Meng Huo was hot with rage and came quickly with an army of one hundred thousand. As soon as he got near the river, he led out ten thousand fierce warriors, armed with big swords and shield, and challenged the first stockade.

5 Zhuge Liang went forth in simple state. He wore a silk cap and a crane-white robe and held in his hand a feather fan. He sat in a four-horse carriage, and his generals rode right and left.

6 The King of the Mang was clad in mail of rhinoceros hide and wore a bright red casque. In his left hand he bore a shield, and his right gripped a sword. He rode a red ox. As soon as he saw his enemies, he opened his mouth and poured forth abuse and insults, while his warriors, huge and bold, darted to and fro brandishing their weapons.

7 Zhuge Liang at once ordered the army to retire within the stockades and bar the gates. The Mangs came close up to the stockade and pranced about naked, shouting in derision.

8 Within the stockade the Shu generals grew very angry, and they went in a body to see their leader.

9 They all said, “We volunteer to march out and fight until death!”

10 But Zhuge Liang would not listen.

11 Presently he said, "These men are not submissive to the Imperial Government and are naturally fierce and turbulent. In that mood we are no match for them. But all we have to do is to remain on guard for a few days till their ferocity has spent itself. Then I have a plan that will overcome them."

12 Days passed, and the army of Shu made no move; they only maintained the defensive. Zhuge Liang watched the besiegers from an eminence, and saw the first vigor of their advance give way to careless idleness.

13 Then Zhuge Liang called together his generals and asked, "Dare you give battle now?"

14 They all rejoiced at the suggestion. So he called them two by two or one by one and gave them secret orders. Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan went in first. Wang Ping and Ma Zheng followed.

15 To Ma Dai he said, "I am going to abandon these stockades and retire north of the river. As soon as we have crossed, you are to cut loose the floating bridge and move it down the stream so that Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan may cross."

16 To Zhang Yi he said, "You are to remain by the camp and light it up at night---as if it is still occupied. When Meng Huo pursues, then you are to cut off his retreat."

17 Last of all, Guan Suo was to escort Zhuge Liang's carriage.

18 The soldiers marched out of the camp at evening, and the lamps were hung up as usual. The Mangs saw this from a distance and dared not attack. But the next morning at dawn Meng Huo led his troops to the stockades and found all was quiet. He went close up and saw they were all empty and bare; not a soldier was there. Grain and fodder lay about among empty carts. All was in confusion, suggesting hasty departure.

19 "They have abandoned the camp," said Meng You to his brother. "But this is only a ruse."

20 Said Meng Huo, "I think that Zhuge Liang has important news from the capital that has made him leave without his baggage train like this. Either Wu has invaded or Wei has attacked. They left these lamps burning to make us think the camps were occupied, but they ran away leaving everything behind. If we pursue, we cannot go wrong."

21 So the King urged his army onward, himself heading the leading division. When they reached the bank of the West Er River, they saw on the farther side that the camps were all in order and the banners flying as usual like a brightly tinted cloud of silk. Along the bank stood a wall of cloth. They dared not attack.

22 Meng Huo said to his brother, "This means that Zhuge Liang fears lest we may pursue. That is only a temporary halt, and they will retire in a couple of days."

23 The Mangs camped on the river bank while they sent into the mountains to cut bamboos to make rafts. The boldest of the soldiers were placed in front of the camp till the rafts should be ready to cross. Little did Meng Huo suspect that the army of Shu was already within his borders.

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