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Chapter 038-06 와룡 일어나다





98 This was good news for Sun Quan and he said, "With his help, I could destroy Huang Zu."

99 Then Sun Quan bade Lu Meng bring Gan Ning to see him.

100 When the salutations were over, the chief said, "My heart is entirely captivated by your coming. I feel no resentment against you. I hope you will have no doubts on that score, and I may as well tell you that I desire some plan for the destruction of Huang Zu."

101 Gan Ning replied, "The dynasty is decadent and without influence. Cao Cao will finally absorb the country down to the river unless he is opposed. Liu Biao provides nothing against the future, and his sons are quite unfitted to succeed him. You should lay your plans to oust him at once before Cao Cao anticipates you. The first attack should be made on Huang Zu, who is getting old and avaricious, so that everyone hates him. He is totally unprepared for a fight and his army is undisciplined. He would fall at the first blow. If he were gone, you would control the western passes and could conquer the lands of Ba and Shu 파촉. And you would be securely established."

102 "The advice is most valuable," said Sun Quan, and he made his preparations.

103 Zhou Yu was appointed Commander-in-Chief; Lu Meng 여몽 was Van Leader; Dong Xi 동습 and Gan Ning were Generals. Sun Quan himself would command the main army of one hundred thousand troops.

104 The spies reported that to Huang Zu who, at the news of an expedition against him, called his officers together to consult. He placed Su Fei in chief command. He also appointed Chen Jiu 진취 and Deng Long 등룡 as Van Leaders, and prepared for general defense. He had two hundreds of warships under the command of Chen Jiu and Deng Long. On these he placed strong bows and stiff crossbows to the number of more than a thousand and secured the boats to heavy hawsers so that they formed a barrier in the river.

105 At the approach of the southern fleet, the drums beat for the ships to attack. Soon arrows and bolts flew thick, forcing back the invaders, who withdrew till several miles of water lay between them and the defenders.

106 "We must go forward," said Gan Ning to Dong Xi.

107 So they chose a hundred light craft and put picked men on them, fifty to a boat. Twenty were to row the boats and thirty to fight. These latter were armored swordsmen. Careless of the enemy's missiles these boats advanced, got to the defenders' fleet, and cut the hawsers of their ships so that they drifted hither and thither in confusion. Gan Ning leaped upon one boat and killed Deng Long. Chen Jiu left the fleet and set out for the shore. Lu Meng dropped into a small boat and went among the larger ships setting them on fire. When Chen Jiu had nearly reached the bank, Lu Meng reckless of death went after him, got ahead, and struck him full in the breast so that he fell.

108 Before long Su Fei 소비 came along the bank with reinforcements, but it was too late. The armies of the South Land had already landed, and there was no hope of repelling them. Su Fei fled into the open country, but he was made prisoner.

109 Su Fei was taken to Sun Quan who ordered that he be put into a cage-cart and kept till Huang Zu should be captured. Then he would execute the pair. And the attack was pressed on. Day and night they wrought to capture Xiakou.

He sees his ships cut loose and burned, 
By the Silk-sailed Pirate he once spurned.

111 For Huang Zu's fate, see next chapter.

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