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Chapter 088-05 맹획, 세번째 사로잡히다


  此時蜀兵已渡瀘水。孟獲等過了瀘水,只見岸口陳兵列將,旗幟紛紛。獲到營前,馬岱高坐,以劍指 之曰:「這番拿住,必無輕放!」孟獲到了自己寨時,趙雲早已襲了此寨,布列兵馬。 雲坐於大旗下,按劍而言曰:「丞相如此相待,休忘大恩!」獲喏喏連聲而去。將出界口山坡,魏延引一千精兵,擺在坡上,勒馬厲聲而言曰:「吾今已深入巢穴,奪汝險要;汝尚自愚迷,抗拒大軍!這回拿住,碎屍萬段,決不輕饒!」孟獲等抱頭鼠竄,望本洞而去。後人有詩讚曰:


  卻說孔明渡了瀘水,下寨已畢,大賞三軍,聚眾將於帳下曰:「孟獲第二番擒來,吾令遍觀各營虛實,正欲令其來劫營也。吾知孟獲頗曉兵法,吾以兵馬糧草炫耀,實令孟獲看吾破綻,必用火攻。彼令其弟詐降,欲為內應耳。吾三番擒之而不殺,誠欲服其 心,不欲滅其類也。吾今明告汝等,勿得辭勞,可用心報國。」眾將拜伏曰:「丞相智、仁、勇三者足備,雖子牙、張良不能及也。」孔明曰:「吾今安敢望古人耶?皆賴汝等之力,共成功業耳。」帳下諸將聽得孔明之言,盡皆喜悅。

  卻說孟獲受了三擒之氣,忿忿歸到銀坑洞中,即差心腹人金珠寶貝,往八番九十三甸等處,並蠻方部落,借使牌 刀獠丁軍健數十萬,克日齊備,各隊人馬,雲推霧擁,俱聽孟獲調用。伏路軍探知其事,來報孔明,孔明笑曰:「吾正欲令蠻兵皆至,見吾之能也。」遂上小車而行。正是:



99 The remains of the conflagration were stamped out, and in a short time Ma Dai brought along his prisoner. At the same time Zhao Zilong led in his brother, Meng You. Wei Yan, Ma Su, Wang Ping, and Guan Suo also brought their prisoners, chiefs or notables, to the camp of the Prime Minister.

100 Zhuge Liang looked at the King and laughed.

101 "That was but a shallow ruse of yours to send your brother with presents to pretend to submit to me. Did you really think I should not see through it? But here you are once more in my power. Now do you yield?"

102 "I am a prisoner owing to the gluttony of my brother and the power of your poisonous drugs. If I had only played his part myself and left him to support me with soldiers, I should have succeeded. I am the victim of fate and not of my own incapacity. No, I will not yield."

103 "Remember this is the third time. Why not?" said Zhuge Liang.

104 Meng Huo dropped his head and made no answer.

105 "Ah, well. I will let you go once more," said Zhuge Liang.

106 "O Minister, if you will let me and my brother go, we will get together our family and clients and fight you once more. If I am caught that time, then I will confess myself beaten to the ground, and that shall be the end."

107 "Certainly I shall scarcely pardon you next time," said Zhuge Liang. "You had better be careful. Diligently tackle your Book of Strategy; look over your list of confidants. If you can apply a good plan at the proper moment, you will not have any need for late regrets."

108 Meng Huo and his brother and all the chiefs were released from their bonds. They thanked Zhuge Liang for his clemency and went away.

109 By the time the released prisoners had got back to the river, the army of Shu had crossed to the farther side and had captured the Mang defenses, the Shu flags fluttering in the breeze. As Meng Huo passed the camp, he saw Ma Dai sitting in state.

110 Ma Dai pointed his sword at the King as he passed, and said, "Next time you are caught, you will not escape."

111 When Meng Huo came to his own camp, he found Zhao Zilong in possession and all in order. Zhao Zilong was seated beneath the large banner, with his sword drawn, and as the King passed.

112 Zhao Zilong also said, "Do not presume on the kindness of the Prime Minister because you have been generously treated."

113 Meng Huo grunted and passed on. Just as he was going over the frontier hills, he saw Wei Yan and a company drawn up on the slopes.

114 Wei Yan shouted, "See to it: We have got into the inmost recesses of your country and have taken all your defensive positions. Yet you are foolish enough to hold out. Next time you are caught, you will be quite destroyed. There will be no more pardons."

115 Meng Huo and his company ran away with their arms over their heads. Each one returned to his own ravine.

116 In the fifth moon, when the sun is fierce, 
Marched the army into the wild land, 
To the River Lu, bright and clear, 
But deadly with miasma. 
Zhuge Liang the leader cared not, 
Pledged was he to subdue the south, 
Thereby to repay the First Ruler's deference with service. 
Wherefore he attacked the Mangs. 
Yet seven times he freed their captured king.

117 After the crossing of the river, the Shu soldiers were feasted.

118 Then Zhuge Liang addressed his officers: "I let Meng Huo see our camp the second time he was our prisoner, because I wanted to tempt him into raiding it. He is something of a soldier, and I dangled our supplies and resources before his eyes, knowing he would try to burn them and that he would send his brother to pretend to submit that thereby he could get into our camp and have a chance to betray us. I have captured and released him three times, trying to win him over. I do not wish to do him any harm. I now explain my policy that you may understand I am not wasting your efforts and you are still to work your best for the government."

119 They all bowed, and one said, "O Prime Minister, you are indeed perfect in everyone of the three gifts: Wisdom, benevolence, and valor. Not even Lu Wang or Zhang Liang can equal you!"

120 Said Zhuge Liang, "How can I expect to equal our men of old? But my trust is in your strength, and together we shall succeed."

121 This speech of their leader's pleased them all mightily.

122 In the meantime Meng Huo, upset at the three captures, hastened home to his own Silver Pit Ravine, whence he sent trusted friends with gifts to the Eight Nations and the Ninety-three Sees and all the Mang quarters and clans to borrow shields and swords and warriors and braves. He got together one hundred thousand soldiers. They all assembled on an appointed day, massing like clouds and sweeping in like mists gathering on the mountains, each and all obeying the commands of the King Meng Huo.

123 And the scouts knew it all, and they told Zhuge Liang, who said, "This is what I was waiting for, that the Mangs should have an opportunity of knowing our might."

124 Thereupon he seated himself in a small carriage and went out to watch.

125 O let our enemy's courage glow 
That our greater might may show.

126 The story of the campaign will be continued in the next chapter.

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