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Chapter 087-04 남만 정벌


  卻說孔明正在寨中議事,忽哨馬飛報,說三洞元帥分兵三路到來。孔明聽畢,即喚 趙雲、魏延至,卻都不分付;更喚王平、馬忠至,囑之曰:「今蠻兵三路而來,吾欲令子龍、文長去;此二人不識地理,未敢用之。王平可往左路迎敵,馬忠可往右路迎敵。吾卻使子龍、文長隨後接應。今日整頓軍馬,來日平明進發。」二人聽令而去。又喚張嶷、張翼分付曰:「汝二人同領一軍,往中路迎敵。今日整點軍馬,來日與王平、馬忠 約會而進。吾欲令子龍、文長去取,奈二人不識地理,故未敢用之。」張嶷、張翼聽令去了。趙雲、魏延見孔明不用,各有慍色。孔明曰:「吾非不用汝二人,但恐以中年涉險,為蠻人所算,失其銳氣耳。」趙雲曰:「倘我等識地理,若何?」孔明曰:「汝二人只 宜小心,休得妄動。」二人怏怏而退。




  先說魏延殺奔董荼那寨來。董荼那聽知寨後有軍殺至,便引兵出寨拒敵。忽然寨 前門一聲喊起,蠻兵大亂。原來王平軍馬早已到了。兩下夾攻,蠻兵大敗。董荼那奪路走脫,魏延追趕不上。卻說趙雲引兵殺到阿會喃寨後之時,馬忠已殺至寨前。兩下夾攻,蠻兵大敗,阿會喃乘亂走脫。各自收軍,回見孔明。孔明問曰:「三洞蠻兵,走了兩洞之主;金環三結元帥首級安在?」趙雲將首級獻功。眾皆言曰:「董荼那、阿會喃皆棄 馬越嶺而去,因此趕他不上。」孔明大笑曰:「二人吾已擒下了。」趙、魏二人並諸將皆不信。

  少頃,張嶷解董荼那到,張翼解阿會喃到。眾皆驚訝。孔明曰:「吾觀呂凱圖 本,已知他各人下的寨子,故以言激子龍、文長之銳氣,故教深入重地,先破金環三結,隨即分兵左右寨後抄出,以王平、馬忠應之。非子龍、文長不可當此任也。吾料董荼那、 阿會喃必從便徑往山路而走,故遣張嶷、張翼以伏兵待之,令關索以兵接應,擒此二人。」諸將皆拜伏曰:「丞相機算,神鬼莫測!」孔明令押過董荼那、阿會喃至帳下,盡去其縛,以酒食衣服賜之,令各自歸洞,勿得助惡。二人泣拜,各投小路而去。

85 When the King of the Mangs, Meng Huo, heard how cleverly Zhuge Liang had got rid of Yong Kai, he called together the leaders of the "Three Ravines" to discuss matters. The chief of the first Ravine was Jinhua Sanjie, of the second Dongtu Na, and of the third Ahui Nan.

86 These having come to the King's place, he said to them, "Zhuge Liang of Shu and his Grand Army has invaded our country, and we must exert our united strength to drive out the invaders. You three must lead your forces, and whoever conquers the enemy shall be chief of chiefs."

87 It was arranged that Jinhua Sanjie should march in the center division, Dongtu Na on the left, and Ahui Nan on the right. Each division was fifty thousand tribesmen.

88 When the scouts made out that the Mang armies were coming, they at once told Zhuge Liang, who called Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan to his side, but gave them no orders.

89 Next he sent for Wang Ping and Ma Zheng, and said to them, "I cannot send Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan against the Mangs because they do not know the country. You two are to go, one against each wing, and the two veteran warriors shall support you. Get your troops ready and start tomorrow at dawn."

90 Wang Ping and Ma Zheng took the orders and went out.

91 Then Zhang Yi and Zhang Ni were given orders: "You two are to march against the center army. You are to act with Wang Ping and Ma Zheng tomorrow. I want to send Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan, but I am still afraid they do not know the country well."

92 Zhang Yi and Zhang Ni also received the orders and went out.

93 Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan now began to feel hurt.

94 Noticing this, Zhuge Liang said, "I have no wish to pass you over, you two, but I fear that if you get too deeply into the country and should fall victims to the Mangs, it will have an ill effect on the others."

95 "But what if we did know the geography of the country?" said Zhao Zilong.

96 "All I say to you is to be careful how you do anything," replied Zhuge Liang.

97 The two soldiers left and went together to the camp of Zhao Zilong.

98 Zhao Zilong said, "We are greatly ashamed at being put in the background because we do not know the country. We cannot bear this."

99 "Then let us ride out and survey," said his colleague. "Let us capture a few natives and make them show us the road, and let us defeat these tribesmen."

100 They rode off. Before they had gone far they saw a cloud of dust in the distance. Climbing a hill to get a better view, they saw a small party of mounted Mangs coming toward them. The two waited till they were near and then suddenly burst out. The Mangs, taken entirely by surprise, ran away all but a few, who yielded themselves prisoners. The two warriors returned to camp.

101 The prisoners were given wine and food. When they had satisfied their hunger, they were questioned.

102 Said they, "The camp of Chief Jinhua Sanjie is just in front, just by the entrance to the mountains. Near the camp, running east and west, is the Five Valleys. The camps of the other two chiefs---Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan---are behind."

103 Having listening to this information, Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan got together five thousand troops, took the captured men as guides, and marched out about the second watch. It was a clear night, and the moon gave light to march by.

104 The first camp was reached about the fourth watch. The Mang soldiers were already awake and preparing their morning meal, as they intended to attack at daylight. Suddenly Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan gave a signal of attack, and their troops poured forward. The vigorous and unexpected attack of the two generals threw the camp into confusion. Zhao Zilong fought into the center of the camp and encountered Jinhua Sanjie. Both leaders engaged, and Zhao Zilong slew Jinhua Sanjie by a spear thrust. Then Zhao Zilong dismounted and cut off the head of the Chief.

105 Next Wei Yan took half the force and went west to the second camp, while Zhao Zilong marched east to the third one. By the time they reached the camps, day had dawned. The Mangs also had news of Wei Yan's coming, and drew up the camp to oppose. But when they had got clear, there was a great uproar behind them at the stockade gates, and confusion followed. The reason was the arrival of Wang Ping. Between the two bodies, the Mangs were beaten. Their Chief, Dongtu Na, forced his way out and got away. Wei Yan's soldiers followed, but they could not catch him.

106 When Zhao Zilong led his troops east to attack the third camp in the rear, Ma Zheng made an attack on the front. They scored a success, but the Chief Ahui Nan escaped.

107 They returned to headquarters, and Zhuge Liang said, "The three parties of Mangs have fled, and Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan escaped. Where is the head of Jinhua Sanjie?"

108 Zhao Zilong produced it. At the same time he reported: "Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan escaped by abandoning their horses and going over the hills. Therefore, they could not be followed."

109 "They are already prisoners," said Zhuge Liang with a laugh.

110 The fighting men could not credit it. But soon after Zhang Ni brought out Dongtu Na; and Zhang Yi, Ahui Nan.

111 When the Shu leaders expressed surprise and admiration, Zhuge Liang said, "I had studied the map and knew the positions of the camps. I taunted Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan into making a supreme effort into the camp of Jinhua Sanjie. At the same time I sent other forces under Wang Ping and Ma Zheng, with the purpose to support Zhao Zilong and Wei Yan and to force Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan to flee. I felt certain the two chiefs would run away along those small roads, and I set soldiers under Zhang Ni and Zhang Yi on those roads to wait for them. They also were supported."

112 They all bowed, saying, "The Prime Minister's calculations are divine and incomprehensible."

113 The two captive chiefs were then called. As soon as they appeared, Zhuge Liang loosed their bonds, gave them refreshments, and released them, bidding them offend no more. They thanked him for their liberty, and disappeared along a by-road.

114 Then Zhuge Liang said to his generals, "Tomorrow Meng Huo will come in person to make an attack. We shall probably capture him."

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