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Chapter 088-01 맹획, 세번째 사로잡히다

    第八十八回 渡瀘水再縛番王  識詐降三擒孟獲

Crossing River Lu: The Mang King Is Bound The Second Time;
Recognizing A Pretend Surrender: Meng Huo Is Captured The Third Time.

  卻說孔明放了孟獲,眾將上帳問曰:「孟獲乃南蠻渠魁,今幸被擒,南方便定;丞相何故放之?」孔明笑曰:「吾擒此人,如囊中取物耳。直須降伏其心,自然平矣。」諸將聞言,皆未肯信。當日孟獲行至瀘水,正遇手下敗殘的蠻兵,皆來尋探。眾兵見了孟獲,且驚且喜,拜問曰:「大王如何能勾回來?」獲曰:「蜀人監我在帳中,被我殺 死十餘人,乘夜黑而走;正行間,逢著一哨馬軍,亦被我殺之,奪了此馬:因此得脫。」 眾皆大喜,擁孟獲渡了瀘水,下住寨柵,會集各洞酋長,陸續招聚原放回的蠻兵,約有十餘萬騎。




  忽報蜀中差馬岱解暑藥並糧米到。孔明令入。岱參拜畢,一面將米藥分派四寨。孔明問曰:「汝將 帶多少軍來?」馬岱曰:「有三千軍。」孔明曰:「吾軍累戰疲困,欲用汝軍,未知肯向前否?」岱曰:「皆是朝廷軍馬,何分彼我?丞相要用,雖死不辭。」孔明曰:「今孟獲拒住瀘水,無路可渡。吾欲先斷其糧道,令彼軍自亂。」岱曰:「如何斷得?」孔明曰:「離此一百五十裡,瀘水下流沙口,此處水慢,可以紮筏而渡。汝提本部三千軍 渡水,直入蠻洞,先斷其糧,然後會合董荼那、阿會喃兩個洞主,便為內應。不可有誤。」

1 The officers did not approve of the release of the King of the Mangs, and they came to the tent of Zhuge Liang and said, "Meng Huo is the most important personage of all the Mangs, and his capture is the key to restoring order in the south. Why then, O Minister, did you release him?"

2 "I can capture him just as easily as I can get something out of my pocket. What I want to do is to overcome and win his heart, so that peace may follow of itself."

3 They listened, but they had no great confidence in the success of the policy of conciliation.

4 In the meantime Meng Huo had reached the River Lu, and there he fell in with some of his defeated leaders, who were trying to get news of their King's fate.

5 They were surprised, but glad, to see him, and asked, "How were Your Highness able to get back?"

6 The King lied, saying, "They confined me in a tent, and I broke out in the night. I slew more than ten guards and ran. And then I met one of their sentries, killed him, and that is how I got this horse."

7 They never doubted his word, and very joyfully they hurried him over the river to a camping place. Then all the notables assembled from the various ravines, and the soldiers that had escaped death were mustered and got into shape as a fighting force.

8 The two leaders in the late campaign, Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan, were in one of the ravines, and Meng Huo sent to ask them to come. They were afraid, but they could not disobey, and they came with an escort.

9 When all had assembled, the King proclaimed as follows: "I know Zhuge Liang is too full of ruses for us to conquer him in a fight; we should only fall victims to other base devices. However, we must remember that his soldiers have marched far and the weather is sultry, which are factors in our favor. Beside, River Lu is our rampart. We will have boats and rafts on the south side, and we will build a mud wall. With such good defenses we can afford to wait and see what the enemy intends."

10 His speech met with approval, and his plan was carried out. The wall was supported by the hills and strengthened by fighting turrets, upon which were placed large bows and crossbows and arrows and stones. The defenses looked as if they were permanent. Moreover, each ravine sent supplies in plenty. And having made these preparations, Meng Huo felt comfortable and safe.

11 Zhuge Liang had advanced, and his leading division was now close to the river.

12 Spies came back to report: "No boats or rafts can be found to cross, and the current is too strong to think of fording. Beside, we can see the formidable defenses on the farther bank, the mud wall and the turrets all fully manned."

13 The weather was burning hot, for it was the fifth month, and the soldiers could not tolerate their armor nor even their clothing.

14 When Zhuge Liang had inspected the river, he returned to his tent and assembled his officers, to whom he read this order: "The enemy is securely established on the south bank ready to repel our attack. Yet, having come so far, we cannot return empty. For the present you will all seek what shelter you can find in the forests, and rest and refresh your troops."

15 Then he sent Lu Kai to a distance to select a cool stretch of thirty miles, and there he made four stockades. Within the stockades he built huts for the soldiers and sheds for the horses, so that they were sheltered from the intense heat. The four camps were stationed by Wang Ping, Zhang Ni, Zhang Yi, and Guan Suo.

16 However, Jiang Wan, observed these shelters and went to Zhuge Liang, saying, "These shelters of Lu Kai are very unsuitable. He has made the same mistake as that which led to the defeat of the First Ruler at the hands of Wu. He has not taken into account the surroundings of the stockades; and if the Mangs should come over and start a fire, there could be no rescue."

17 "Do not anticipate trouble," said the Commander-in-Chief, smiling. "I have provided against all such dangers."

18 Jiang Wan did not know what the chief meant to do, but he said no more. Then Ma Dai arrived from the River Lands, and he brought summer medicines and further supplies of grain. He saw Zhuge Liang, and then proceeded to distribute the supplies he had brought according to orders.

19 Then Zhuge Liang said, "What force have you brought?"

20 "Three thousand," replied Ma Dai.

21 "My people are weary and worn out. I want to use yours. You have no objections?"

22 "Of course not. They are equally government troops. They are ready even to die for you if you wish."

23 "This Meng Huo is established on the river, and we have no means of crossing. But I am anxious to intercept his supplies, so that his troops may mutiny."

24 "How can you do it?"

25 "Some fifty miles lower down River Lu there is a place called Shakou, where the current is slow and shallow because of sand. You could cross there on rafts. I wish you and your soldiers to cross and cut the road of supplies. After that you are to arrange with the two leaders---Dongtu Na and Ahui Nan---whose lives I spared, to be your allies on the inside, and we shall succeed."

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