

World History and UNESCO World Heritage 전세계의 역사 백과사전EUROPE › 나움부르크 성당

cyber | 2021.05.19 09:00:09 | 본문 건너뛰기 쓰기


09 나움부르크 성당
Naumburg Cathedral

N51 9 17.3 E11 48 14.4
Date of Inscription: 2018
Criteria: (i)(ii)
Property : 1.82 ha
Buffer zone: 56.98 ha
Ref: 1470rev

Located in the eastern part of the Thuringian Basin, the Cathedral of Naumburg, whose construction began in 1028, is an outstanding testimony to medieval art and architecture. Its Romanesque structure, flanked by two Gothic choirs, demonstrates the stylistic transition from late Romanesque to early Gothic. The west choir, dating to the first half of the 13th century, reflects changes in religious practice and the appearance of science and nature in the figurative arts. The choir and life-size sculptures of the founders of the Cathedral are masterpieces of the workshop known as the ‘Naumburg Master’.

Germany-UNESCO2018 World Heritage


첨부 [1]


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