알프스주변의 선사시대 호상가옥
Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps (문화 (iv)(v) , 2011), Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland

- 111개의 작은 부지들로 이루어진 이 연속유산은 기원전 5000년부터 500년까지 알프스 주변에 세워진 선사시대 호상가옥들로 이루어진 유적을 아우름.

- 발굴 작업이 이루어졌던 일부 부분을 통해 신석기시대부터 청동기시대까지의 알프스 지역사회와 환경의 상호작용을 비춰 볼 수 있음.

- 전체 부지들 중 56군데는 스위스에 위치함.

This serial property of 111 small individual sites encompasses the remains of prehistoric pile-dwelling (or stilt house) settlements in and around the Alps built from around 5000 to 500 B.C. on the edges of lakes, rivers or wetlands. Excavations, only conducted in some of the sites, have yielded evidence that provides insight into life in prehistoric times during the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Alpine Europe and the way communities interacted with their environment. Fifty-six of the sites are located in Switzerland. The settlements are a unique group of exceptionally well-preserved and culturally rich archaeological sites, which constitute one of the most important sources for the study of early agrarian societies in the region.

Austria-UNESCO World Heritage
France-UNESCO World Heritage
Germany-UNESCO World Heritage
Italy-UNESCO World Heritage
Slovenia-UNESCO World Heritage
Switzerland-UNESCO World Heritage


역사년표Map BC -AD 1 -600 -1000 -1500 -1800 -1900 -1950 -1980-현재 (1945년이후 10대뉴스)

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