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Sweden 2 : 2 England 

[ENG] 11. COLE Joe (34') 4. GERRARD Steven (85') 
[SWE] 20. ALLBACK Marcus (51') 11. LARSSON Henrik (90') 

COLOGNE, Germany (AP) - Joe Cole was shredding Sweden's defense so effortlessly he had confident England fans singing "God Save the Queen" before halftime. 

Not so fast. The Swedes have been flustering England for nearly 40 years now, and this game would be no different. 
Henrik Larsson scored off a throw-in, getting the slightest touch to deflect the ball into the net in the 90th minute and salvage a 2-2 tie for the Swedes on Tuesday night. England hasn't beaten Sweden since way back in 1968, a streak that is now at 12 games. 

"We scored two fantastic goals and it's a little bit annoying that we concede two goals, one from a corner, one from a long throw-in," England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson said. "Even though the Swedes are very strong, we are also a tall, strong team and we should defend better." 

There is one big bright spot for England, though. It still won Group B, which means it gets Ecuador and an extra day of rest for the second round, playing Sunday in Stuttgart. 

And Sweden, as the runner-up, will have to play three-time champion and World Cup host Germany in Munich in the second round Saturday. 

"The most important thing is that we won the group," Eriksson said. "We have been talking about that since we came to Germany. That was the big target." 

Cole scored on a brilliant 30-yard shot in the 34th minute, and then set up Steven Gerrard's go-ahead goal in the 85th for England. But the English couldn't put away the Swedes, a problem that has lasted nearly four decades. 

Marcus Allback had tied it 1-1 for the Swedes on a header in the 51st minute. 

"We were the better team in the second half and created some really good scoring chances," Sweden coach Lars Lagerback said. 

Sweden is 4-0-8 in the streak against England, with four of the matches coming while Eriksson - a Swede - has coached England. 

Though England arrived in Cologne with an eight-game winning streak, it hadn't played anywhere close to its best in Germany. But it seemed to get a spark from Wayne Rooney's return to the starting lineup and Cole's dazzling play, showing a confidence and authority it's lacked so far. 

Even losing Michael Owen in the fourth minute to a nasty-looking right knee injury didn't seem to throw them. Owen, who only recently recovered from a broken foot, was carried off the field on a stretcher and will be examined Wednesday. 

"We're all feeling for Michael at the moment," captain David Beckham said. "As a team we've done what we wanted but to lose Michael, I think is devastating for every one of us and the team." 

Asked if Owen might miss the rest of the tournament, Eriksson said, "Maybe, we don't know yet." 

Cole, Rooney and birthday boy Frank Lampard all came close to scoring in the first half before Cole finally broke through in the 34th. Niclas Alexandersson cleared the ball with a header, and it dropped a few feet in front of Cole. It bounced, Cole blocked it with his chest, then took a powerful swing with his right foot. 

The ball sailed straight for the goal and Sweden goalkeeper Andreas Isaksson leaped desperately to deflect it. But he could only brush the ball with his fingertips, and it caromed off the post into the back of the net. 

Cole ran to the corner of the field, tapping his chest in salute to the roaring England fans. 

While England was giving Isaksson a workout, Sweden's best chance of the first half was off Tobias Linderoth's corner kick in the 19th. The ball went straight to Teddy Lucic, but it banged off of Lampard. Lucic held up his hands as if to say, "Just inches," then shook his head in frustration. 

But two very different teams came out after halftime - a good thing for Sweden, not so good for England. 

Six minutes into the half, Allback outleaped Beckham for Linderoth's corner, knocking the ball back toward the goal and over England goalie Paul Robinson to tie it. It was the 2,000th goal of the World Cup, which began in 1930. 

Four minutes later, Larsson's header deflected off an England defender, and it looked as if it would go into the net. But Robinson got a shoulder on it, and it bounced off the crossbar. 

It looked as if England's misery against Sweden was finally over in the 85th, when Cole sent a beautiful cross from the edge of the box to Gerrard, who'd come on for Rooney in the 69th minute. Gerrard leaped and knocked the ball into the goal, just past Isaksson. 

But Sweden continued its relentless pressure, and it finally paid off in the dying moments. 

Larsson barely brushed the throw-in from Linderoth, but it was enough to get by Sol Campbell and Robinson. It set off a raucous celebration by the Sweden fans, who left the stands littered with blue and yellow streamers. 

"I knew my chances would come," said Larsson, who got his first goal in Germany. "If you're lucky you will score. I was tonight." 

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Paraguay 2 : 0 Trinidad and Tobago 
[PAR] 23. CUEVAS Nelson (86')5. SANCHO Brent (25' OG) 

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany (AP) - Trinidad and Tobago needed a lot to go its way to make the second round of the World Cup. 

The Soca Warriors were unable to pull off the most important - getting their first World Cup win. 
Brent Sancho headed a ball past his own goalkeeper in the 25th minute and Trinidad and Tobago never recovered, losing 2-0 to Paraguay on Tuesday night in a game it needed to win to have any chance at advancing. 

Trinidad came into its final first-round match with slim hopes, needing a victory against already eliminated Paraguay, an England win over Sweden and help on goal differential to make the second round. 

None of the three happened as Sweden tied England 2-2 to earn second place in Group B behind the English. After starting its first World Cup appearance with a promising and surprising 0-0 draw against the Swedes, Trinidad and Tobago finished last in the group with only that one point. 

"It's a massive disappointment," captain Dwight Yorke said. "I suppose when you see the England score at the end it's different. But we wanted to win the game. We wanted to score a goal at the end of it all. That would have made the whole campaign a huge success." 

The biggest problem was the Soca Warriors' inability to score. In fact, the only time a Trinidad player put the ball into the net in three matches it went into the wrong goal. 

Nelson Cuevas broke free on a counterattack in the 86th minute to score Paraguay's second goal, providing a bright ending to a disappointing World Cup. 

"There is nothing we can do about what happened here in Germany," striker Roque Santa Cruz said. "We were able to win just one game, but we now have to look to the future, work hard and change everything that has to be changed. 

"I am glad we had this small joy today. But this was not enough." 

Trinidad did its best to generate offense, playing the final 59 minutes with three strikers and giving creative midfielder Russell Latapy his first chance to play in this tournament in the second half. 

Latapy created a spark, setting up Dwight Yorke with a good chance outside the penalty box and narrowly missing his shot from nearly the same spot. But Trinidad had only one shot on goal until Latapy's long attempt was easily saved by Aldo Bobadilla in the 79th minute. 

"Everybody who was involved with Trinidad and Tobago can be proud," Trinidad coach Leo Beenhakker said. "Before the start of the tournament the only question was if we would lose 6-nil or 8-nil or 5-nil. They did what they could. I don't have any reason at all to blame my players." 

It was a fitting break for Paraguay, which never recovered after losing its opener 1-0 to England on an early own-goal by captain Carlos Gamarra. The South Americans then lost 1-0 in the closing minutes to Sweden and were only playing for pride in the final match. 

"This victory doesn't mean as much in the way of this World Cup but it does give the young players, who are our future, something to build on," Paraguay coach Anibal Ruiz said. 

Paraguay finally got a break in this World Cup in the 25th minute. Roberto Acuna swung in a free kick from the left side that Julio Dos Santos got his head on. Sancho tried to clear it with his own header but instead redirected the ball past Kelvin Jack. 

"These things happen probably 50 million times a day in football," Sancho said. "It's unfortunate. I didn't intentionally try to head it in. It just glanced off at the last minute. It was disappointing." 

Sancho's dreadlocks played a big role in this World Cup for Trinidad. England's first goal against T&T came when Peter Crouch pulled on one Sancho's dreadlocks to create the space to head in a goal in the 83rd minute. Sancho had a rubber band around his hair this game to help prevent that from happening again, but it could do nothing to stop the own-goal. 

Trinidad's desperation showed itself right after the first goal as Beenhakker brought in a third striker in the 31st minute, subbing Kenwyne Jones for defender Avery John. 

Paraguay put Trinidad on its heels after the goal and nearly added to its lead in the 36th minute but an apparent score by Denis Caniza was waved off by a late offsides flag. In injury time, Jack made a good save on a header by Nelson Valdez and Densill Theobald cleared a shot by Carlos Paredes off the goal line. 

Both goalies were tested early in a matchup of two of the six teams who failed to score in the first two games. Jack made a diving stop in the second minute on a header from Roque Santa Cruz, and Bobadilla answered with his own diving stop on Glen's header about three minutes later. 

Jack, who missed the first two games with an injured calf, got the start in place of Shaka Hislop, who played well the first two games.