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Mexico 0 : 0 Angola  

HANOVER, Germany (AP) - At times it was desperate, and occasionally ugly. It also was a point in the World Cup for Angola. 

Anchored by goalkeeper Joao Ricardo and defender Jamba, World Cup newcomer Angola frustrated heavily favored Mexico and hung on for a 0-0 draw Friday night. 

Ricardo made several dramatic saves, and the chances he flubbed somebody - usually Jamba - came to clear from danger. 

Five days after losing 1-0 to former colonial ruler Portugal, the Black Antelopes withstood an early surge from Mexico, displayed a bit of offensive initiative and then managed to overcome playing a man down for the final 11 minutes. 

"It's a great challenge to play Mexico," Angola coach Luis Oliviera Goncalves said. "They're a very difficult team, but we developed a strategy that allowed us not to suffer goals and to try to score ourselves." 

The result left Mexico, who beat Iran 3-1 in their opener, atop Group D with four points and one game remaining, against Portugal. The Portuguese face Iran on Saturday. The Angolans have only Iran remaining. 

Ricardo was forced into theatrics, particularly in the second half. 

He raced off his line in the 57th minute and leapt to thwart Guillermo Franco's attempt to chip over him from just inside the penalty area. Second-half substitute Jesus Arellano put the rebound back on goal, but Jamba cleared the ball off the line. 

"Those are situations of the game," Ricardo said. "Sometimes the goalkeeper needs help, in this case it was Jamba who came in, and that's a good thing." 

Ricardo preserved the shutout in the 88th minute, diving to his right to push Rafael Marquez's 35-yard strike around the post. 

"That's football," Mexico midfielder Gerardo Torrado said. "Sometimes luck just doesn't go our way." 

Without injured striker Jared Borgetti, who tore a muscle in his left thigh against Iran, Mexico coach Ricardo Lavolpe used Brazilian-born midfielder Zinha, also known as Antonio Naelsen, as a replacement. 

With the overwhelming support from the crowd of 43,000, whose singing drowned out the recorded music during the playing of the Mexican national anthem, El Tri dominated the first 20 minutes. 

With Carlos Salcido's shot from 30 yards in the opening minute that landed in the top netting, and Marquez's free kick from 35 yards that deflected off the wall and onto the right post, Angola was forced to foul to stem Mexico's advances. 

But Angola settled down, began to gain some possession and was able to push forward, blunting Mexico. 

"It wasn't a surprise," Angola striker and captain Fabrice Akwa said. "Before the game, the coach asked us for a victory. He told us everything was possible against Mexico. 

"I think taking into account the fact we ended up with 10 players, we managed a good result." 

While elating Angolans, Ricardo also made them anxious. He twice dropped balls in the first half, including one on Marquez's cross that Jamba had to clear. 

Lavolpe, seen waving his arms in frustration, abandoned his two-forward strategy in the 53rd, sending in Jesus Arellano for Zinha as a third striker. 

El Tri continued to create chances, but Ricardo was Mexico's equal. 

Angola still was able to push the ball into Mexico's end, but when Andre was ejected with his second yellow card for a handball in the 79th, Angola retreated into its own half to withstand the final minutes. 

Initially thrilled with its victory over Iran, Mexico now has to regroup and brace for Portugal. 

"Mexico had full control of the game," Lavolpe said, "but when the ball does not want to enter the goal, when one lacks definition, games end 0-0." 


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Portugal 2 : 0 Iran 

[POR] 20. DECO (63')17. CRISTIANO RONALDO (80' PEN) 

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - Luiz Felipe Scolari is doing for Portugal what he did for Brazil, building a team that can win World Cup games. 

Now can it win a championship? 

The Brazilian coach, who guided his country to the 2002 title, helped Portugal break a 40-year curse Saturday, leading the team beyond the first round of the World Cup with a a 2-0 win over Iran. 

The win guaranteed advancement for Portugal, which last got so far in 1966 behind its greatest player, Eusebio. 

"This is a historic moment for Portugal," Scolari said. "Portugal has for years had a psychological problem about its starts to major tournaments. We're feeling good about ourselves now. We did what we had to do." 

Portugal went out in the first round of the 1986 and 2002 tournaments, despite boasting talented teams that were expected to show well. 

Scolari, who took charge of Portugal three years ago, became the longest-serving coach of the Portuguese national team in Frankfurt, chalking up his 45th match. 

Portugal has sent its most experienced team ever to Germany, with a squad that together has collected close to 800 caps. 

Even so, it hasn't yet found the form which won it the nickname of the Brazilians of Europe. Yet the Portuguese are safely into the next round. 

Iran, still winless in Germany, held the Portuguese for over an hour before Deco scored with a powerful first-time shot from outside the penalty area. 

Cristiano Ronaldo made a penalty kick 10 minutes from the end. 

"We were playing the way I wanted. I knew that if we kept at them in the same way, they'd eventually break," Scolari said. 

Portugal has six points in Group D; it beat Angola 1-0 in its opening match. 

Just as against Angola, the Portuguese failed to keep their usual spark after a bright start, allowing an opponent to stay close. Then came the two second-half goals - and a spot in the second round.  

"In the first half we created innumerable goal-scoring chances, but it never happened," captain Luis Figo said. "We lost our way a bit in the second half, but after we broke through it was easier." 

Figo set up both goals in an otherwise disappointing display in his 122nd international appearance. 

He broke down the left flank and passed inside for an unmarked Deco to fire home. Deco had missed the opener with a strained leg muscle. 

"We kept the balance in most of the match," Iran's Croatian coach Branko Ivankovic said. "Unfortunately, their first goal came against the run of play after a fantastic individual effort from Deco precisely when I was warming up two players to strengthen our midfield." 

On another break down the left, he was brought down in the area by Yahya Golmohammadi for the penalty kick. Ronaldo stepped up to the spot and fired in a hard shot, sending the goalie the wrong way. 

Scolari made three midfield changes after his team failed to impress against Angola. Francisco Costinha, Maniche and Deco came in for Armando Petit, Tiago and Simao Sabrosa. 

Ronaldo was also included, even though he skipped two training sessions last week with muscle fatigue. 

Iran left top striker Ali Daei out of his starting lineup due to a back strain. 

The match featured a raft of close misses for the Portuguese and occasional goalmouth threats from Iran. 

Deco forced Ebrahim Mirzapour into a superb reflex save from close range after 12 minutes, the goalie palming the ball away with his outstretched right hand. 

Then Ricardo Carvalho's header from Figo's corner kick spun just wide. 

Ronaldo started slowly, but threatened the Iranian defense twice in two minutes. The winger had a header chested off the line by Hossein Kaabi and then cut past three defenders from the right and hit a powerful shot just wide of the post. 

But the Portuguese weren't firing on all pistons as Iran successfully closed down playmakers Deco and Figo for long periods. Still, Iran's attacking efforts often fell short because of sloppy ball control. 

"Portugal was very strong, and after their first goal it became clear to us that it would be very hard to remain in the World Cup," said Ferydoon Zandi.