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Group D 1Â÷Àü FIFA World Youth Championship 
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¿¬ÇÕ´º½º 2005.06.12 

Barrett comes up big as USA edge Argentina (0:1) 
( 11 Jun 2005 
Goals Scored: BARRETT Chad (USA) 39' 
The Americans celebrate what turned out to be the winning goal against Argentina. (ACTION IMAGES) Alex Morton 
The first upset of the FIFA World Youth Championship Netherlands 2005 has come from the USA, who beat favourites Argentina 1-0 in their opening game thanks to a goal from Chad Barrett. In the second half the Argentinians piled on the pressure, but only occasionally did the US defence look like cracking.  
"I am proud of my team. This is a great achievement," said US coach Sigi Schmid after the game. "This victory takes us an important step forward. We had some luck at the right time when the Argentinians stepped things up in the second half." 
The South Americans provided the first surprise even before the kick-off when the team coached by Francisco Ferraro took the field without Lionel Messi of Barcelona, a gambit that the US coaching staff had not anticipated, as Schmid freely admitted later at the press conference. The Americans began with the same line-up as during the 2-0 victory over China in a warm-up match six days earlier. 
After a nervous start for both teams it was the Americans who were the first to take control of the game, and Argentine goalkeeper Oscar Ustari had to look sharp to keep out two shots from striker Chad Barrett of MLS side Chicago Fire. The first chance for the Albiceleste came on the quarter-hour with a lob from Gustavo Oberman. 
Emiliano Armenteros, one of three players on the field who were also in the Argentina side that lost 2-1 to the USA in Suwon, South Korea, last March, then masterfully laid on another chance for Oberman, but he could only rattle the post. Now the Argentinians began to get into the rhythm and US goalkeeper Quentin Westberg had to show all his ability to save a deflected shot from Fernando Gagos. 
Barrett bags the winner 
Then, back up the other end, Sammy Ochoa failed to strike the ball cleanly when given a shooting chance at the end of a slick move begun by Freddy Adu and continued by Barrett. As the game became somewhat disjointed, US defender Jonathan Spector of Manchester United had to go off with an injury, but his teammates kept their composure and just seconds later took the lead. In the 40th minute, a cross from Marvell Wynne was deflected by captain Greg Dalby as far as Barrett, who reacted fastest to nod the ball home.  
The USA team held off the Argentine challenge to win 1-0. (ACTION IMAGES) Alex Morton 
Argentina brought on Messi for Armeneros at half time in a bid to bring more attacking pressure to bear. However, when Oberman served up a first opportunity for Messi, he failed to connect when well placed.  
 Nevertheless, the USA continued to look more fluent in their build-up. With an hour gone, good spadework from Eddie Gaven gave Barrett a chance for a shot on the turn from 15 metres which he sent narrowly wide. At the other end, Messi shot sharply, but Westberg was on his guard and made a superb parrying save. Following up, Oberman failed to convert from the left-hand corner of the penalty area. 
Argentine pressure in the closing stages 
In the 72nd minute, Adu could have wrapped it all up with a penalty after he himself had been fouled, but the 16-year-old drove his spot kick against the post. The lightning-fast Messi and Oberman then upped the tempo even further as the match entered its closing stages. Messi's header was saved by the watchful Westberg, while Pablo Vitti's shot went agonisingly past the post. 

Barrett, who had been one of the most outstanding players for his side, had to leave the field with an injury 10 minutes from time, but the Americans saw out the remaining minutes without great difficulty. The victory has now given them a great chance of clinching qualification for the next round. 

Argentina coach Ferraro said after the game: "We didn't play well in the first half, and that's when the Americans earned their win. We got better in the second half, but even then we were below the level my team is capable of." 

Messi, who was brought on only at half time for tactical reasons, said: "It was a very difficult game for us. I am not disappointed that I did not play in the first half. I am part of a team, and I have good teammates."