SubKorea > Ã౸ > 2005³â ¼¼°èû¼Ò³â > ½ºÄھµå > Çѱ¹ : ½ºÀ§½º

Group F 1Â÷Àü FIFA World Youth Championship 
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Group F FIFA World Youth Championship 
Switzerland sweep past Korea to top table (1:2) 
( 12 Jun 2005 
Goals Scored: SHIN Young Rok (KOR) 25' , ANTIC Goran (SUI) 28' , VONLANTHEN Johan (SUI) 33'  
Goran Antic scores Switzerland's first goal against Korea Republic. Alex Morton ACTION IMAGES  
Switzerland came from behind to defeat Korea Republic 2-1 in their opening Group F match of the FIFA World Youth Championship Netherlands 2005 on Sunday. In a highly entertaining encounter, Korea took the lead through Shin Young-Rok but two goals in five first-half minutes from Goran Antic and Johan Vonlanthen enabled the Swiss to grab the points and move to the top of the table following the 0-0 draw between Brazil and Nigeria earlier on in Emmen.  
It was a bright beginning under the incessant rain. Both sides were at full strength or close to it and confident enough to go for the jugular from the whistle. 
Switzerland almost drew first blood on 18 minutes when a cross from the right was deflected inches past the post. The young Taeguk Warriors, lifted by the deafening cheers of their loyal band of followers, responded and Baek Seung-min fired wide moments later.  
It was an explosive start and there was no let up in the action. Four minutes later, Reto Ziegler forced Cha Ki-seok into a superb save after a well-worked free kick. Antic, alone six yards out, blasted the follow up high over. Back down the other end, Lee Yoo-Han launched himself at a corner but his header landed just wide. 
A goal had to come and it arrived in the very next attack. Park Chu-young sprayed the ball out left, Baek's shot was parried but only to Shin Young-Rok and the masked man found the net with ease (1:0, '26).  
The lead lasted but two minutes. Ziegler had begun the game well and, with his elegant left foot, the Tottenham Hotspur player produced a superb raking ball from the right.  Antic, ghosting in from the left side, controlled well and slid the ball home to make amends for his earlier miss (1:1, '28). 
Knowing each other's movements almost intuitively and suited to the rain-soaked surface, the Swiss were finding each other at will.  Ziegler, from the right, curled and inch-perfect centre for Vonlanthen and the Brescia striker's glancing header picked up pace off the wet turf and skidded into the far corner to give them the lead (1:2, '33). 
Masked Man Young Rok Shin opens the scoring for Korea Republic. (ACTION IMAGES) Alex Morton  
"Initially we had won the midfield battle," said Korean coach Park Sung-wha after the game. "But I think we lost concentration after our goal and allowed them to hit back." 
Playing slighty withdrawn on the left side of the Korean attack, Park, the much talked about number 10, was having a quietly accomplished match. Five minutes after half-time he sprang into life, rampaging through the Swiss defence and almost going on to score a memorable goal. 
The striker, who had joined up with the squad only a few days before after being on FIFA World Cup qualifying duty with the senior side, was now in the mood. On 61 minutes, he intelligently found space on the edge of the area, only to volley just over.  And nine minutes later, with Korea once more countering at speed, he fed substitute Park Jong Jin whose screaming effort was superbly tipped over by Daniel Lopar.  
Oh Jang-eun fired a similar effort from 20 yards just wide, but despite late pressure, the Swiss defence held firm to earn the three points. 
"Korea are a very good side and I'm happy we came up against them in the first match," Switzerland coach Pierre-Andre Schuermann told reporters. "We had a good opening period but they came at us in the second half and we struggled to win the match at the end."