개역한글성경 구약. , , , , , , , 룻, 삼상, 삼하, 왕상, 왕하, 대상, 대하, , 느, , 욥, , 잠, , 아, , 렘, , 겔, , 호, , 암, , 욘, , 나, , 습, , 슥,

Birds Of The Bible -animalbible
by Wayne Blank

"And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens." So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day." (Genesis 1:20-23 RSV (창01:20-23) (see The Seven Days Of Creation)

Nearly 400 different kinds of birds can be found in the region of Israel, of which about 25 are found only in Israel. Birds are mentioned widely throughout The Bible, with literal and metaphorical usage. Some of the most common -

▶ Doves 비둘기

▶ Chickens 암탉새끼, 병아리, 닭

▶ Eagles 독수리

▶ Ravens 까마귀

▶ Peacocks 공작, 타조

▶ Hawks 매, 다호마스

▶ Owls 부엉이, 당아새, 타조

▶ Quail 메추라기

Many Others

Various Bible versions often translate the original Scriptures differently e.g. one version may use "kite," while another may use "falcon." All of these species are mentioned -

▶ Bittern 고슴도치

▶ Cormorant 노자, 당아

▶ Crane 학, 두루미 cf. stork

▶ Crow 까마귀, (닭이) 울다. cf. raven

▶ Cuckoo 갈매기

▶ Falcon 새매, 솔개, 매 cf. Vulture -animalbible

▶ Glede cf. Vulture

▶ Heron 황새

▶ Hoopoe 대승

▶ Kite

▶ Lapwing 대승

▶ Nighthawk 매, 다호마스

▶ Ospray, Osprey 어응

▶ Ossifrage 솔개

▶ Ostrich 타조

▶ Partridge 메추라기, 자고새

▶ Pelican 당아새

▶ Pigeon 집비둘기

▶ Sparrow 참새

▶ Stork

▶ Swallow 제비

▶ Swan 따오기

▶ Turtledove 반구

▶ Vulture 매, 솔개

--- Wayne Blank

개역한글성경 신약. , , , , , 롬, 고전, 고후, , 엡, , 골, 살전, 살후, 딤전, 딤후, , 몬, , 약, 벧전, 벧후, 요일, 요이, 요삼, 유,