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Portugal 2 : 1 Mexico 

[MEX] 17. FONSECA Jose (29')

GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (AP) - Portugal powered into the second round of the World Cup. Mexico scrambled through. 

Luiz Felipe Scolari's makeshift Portugal team, featuring five backups, finished a sweep of its opening-round games with a 2-1 victory over Mexico on Wednesday. 

"Things couldn't be better," said Scolari, who holds the World Cup record with 10 straight coaching victories. He won seven games with unbeaten Brazil in the 2002 tournament, and now is 3-0 in Germany. 

Mexico, coming off a win and a draw, missed a penalty kick and played the last 30 minutes with 10 men. But its door to the knockout round opened when Angola drew with Iran. 

Mexico has advanced in the last four World Cups. 

Portugal will play the Netherlands on Sunday in Nuremberg after the Dutch tied Argentina 0-0 to finish second in Group C. Mexico plays Saturday against Argentina in Leipzig. 

"The next game is hugely important. From now on, if a team is a bit off-color, it can pay a heavy price," Scolari said. 

Portugal won on goals by Maniche and Simao Sabrosa in the first 25 minutes, and Kikin replied by heading in a corner kick to put Mexico back in the game before halftime. 

But then Mexico's Omar Bravo missed a chance to tie on a second-half penalty kick that soared over the net, and a second yellow card for Luis Perez damaged his team's chances. 

Portugal went into the game having already qualified for the knockout round. So Scolari replaced five players who had received yellow cards already. 

Among those absent were playmaker Deco, winger Cristiano Ronaldo, and all-time top scorer Pauleta. 

Even so, the Portuguese stretched their unbeaten run to 17 international games, during which they have allowed just six goals. 

"This was as tough a game as we had expected, but I asked my players today to make it hard for me to pick my team for the next round, and they did that," Scolari said. 

Mexico had lost just two of its last 12 games against European opposition in World Cup matches. With the Iran-Angola game being played at the same time, Ricardo Lavolpe's team needed just a draw to advance and it charged at the Portuguese from the outset. 

Kikin slalomed past three defenders to get into the Portuguese area before shooting straight at the goalkeeper in early action. 

Portugal replied with a clinical attack as Sabrosa charged down the wing and pulled the ball back for Maniche to beat keeper Oswaldo Sanchez. 

"We started very well," Lavolpe said. "We had control for long periods, but when you have the ball you have to score, and we even missed a penalty." 

When Mexico captain Rafael Marquez used his hand to prevent Fernando Meira heading a shot toward goal, Sabrosa hit his spot kick just beyond the goalkeeper's reach. 

Kikin's goal revived Mexico's hopes and when Antonio Naelson (also known as Zinha) came on after halftime, Mexico cranked up the pressure. 

Zinha, who assisted once and scored another in Mexico's win over Iran, made an immediate difference with his slick dribbling and neat passes, and the lineup change paid off when Mexico was awarded the penalty kick. 

But Bravo fired the ball into the bleachers. 

"I was thinking, obviously, that I should have hit it with less force. When something like that happens, you have to make the best of it mentally more than physically," Bravo said. 

Scolari spent most of the match standing on the touchline shouting instructions to his team that lost its way in the last 20 minutes. Two players, defender Marco Caneira and striker Helder Postiga, were playing in their first World Cup. 

Poor finishing by Mexico kept the Portuguese ahead. 

"I liked the way we played for the first 70 minutes," Scolari said. "When we had one more man on the field, we fell apart. That worried me." 

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Iran 1 : 1 Angola  

[IRN] 3. BAKHTIARIZADEH Sohrab (75') 
[ANG] 16. FLAVIO (60')

LEIPZIG, Germany (AP) - Angola came into the World Cup as a long shot - a tournament newcomer in a group with accomplished teams from Mexico and Portugal. 

So although the Black Antelopes didn't qualify for the second round, there was still satisfaction for a team that exceeded expectations. 
Needing a win to have any chance to advance, Angola scored its first goal of the tournament but was held to a 1-1 draw Wednesday when Sohrab Bakhtiarizadeh scored the tying goal in the 75th minute for Iran. 

"When we arrived with the team, the first idea that we would suffer many goals didn't happen," Angola coach Luis Oliveira Goncalves said. "With two draws ... the people of Angola can be very, very proud." 

Angola lost 1-0 to Portugal in its opener before playing Mexico to a 0-0 draw. 

To advance, Angola needed to beat Iran, have Mexico lose to Portugal and get help on goal differential. They were unable to deliver the one part they fully controlled. The Angolans finished their first World Cup in third place in Group D with two points, one ahead of Iran. 

Substitute Flavio gave Angola the lead in the 60th minute when he broke free from Kaabi Hossein in the penalty box to head a cross from Ze Kalanga over goalkeeper Ebrahim Mirzapour. 

Iran tied it 15 minutes later when Bakhtiarizadeh jumped over striker Love and headed a corner kick from Mehdi Mahdavikia just inside the undefended post. 

With Mexico losing 2-1 to Portugal, Angola would have needed three goals in the closing minutes to advance. But the Black Antelopes showed little urgency, apparently satisfied with the draw. 

The game ended Angola captain Fabrice Akwa's international career. The former Benfica striker announced he would retire from international soccer in April. 

"This certainly isn't the goodbye I want," Akwa said. 

Iran, which has not advanced to the second in three World Cup appearances, generally controlled the flow of play, though Angola created several good scoring chances. 

Iran coach Branko Ivankovic said his team was hampered because two key players, defender Mohammad Nosrati and forward Vahid Hashemian, had to be replaced early on because of injuries. 

"Nevertheless, we dominated the match, created more chances and deserved to win," Ivankovic said. "But this is soccer, and sometimes you also need a bit of luck." 

The Iranians, who generated security headaches for the hosts because of protests against the government in Tehran, had already been eliminated after losing their two matches in the group. But they remained hopeful they could return home "honorably" by beating Angola. 

Ivankovic had announced before the tournament that he would step down when his contract expires in July. After the game, Iran's Physical Education Organization fired the head of the soccer federation, Mohammed Dadkan. 

The Black Antelopes had the first real opportunity in the 12th minute with Mateus shooting over the crossbar from inside the penalty area. 

Iran replied two minutes later when goalkeeper Joao Ricardo smothered a low shot from Kaiserslautern's Ferydoon Zandi. Ricardo stopped a free kick in the 24th from the edge of the area by Ali Daei, whose return header from close in cleared the bar. 

In the 27th minute, Angola defender Mendonca stopped Zandi's header in the goal mouth. 

Ivankovic dropped the team's biggest star, Bayern Munich playmaker Ali Karimi, from the squad because of his poor form and erratic behavior. He was replaced by the 37-year old Daei, who had likely played his last match for the national team. 

Ivankovic had hoped for a "home advantage" at the match, counting on Germany's Iranian community to turn out in force. But Iran's fans appeared to be outnumbered by Angola's supporters waving their red-and-black banners.