Job Chapter 11 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Zophar reproves Job. (1-6)
God's perfections and almighty power. (7-12)
Zophar assures Job of blessings if he repented. (13-20)

Verses 1-6 Zophar attacked Job with great vehemence. He represented him as a man that loved to hear himself speak, though he could say nothing to the purpose, and as a man that maintained falsehoods. He desired God would show Job that less punishment was exacted than he deserved. We are ready, with much assurance, to call God to act in our quarrels, and to think that if he would but speak, he would take our part. We ought to leave all disputes to the judgment of God, which we are sure is according to truth; but those are not always right who are most forward to appeal to the Divine judgment.

  욥11:1 소발의 첫 번째 발언
욥 11:1 나아마 사람 소발이 대답하여 가로되 
욥 11:2 말이 많으니 어찌 대답이 없으랴 입이 부푼 사람이 어찌 의롭다 함을 얻겠느냐 
욥 11:3 네 자랑하는 말이 어떻게 사람으로 잠잠하게 하겠으며 네가 비웃으면 어찌 너를 부끄럽게 할 사람이 없겠느냐 
욥 11:4 네 말이 내 도는 정결하고 나는 주의 목전에 깨끗하다 하는구나 
욥 11:5 하나님은 말씀을 내시며 너를 향하여 입을 여시고 
욥 11:6 지혜의 오묘로 네게 보이시기를 원하노니 이는 그의 지식이 광대 하심이라 너는 알라 하나님의 벌하심이 네 죄보다 경 하니라 

Verses 7-12 Zophar speaks well concerning God and his greatness and glory, concerning man and his vanity and folly. See here what man is; and let him be humbled. God sees this concerning vain man, that he would be wise, would be thought so, though he is born like a wild ass's colt, so unteachable and untameable. Man is a vain creature; empty, so the word is. Yet he is a proud creature, and self-conceited. He would be wise, would be thought so, though he will not submit to the laws of wisdom. He would be wise, he reaches after forbidden wisdom, and, like his first parents, aiming to be wise above what is written, loses the tree of life for the tree of knowledge. Is such a creature as this fit to contend with God?

욥 11:7 네가 하나님의 오묘를 어찌 능히 측량하며 전능자를 어찌 능히 온전히 알겠느냐 
욥 11:8 하늘보다 높으시니 네가 어찌 하겠으며 음부보다 깊으시니 네가 어찌 알겠느냐 
욥 11:9 그 도량은 땅보다 크고 바다보다 넓으니라 
욥 11:10 하나님이 두루 다니시며 사람을 잡아 가두시고 개정하시면 누가 능히 막을소냐 
욥 11:11 하나님은 허망한 사람을 아시나니 악한 일은 상관치 않으시는 듯하나 다 보시느니라 
욥 11:12 허망한 사람은 지각이 없나니 그 출생함이 들나귀 새끼 같으니라 

Verses 13-20 Zophar exhorts Job to repentance, and gives him encouragement, yet mixed with hard thoughts of him. He thought that worldly prosperity was always the lot of the righteous, and that Job was to be deemed a hypocrite unless his prosperity was restored. Then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; that is, thou mayst come boldly to the throne of grace, and not with the terror and amazement expressed in ch. 9:34. If we are looked upon in the face of the Anointed, our faces that were cast down may be lifted up; though polluted, being now washed with the blood of Christ, they may be lifted up without spot. We may draw near in full assurance of faith, when we are sprinkled from an evil conscience, ( Hebrews 10:22 ) .


욥 11:13 만일 네가 마음을 바로 정하고 주를 향하여 손을 들 때에 

욥 11:14 네 손에 죄악이 있거든 멀리 버리라 불의로 네 장막에 거하지 못하게 하라 

욥 11:15 그리하면 네가 정녕 흠 없는 얼굴을 들게 되고 굳게 서서 두려움이 없으리니 

욥 11:16 곧 네 환난을 잊을 것이라 네가 추억할지라도 물이 흘러감 같을 것이며 

욥 11:17 네 생명의 날이 대낮보다 밝으리니 어두움이 있다 할지라도 아칩과 같이 될 것이요 

욥 11:18 네가 소망이 있으므로 든든할지며 두루 살펴보고 안전히 쉬리니 

욥 11:19 네가 누워도 두렵게 할 자가 없겠고 많은 사람이 네게 첨을 드리리라 

욥 11:20 그러나 악한 자는 눈이 어두워서 도망할 곳을 찾지 못하리니 그의 소망은 기운이 끊침이리라 


개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,