Psalms Chapter 111 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The Lord is to be praised for his works.

- The psalmist resolves to praise God himself. Our exhortations and our examples should agree together. He recommends the works of the Lord, as the proper subject, when we are praising him; and the dealings of his providence toward the world, the church, and particular persons. All the works of the Lord are spoken of as one, it is his work; so admirably do all the dispensations of his providence centre in one design. The works of God, humbly and diligently sought into, shall all be found just and holy. God's pardoning sin is the most wonderful of all his works, and ought to be remembered to his glory. He will ever be mindful of his covenant; he has ever been so, and he ever will be so. His works of providence were done according to the truth of the Divine promises and prophecies, and so were verity, or truth; and by him who has a right to dispose of the earth as he pleases, and so are judgment, or righteous: and this holds good ( psalms 111:7-8 ) God's commandments are sure; all have been fulfilled by Christ, and remain with him for a rule of walk and conversation to us. He sent redemption unto his people, out of Egypt at first, and often afterwards; and these were typical of the great redemption, which in the fulness of time was to be wrought out by the Lord Jesus. Here his everlasting righteousness shines forth in union with his boundless mercy. No man is wise who does not fear the Lord; no man acts wisely except as influenced by that fear. This fear will lead to repentance, to faith in Christ, to watchfulness and obedience. Such persons are of a good understanding, however poor, unlearned, or despised.


  시111:1 놀라운 여호와 행사의 찬양

시 111:1 할렐루야 내가 정직한 자의 회와 공회 중에서 전심으로 여호와께 감사하리로다 

시 111:2 여호와의 행사가 크시니 이를 즐거워하는 자가 다 연구하는도다 

시 111:3 그 행사가 존귀하고 엄위하며 그 의가 영원히 있도다 

시 111:4 그 기이한 일을 사람으로 기억케 하셨으니 여호와는 은혜로우시고 자비하시도다 

시 111:5 여호와께서 자기를 경외하는 자에게 양식을 주시며 그 언약을 영원히 기억하시리로다 

시 111:6 저가 자기 백성에게 열방을 기업으로 주사 그 행사의 능을 저희에게 보이셨도다 

시 111:7 그 손의 행사는 진실과 공의며 그 법도는 다 확실하니 

시 111:8 영원 무궁히 정하신 바요 진실과 정의로 행하신 바로다 

시 111:9 여호와께서 그 백성에게 구속을 베푸시며 그 언약을 영원히 세우셨으니 그 이름이 거룩하고 지존하시도다 

시 111:10 여호와를 경외함이 곧 지혜의 근본이라 그 계명을 지키는 자는 다 좋은 지각이 있나니 여호와를 찬송함이 영원히 있 으리로다 


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