Matthew Chapter 14 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Death of John the Baptist. (1-12)
Five thousand people miraculously fed. (13-21)
Jesus walks upon the sea. (22-33)
Jesus healing the sick. (34-36)

Verses 1-12 The terror and reproach of conscience, which Herod, like other daring offenders, could not shake off, are proofs and warnings of a future judgment, and of future misery to them. But there may be the terror of convictions, where there is not the truth of conversion. When men pretend to favour the gospel, yet live in evil, we must not favour their self-delusion, but must deliver our consciences as John did. The world may call this rudeness and blind zeal. False professors, or timid Christians, may censure it as want of civility; but the most powerful enemies can go no further than the Lord sees good to permit. Herod feared that the putting of John to death might raise a rebellion among the people, which it did not; but he never feared it might stir up his own conscience against him, which it did. Men fear being hanged for what they do not fear being damned for. And times of carnal mirth and jollity are convenient times for carrying on bad designs against God's people. Herod would profusely reward a worthless dance, while imprisonment and death were the recompence of the man of God who sought the salvation of his soul. But there was real malice to John beneath his consent, or else Herod would have found ways to get clear of his promise. When the under shepherds are smitten, the sheep need not be scattered while they have the Great Shepherd to go to. And it is better to be drawn to Christ by want and loss, than not to come to him at all.

○마14:1 세례요한의 죽음
  마14:1 세례요한의 죽음
마 14:1 그 때에 분봉왕 헤롯이 예수의 소문을 듣고 
마 14:2 그 신하들에게 이르되 이는 세례 요한이라 저가 죽은 자 가운데서 살아 났으니 그러므로 이런 권능이 그 속에서 운동하 는도다 하더라 
마 14:3 전에 헤롯이 그 동생 빌립의 아내 헤로디아의 일로 요한을 잡아 결박하여 옥에 가두었으니 
마 14:4 이는 요한이 헤롯에게 말하되 당신이 그 여자를 취한 것이 옳지 않다 하였음이라 
마 14:5 헤롯이 요한을 죽이려 하되 민중이 저를 선지자로 여기므로 민중을 두려워하더니 
마 14:6 마침 헤롯의 생일을 당하여 헤로디아의 딸이 연석 가운데서 춤을 추어 헤롯을 기쁘게 하니 
마 14:7 헤롯이 맹세로 그에게 무엇이든지 달라는대로 주겠다 허락하거늘 
마 14:8 그가 제 어미의 시킴을 듣고 가로되 세례 요한의 머리를 소반에 담아 여기서 내게 주소서 하니 
마 14:9 왕이 근심하나 자기의 맹세한 것과 그 함께 앉은 사람들을 인하여 주라 명하고 
마 14:10 사람을 보내어 요한을 옥에서 목 베어 
마 14:11 그 머리를 소반에 담아다가 그 여아에게 주니 그가 제 어미에게 가져 가니라 
마 14:12 요한의 제자들이 와서 시체를 가져다가 장사하고 가서 예수께 고하니라 

Verses 13-21 When Christ and his word withdraw, it is best for us to follow, seeking the means of grace for our souls before any worldly advantages. The presence of Christ and his gospel, makes a desert not only tolerable, but desirable. This little supply of bread was increased by Christ's creating power, till the whole multitude were satisfied. In seeking the welfare of men's souls, we should have compassion on their bodies likewise. Let us also remember always to crave a blessing on our meals, and learn to avoid all waste, as frugality is the proper source of liberality. See in this miracle an emblem of the Bread of life, which came down from heaven to sustain our perishing souls. The provisions of Christ's gospel appear mean and scanty to the world, yet they satisfy all that feed on him in their hearts by faith with thanksgiving.

마 14:13 예수께서 들으시고 배를 타고 떠나사 따로 빈 들에 가시니 무리가 듣고 여러 고을로부터 걸어서 좇아간지라 
마 14:14 예수께서 나오사 큰 무리를 보시고 불쌍히 여기사 그 중에 있는 병인을 고쳐 주시니라 
마 14:15 저녁이 되매 제자들이 나아와 가로되 이곳은 빈 들이요 때도 이미 저물었으니 무리를 보내어 마을에 들어가 먹을 것을 사먹게 하소서 
마 14:16 예수께서 가라사대 갈 것 없다 너희가 먹을 것을 주라 
마 14:17 제자들이 가로되 여기 우리에게 있는 것은 떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리 뿐이니이다 
마 14:18 가라사대 그것을 내게 가져오라 하시고 
마 14:19 무리를 명하여 잔디 위에 앉히시고 떡 다섯개와 물고기 두 마리를 가지사 하늘을 우러러 축사하시고 떡을 떼어 제자들 에게 주시매 제자들이 무리에게 주니 
마 14:20 다 배불리 먹고 남은 조각을 열 두 바구니에 차게 거두었으며 
마 14:21 먹은 사람은 여자와 아이 외에 오천 명이나 되었더라 

Verses 22-33 Those are not Christ's followers who cannot enjoy being alone with God and their own hearts. It is good, upon special occasions, and when we find our hearts enlarged, to continue long in secret prayer, and in pouring out our hearts before the Lord. It is no new thing for Christ's disciples to meet with storms in the way of duty, but he thereby shows himself with the more grace to them and for them. He can take what way he pleases to save his people. But even appearances of deliverance sometimes occasion trouble and perplexity to God's people, from mistakes about Christ. Nothing ought to affright those that have Christ near them, and know he is theirs; not death itself. Peter walked upon the water, not for diversion or to boast of it, but to go to Jesus; and in that he was thus wonderfully borne up. Special supports are promised, and are to be expected, but only in spiritual pursuits; nor can we ever come to Jesus, unless we are upheld by his power. Christ bade Peter come, not only that he might walk upon the water, and so know his Lord's power, but that he might know his own weakness. And the Lord often lets his servants have their choice, to humble and prove them, and to show the greatness of his power and grace. When we look off from Christ, and look at the greatness of opposing difficulties, we shall begin to fall; but when we call to him, he will stretch out his arm, and save us. Christ is the great Saviour; those who would be saved, must come to him, and cry to him, for salvation; we are never brought to this, till we find ourselves sinking: the sense of need drives us to him. He rebuked Peter. Could we but believe more, we should suffer less. The weakness of faith, and the prevailing of our doubts, displease our Lord Jesus, for there is no good reason why Christ's disciples should be of a doubtful mind. Even in a stormy day he is to them a very present help. None but the world's Creator could multiply the loaves, none but its Governor could tread upon the waters of the sea: the disciples yield to the evidence, and confess their faith. They were suitably affected, and worshipped Christ. He that comes to God, must believe; and he that believes in God, will come, ( Hebrews 11:6 ) .

  마14:22 물위를 걸으심
마 14:22 예수께서 즉시 제자들을 재촉하사 자기가 무리를 보내는 동안에 배를 타고 앞서 건너편으로 가게 하시고 
마 14:23 무리를 보내신 후에 기도하러 따로 산에 올라가시다 저물매 거기 혼자 계시더니 
마 14:24 배가 이미 육지에서 수 리나 떠나서 바람이 거슬리므로 물결을 인하여 고난을 당하더라 
마 14:25 밤 사경에 예수께서 바다 위로 걸어서 제자들에게 오시니 
마 14:26 제자들이 그 바다 위로 걸어 오심을 보고 놀라 유령이라 하며 무서워하여 소리지르거늘 
마 14:27 예수께서 즉시 일러 가라사대 안심하라 내니 두려워 말라 
마 14:28 베드로가 대답하여 가로되 주여 만일 주시어든 나를 명하사 물 위로 오라 하소서 한대 
마 14:29 오라 하시니 베드로가 배에서 내려 물 위로 걸어서 예수께로 가되 
마 14:30 바람을 보고 무서워 빠져 가는지라 소리질러 가로되 주여 나를 구원하소서 하니 
마 14:31 예수께서 즉시 손을 내밀어 저를 붙잡으시며 가라사대 믿음이 적은 자여 왜 의심하였느냐 하시고 
마 14:32 배에 함께 오르매 바람이 그치는지라 
마 14:33 배에 있는 사람들이 예수께 절하며 가로되 진실로 하나님의 아들이로소이다 하더라 

Verses 34-36 Whithersoever Christ went, he was doing good. They brought unto him all that were diseased. They came humbly beseeching him to help them. The experiences of others may direct and encourage us in seeking for Christ. As many as touched, were made perfectly whole. Those whom Christ heals, he heals perfectly. Were men more acquainted with Christ, and with the diseased state of their souls, they would flock to receive his healing influences. The healing virtue was not in the finger, but in their faith; or rather, it was in Christ, whom their faith took hold upon.

  마14:34 많은 사람들의 병을 고치심

마 14:34 저희가 건너가 게네사렛 땅에 이르니 

마 14:35 그 곳 사람들이 예수신 줄을 알고 그 근방에 두루 통지하여 모든 병든 자를 예수께 데리고 와서 

마 14:36 다만 예수의 옷가에라도 손을 대게 하시기를 간구하니 손을 대는 자는 다 나음을 얻으니라 


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