Acts Chapter 12 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

The martyrdom of James, and the imprisonment of Peter. (1-5)
He is delivered from prison by an angel. (6-11)
Peter departs, Herod's rage. (12-19)
The death of Herod. (20-25)

Verses 1-5 James was one of the sons of Zebedee, whom Christ told that they should drink of the cup that he was to drink of, and be baptized with the baptism that he was to be baptized with, Mt 20:23. Now the words of Christ were made good in him; and if we suffer with Christ, we shall reign with him. Herod imprisoned Peter: the way of persecution, as of other sins, is downhill; when men are in it, they cannot easily stop. Those make themselves an easy prey to Satan, who make it their business to please men. Thus James finished his course. But Peter, being designed for further services, was safe; though he seemed now marked out for a speedy sacrifice. We that live in a cold, prayerless generation, can hardly form an idea of the earnestness of these holy men of old. But if the Lord should bring on the church an awful persecution like this of Herod, the faithful in Christ would learn what soul-felt prayer is.

○행12:1 교회를 핍박하는 헤롯
  행12:1 야고보의 순교와 베드로의 투옥
행 12:1 그 때에 헤롯왕이 손을 들어 교회 중 몇 사람을 해하려 하여 
행 12:2 요한의 형제 야고보를 칼로 죽이니 
행 12:3 유대인들이 이 일을 기뻐하는 것을 보고 베드로도 잡으려 할새 때는 무교절일이라 
행 12:4 잡으매 옥에 가두어 군사 넷씩인 네 패에게 맡겨 지키고 유월절 후에 백성 앞에 끌어 내고자 하더라 
행 12:5 이에 베드로는 옥에 갇혔고 교회는 그를 위하여 간절히 하나님께 빌더라 

Verses 6-11 A peaceful conscience, a lively hope, and the consolations of the Holy Spirit, can keep men calm in the full prospect of death; even those very persons who have been most distracted with terrors on that account. God's time to help, is when things are brought to the last extremity. Peter was assured that the Lord would cause this trial to end in the way that should be most for his glory. Those who are delivered out of spiritual imprisonment must follow their Deliverer, like the Israelites when they went out of the house of bondage. They knew not whither they went, but knew whom they followed. When God will work salvation for his people, all difficulties in their way will be overcome, even gates of iron are made to open of their own accord. This deliverance of Peter represents our redemption by Christ, which not only proclaims liberty to the captives, but brings them out of the prison-house. Peter, when he recollected himself, perceived what great things God had done for him. Thus souls delivered out of spiritual bondage, are not at first aware what God has wrought in them; many have the truth of grace, that want evidence of it. But when the Comforter comes, whom the Father will send, sooner or later, he will let them know what a blessed change is wrought.

  행12:6 베드로가 옥에서 풀려남
행 12:6 헤롯이 잡아 내려고 하는 그 전날 밤에 베드로가 두 군사 틈에서 두 쇠사슬애 매여 누워 자는데 파수군들이 문 밖에서 옥을 지키 더니 
행 12:7 홀연히 주의 사자가 곁에 서매 옥중에 광채가 조요하며 또 베드로의 옆구리를 쳐 깨워 가로되 급히 일어나라 하니 쇠사 슬이 그 손에서 벗어지더라 
행 12:8 천사가 가로되 띠를 띠고 신을 들메라 하거늘 베드로가 그대로 하니 천사가 또 가로되 겉옷을 입고 따라 오라 한대 
행 12:9 베드로가 나와서 따라갈새 천사의 하는 것이 참인 줄 알지 못하고 환상을 보는가 하니라 
행 12:10 이에 첫째와 둘째 파수를 지나 성으로 통한 쇠문에 이르니 문이 절로 열리는지라 나와 한 거리를 지나매 천사가 곧 떠 나더라 
행 12:11 이에 베드로가 정신이 나서 가로되 내가 이제야 참으로 주께서 그의 천사를 보내어 나를 헤롯의 손과 유대 백성의 모 든 기대에 서 벗어나게 하신 줄 알겠노라 하여 

Verses 12-19 God's providence leaves room for the use of our prudence, though he has undertaken to perform and perfect what he has begun. These Christians continued in prayer for Peter, for they were truly in earnest. Thus men ought always to pray, and not to faint. As long as we are kept waiting for a mercy, we must continue praying for it. But sometimes that which we most earnestly wish for, we are most backward to believe. The Christian law of self-denial and of suffering for Christ, has not done away the natural law of caring for our own safety by lawful means. In times of public danger, all believers have God for their hiding-place; which is so secret, that the world cannot find them. Also, the instruments of persecution are themselves exposed to danger; the wrath of God hangs over all that engage in this hateful work. And the range of persecutors often vents itself on all in its way.

행 12:12 깨닫고 마가라 하는 요한의 어머니 마리아의 집에 가니 여러 사람이 모여 기도하더라 
행 12:13 베드로가 대문을 두드린대 로데라 하는 계집아이가 영접하러 나왔다가 
행 12:14 베드로의 음성인 줄 알고 기뻐하여 문을 미처 열지 못하고 달려 들어가 말하되 베드로가 대문 밖에 섰더라 하니 
행 12:15 저희가 말하되 네가 미쳤다 하나 계집아이는 힘써 말하되 참말이라 하니 저희가 말하되 그러면 그의 천사라 하더라 
행 12:16 베드로가 문 두드리기를 그치지 아니하니 저희가 문을 열어 베드로를 보고 놀라는지라 
행 12:17 베드로가 저희에게 손짓하여 종용하게 하고 주께서 자기를 이끌어 옥에서 나오게 하던 일을 말하고 또 야고보와 형제 들에게 이 말을 전하라 하고 떠나 다른 곳으로 가니라 
행 12:18 날이 새매 군사들은 베드로가 어떻게 되었는지 알지 못하여 적지 않게 소동하니 
행 12:19 헤롯이 그를 찾아도 보지 못하매 파숫군들을 심문하고 죽이라 명하니라 헤롯이 유대를 떠나 가이사랴로 내려가서 거하 니라 

Verses 20-25 Many heathen princes claimed and received Divine honours, but it was far more horrible impiety in Herod, who knew the word and worship of the living God, to accept such idolatrous honours without rebuking the blasphemy. And such men as Herod, when puffed with pride and vanity, are ripening fast for signal vengeance. God is very jealous for his own honour, and will be glorified upon those whom he is not glorified by. See what vile bodies we carry about with us; they have in them the seeds of their own dissolution, by which they will soon be destroyed, whenever God does but speak the word. We may learn wisdom from the people of Tyre and Sidon, for we have offended the Lord with our sins. We depend on him for life, and breath, and all things; it surely then behoves us to humble ourselves before him, that through the appointed Mediator, who is ever ready to befriend us, we may be reconciled to him, lest wrath come upon us to the utmost.

  행12:20 헤롯의 죽음

행 12:20 헤롯이 두로와 시돈 사람들을 대단히 노여워하나 저희 지방이 왕국에서 나는 양식을 쓰는고로 일심으로 그에게 나아와 왕의 침소맡은 신하 블라스도를 친하여 화목하기를 청한지라 

행 12:21 헤롯이 날을 택하여 왕복을 입고 위에 앉아 백성을 효유한대 

행 12:22 백성들이 크게 부르되 이것은 신의 소리요 사람의 소리는 아니하거늘 

행 12:23 헤롯이 영광을 하나님께로 돌리지 아니하는 고로 주의 사자가 곧 치니 충이 먹어 죽으니라 

행 12:24 하나님의 말씀은 흥왕하여 더하더라 

행 12:25 바나바와 사울이 부조의 일을 마치고 마가라 하는 요한을 데리고 예루살렘에서 돌아오니라 


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