Acts Chapter 01 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from the ascension of our Saviour to the arrival of St. Paul at Rome, a space of about thirty years. St. Luke was the writer of this book; he was present at many of the events he relates, and attended Paul to Rome. But the narrative does not afford a complete history of the church during the time to which it refers, nor even of St. Paul's life. The object of the book has been considered to be, 1. To relate in what manner the gifts of the Holy Spirit were communicated on the day of Pentecost, and the miracles performed by the apostles, to confirm the truth of Christianity, as showing that Christ's declarations were really fulfilled. 2. To prove the claim of the Gentiles to be admitted into the church of Christ. This is shown by much of the contents of the book. A large portion of the Acts is occupied by the discourses or sermons of various persons, the language and manner of which differ, and all of which will be found according to the persons by whom they were delivered, and the occasions on which they were spoken. It seems that most of these discourses are only the substance of what was actually delivered. They relate nevertheless fully to Jesus as the Christ, the anointed Messiah.

Proofs of Christ's resurrection. (1-5)
Christ's ascension. (6-11)
The apostles unite in prayer. (12-14)
Matthias chosen in the place of Judas. (15-26)

Verses 1-5 Our Lord told the disciples the work they were to do. The apostles met together at Jerusalem; Christ having ordered them not to depart thence, but to wait for the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. This would be a baptism by the Holy Ghost, giving them power to work miracles, and enlightening and sanctifying their souls. This confirms the Divine promise, and encourages us to depend upon it, that we have heard it from Christ; for in Him all the promises of God are yea and amen.

○행1:1 주님의 부활하심과 승천
  행1:1 데오빌로에게
행 1:1 데오빌로여 내가 먼저 쓴 글에는 무릇 예수의 행하시며 가르치시기를 시작하심부터 
행 1:2 그의 택하신 사도들에게 성령으로 명하시고 승천하신 날까지의 일을 기록하였노라 
행 1:3 해 받으신 후에 또한 저희에게 확실한 많은 증거로 친히 사심을 나타내사 사십 일 동안 저희에게 보이시며 하나님 나라 의 일을 말씀하시니라 
행 1:4 사도와 같이 모이사 저희에게 분부하여 가라사대 예루살렘을 떠나지 말고 내게 들은 바 아버지의 약속하신 것을 기다리 라 
행 1:5 요한은 물로 세례를 베풀었으나 너희는 몇 날이 못 되어 성령으로 세례를 받으리라 하셨느니라 

Verses 6-11 They were earnest in asking about that which their Master never had directed or encouraged them to seek. Our Lord knew that his ascension and the teaching of the Holy Spirit would soon end these expectations, and therefore only gave them a rebuke; but it is a caution to his church in all ages, to take heed of a desire of forbidden knowledge. He had given his disciples instructions for the discharge of their duty, both before his death and since his resurrection, and this knowledge is enough for a Christian. It is enough that He has engaged to give believers strength equal to their trials and services; that under the influence of the Holy Spirit they may, in one way or other, be witnesses for Christ on earth, while in heaven he manages their concerns with perfect wisdom, truth, and love. When we stand gazing and trifling, the thoughts of our Master's second coming should quicken and awaken us: when we stand gazing and trembling, they should comfort and encourage us. May our expectation of it be stedfast and joyful, giving diligence to be found of him blameless.

  행1:6 예수님의 명령과 승천
행 1:6 저희가 모였을때에 예수께 묻자와 가로되 주께서 이스라엘 나라를 회복하심이 이 때니이까 하니 
행 1:7 가라사대 때와 기한은 아버지께서 자기의 권한에 두셨으니 너희의 알 바 아니요 
행 1:8 오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아 땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니 라 
행 1:9 이 말씀을 마치시고 저희 보는데서 올리워 가시니 구름이 저를 가리워 보이지 않게 하더라 
행 1:10 올라가실 때에 제자들이 자세히 하늘을 쳐다보고 있는 데 흰 옷 입은 두사람이 저희 곁에 서서 
행 1:11 가로되 갈릴리 사람들아 어찌하여 서서 하늘을 쳐다보느냐 너희 가운데서 하늘로 올리우신 이 예수는 하늘로 가심을 본 그대로 오시리라 하였느니라 

Verses 12-14 God can find hiding-places for his people. They made supplication. All God's people are praying people. It was now a time of trouble and danger with the disciples of Christ; but if any is afflicted, let him pray; that will silence cares and fears. They had now a great work to do, and before they entered upon it, they were earnest in prayer to God for his presence. They were waiting for the descent of the Spirit, and abounded in prayer. Those are in the best frame to receive spiritual blessings, who are in a praying frame. Christ had promised shortly to send the Holy Ghost; that promise was not to do away prayer, but to quicken and encourage it. A little company united in love, exemplary in their conduct, fervent in prayer, and wisely zealous to promote the cause of Christ, are likely to increase rapidly.

행 1:12 제자들이 감람원이라 하는 산으로부터 예루살렘에 돌아오니 이 산은 예루살렘에서 가까와 안식일에 가기 알맞은 길이라 
행 1:13 들어가 저희 유하는 다락에 올라 가니 베드로,요한,야고보,안드레와 빌립,도마와 바돌로매,마태와 및 알패오의 아들 야 고보,셀 롯인 시몬,야고보의 아들 유다가 다 거기 있어 
행 1:14 여자들과 예수의 모친 마리아와 예수의 아우들로 더불어 마음을 같이하여 전혀 기도에 힘쓰니라 

Verses 15-26 The great thing the apostles were to attest to the world, was, Christ's resurrection; for that was the great proof of his being the Messiah, and the foundation of our hope in him. The apostles were ordained, not to wordly dignity and dominion, but to preach Christ, and the power of his resurrection. An appeal was made to God; "Thou, Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men," which we do not; and better than they know their own. It is fit that God should choose his own servants; and so far as he, by the disposals of his providence, or the gifts of his Spirit, shows whom he was chosen, or what he has chosen for us, we ought to fall in with his will. Let us own his hand in the determining everything which befalls us, especially in those by which any trust may be committed to us.


  행1:15 베드로의 설교

행 1:15 모인 무리의 수가 한 일백 이십 명이나 되더라 그 때에 베드로가 그 형제 가운데 일어서서 가로되

행 1:16 형제들아 성령이 다윗의 입을 의탁하사 예수 잡는 자들을 지로한 유다를 가리켜 미리 말씀하신 성경이 응하였으니 마땅 하도다 

행 1:17 이 사람이 본래 우리 수 가운데 참예하여 이 직무의 한 부분을 맡았던 자라 

행 1:18 (이 사람이 불의의 삯으로 밭을 사고 후에 몸이 곤두박질하여 배가 터져 창자가 다 흘러 나온지라 

행 1:19 이 일이 예루살렘에 사는 모든 사람에게 알게 되어 본 방언에 그 밭을 이르되 아겔다마라 하니 이는 피밭이라는 뜻이라 ) 

행 1:20 시편에 기록하였으되 그의 거처로 황폐하게 하시며 거기 거하는 자가 없게 하소서 하였고 또 일렀으되 그 직분을 타인 이 취하게 하소서 하였도다 

행 1:21 이러하므로 요한의 세례로부터 우리 가운데서 올리워 가신 날까지 주 예수께서 우리 가운데 출입하실 때에 

행 1:22 항상 우리와 함께 다니던 사람 중에 하나를 세워 우리로 더불어 예수의 부활하심을 증거할 사람이 되게 하여야 하리라 하거늘 

행 1:23 저희가 두 사람을 천하니 하나는 바사바라고도 하고 별명은 유스도라고 하는 요셉이요 하나는 맛디아라 

행 1:24 저희가 기도하여 가로되 뭇사람의 마음을 아시는 주여 이 두 사람 중에 누가 주의 택하신 바 되어 

행 1:25 봉사와 및 사도의 직무를 대신 할 자를 보이시옵소서 유다는 이를 버리옵고 제 곳으로 갔나이다 하고 

행 1:26 제비뽑아 맛디아를 얻으니 저가 열 한 사도의 수에 가입하니라 


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