Acts Chapter 20 Matthew Henry Commentary Concise

Paul's journeys. (1-6)
Eutychus restored to life. (7-12)
Paul travels towards Jerusalem. (13-16)
Paul's discourse to the elders of Ephesus. (17-27)
Their farewell. (28-38)

Verses 1-6 Tumults or opposition may constrain a Christian to remove from his station or alter his purpose, but his work and his pleasure will be the same, wherever he goes. Paul thought it worth while to bestow five days in going to Troas, though it was but for seven days' stay there; but he knew, and so should we, how to redeem even journeying time, and to make it turn to some good account.

○행20:1 마게도냐와 아가야 2차 방문
행 20:1 소요가 그치매 바울이 제자들을 불러 권한 후에 작별하고 떠나 마게도냐로 가니라 
행 20:2 그 지경으로 다녀가며 여러 말로 제자들에게 권하고 헬라에 이르러 
행 20:3 거기 석 달을 있다가 배 타고 수리아로 가고자 할 그 때에 유대인들이 자기를 해하려고 공모하므로 마게도냐로 다녀 돌 아가기를작정하니 
행 20:4 아시아까지 함께 가는 자는 베뢰아 사람 부로의 아들 소바더와 데살로니가 사람 아리스다고와 세군도와 더베 사람 가이 오와 및 디모데와 아시아 사람 두기오와 드로비모라 
행 20:5 그들은 먼저 가서 드로아에서 우리를 기다리더라 
행 20:6 우리는 무교절 후에 빌립보에서 배로 떠나 닷새 만에 드로아에 있는 그들에게 가서 이레를 머무니라 

Verses 7-12 Though the disciples read, and meditated, and prayed, and sung apart, and thereby kept up communion with God, yet they came together to worship God, and so kept up their communion with one another. They came together on the first day of the week, the Lord's day. It is to be religiously observed by all disciples of Christ. In the breaking of the bread, not only the breaking of Christ's body for us, to be a sacrifice for our sins, is remembered, but the breaking of Christ's body to us, to be food and a feast for our souls, is signified. In the early times it was the custom to receive the Lord's supper every Lord's day, thus celebrating the memorial of Christ's death. In this assembly Paul preached. The preaching of the gospel ought to go with the sacraments. They were willing to hear, he saw they were so, and continued his speech till midnight. Sleeping when hearing the word, is an evil thing, a sign of low esteem of the word of God. We must do what we can to prevent being sleepy; not put ourselves to sleep, but get our hearts affected with the word we hear, so as to drive sleep far away. Infirmity requires tenderness; but contempt requires severity. It interrupted the apostle's preaching; but was made to confirm his preaching. Eutychus was brought to life again. And as they knew not when they should have Paul's company again, they made the best use of it they could, and reckoned a night's sleep well lost for that purpose. How seldom are hours of repose broken for the purposes of devotion! but how often for mere amusement or sinful revelry! So hard is it for spiritual life to thrive in the heart of man! so naturally do carnal practices flourish there!

행 20:7 안식 후 첫날에 우리가 떡을 떼려 하여 모였더니 바울이 이튿날 떠나고자 하여 저희에게 강론할 새 말을 밤중까지 계속 하매 
행 20:8 우리의 모인 윗 다락에 등불을 많이 켰는데 
행 20:9 유두고라 하는 청년이 창에 걸터 앉았다가 깊이 졸더니 바울이 강론하기를 더 오래 하매 졸음을 이기지 못하여 삼층 누 에서 떨 어지거늘 일으켜 보니 죽었는지라 
행 20:10 바울이 내려가서 그 위에 엎드려 그 몸을 안고 말하되 떠들지 말라 생명이 저에게 있다 하고 
행 20:11 올라가 떡을 떼어 먹고 오래 동안 곧 날이 새기까지 이야기하고 떠나니라 
행 20:12 사람들이 살아난 아이를 데리고 와서 위로를 적지 않게 받았더라

Verses 13-16 Paul hastened to Jerusalem, but tried to do good by the way, when going from place to place, as every good man should do. In doing God's work, our own wills and those of our friends must often be crossed; we must not spend time with them when duty calls us another way.

행 20:13 우리는 앞서 배를 타고 앗소에서 바울을 태우려고 그리로 행선하니 이는 자기가 도보로 가고자 하여 이렇게 정하여 준 것이라 
행 20:14 바울이 앗소에서 우리를 만나니 우리가 배에 올리고 미둘레네에 가서 
행 20:15 거기서 떠나 이튿날 기오 앞에 오고 그 이튿날 사모에 들리고 또 그 다음날 밀레도에 이르니라 
행 20:16 바울이 아시아에서 지체치 않기 위하여에베소를 지나 행선하기로 작정하였으니 이는 될 수 있는 대로 오순절 안에 예 루살렘에 이 르려고 급히 감이러라 

Verses 17-27 The elders knew that Paul was no designing, self-seeking man. Those who would in any office serve the Lord acceptably, and profitably to others, must do it with humility. He was a plain preacher, one that spoke his message so as to be understood. He was a powerful preacher; he preached the gospel as a testimony to them if they received it; but as a testimony against them if they rejected it. He was a profitable preacher; one that aimed to inform their judgments, and reform their hearts and lives. He was a painful preacher, very industrious in his work. He was a faithful preacher; he did not keep back reproofs when necessary, nor keep back the preaching of the cross. He was a truly Christian, evangelical preacher; he did not preach notions or doubtful matters; nor affairs of state or the civil government; but he preached faith and repentance. A better summary of these things, without which there is no salvation, cannot be given: even repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ, with their fruits and effects. Without these no sinner can escape, and with these none will come short of eternal life. Let them not think that Paul left Asia for fear of persecution; he was in full expectation of trouble, yet resolved to go on, well assured that it was by Divine direction. Thanks be to God that we know not the things which shall befall us during the year, the week, the day which has begun. It is enough for the child of God to know that his strength shall be equal to his day. He knows not, he would not know, what the day before him shall bring forth. The powerful influences of the Holy Spirit bind the true Christian to his duty. Even when he expects persecution and affliction, the love of Christ constrains him to proceed. None of these things moved Paul from his work; they did not deprive him of his comfort. It is the business of our life to provide for a joyful death. Believing that this was the last time they should see him, he appeals concerning his integrity. He had preached to them the whole counsel of God. As he had preached to them the gospel purely, so he had preached it to them entire; he faithfully did his work, whether men would bear or forbear.

  행20:17 바울의 고별 설교
행 20:17 바울이 밀레도에서 사람을 에베소로 보내어 교회 장로들을 청하니 
행 20:18 오매 저희에게 말하되 아시아에 들어온 첫날부터 지금까지 내가 항상 너희 가운데서 어떻게 행한 것을 너희도 아는 바 니 
행 20:19 곧 모든 겸손과 눈물이며 유대인의 간계를 인하여 당한 시험을 참고 주를 섬긴 것과 
행 20:20 유익한 것은 무엇이든지 공중 앞에서나 각 집에서나 꺼림이 없이 너희에게 전하여 가르치고 
행 20:21 유대인과 헬라인들에게 하나님께 대한 회개와 우리 주 예수 그리스도께 대한 믿음을 증거한 것이라 
행 20:22 보라 이제 나는 심령에 매임을 받아 예루살렘으로 가는데 저기서 무슨 일을 만날는지 알지 못하노라 
행 20:23 오직 성령이 각 성에서 내게 증거하여 결박과 환난이 나를 기다린다 하시나 
행 20:24 나의 달려갈 길과 주 예수께 받은 사명 곧 하나님의 은혜의 복음 증거하는 일을 마치려 함에는 나의 생명을 조금도 귀 한 것으로 여기지 아니하노라 
행 20:25 보라 내가 너희 중에 왕래하며 하나님 나라를 전파하였으나 지금은 너희가 다 내 얼굴을 다시 보지 못할 줄 아노라 
행 20:26 그러므로 오늘 너희에게 증거하노니 모든 사람의 피에 대하여 내가 깨끗하니 
행 20:27 이는 내가 꺼리지 않고 하나님의 뜻을 다 너희에게 전하였음이라 

Verses 28-38 If the Holy Ghost has made ministers overseers of the flock, that is, shepherds, they must be true to their trust. Let them consider their Master's concern for the flock committed to their charge. It is the church He has purchased with his own blood. The blood was his as Man; yet so close is the union between the Divine and human nature, that it is there called the blood of God, for it was the blood of Him who is God. This put such dignity and worth into it, as to ransom believers from all evil, and purchase all good. Paul spake about their souls with affection and concern. They were full of care what would become of them. Paul directs them to look up to God with faith, and commends them to the word of God's grace, not only as the foundation of their hope and the fountain of their joy, but as the rule of their walking. The most advanced Christians are capable of growing, and will find the word of grace help their growth. As those cannot be welcome guests to the holy God who are unsanctified; so heaven would be no heaven to them; but to all who are born again, and on whom the image of God is renewed, it is sure, as almighty power and eternal truth make it so. He recommends himself to them as an example of not caring as to things of the present world; this they would find help forward their comfortable passage through it. It might seem a hard saying, therefore Paul adds to it a saying of their Master's, which he would have them always remember; "It is more blessed to give than to receive:" it seems they were words often used to his disciples. The opinion of the children of this world, is contrary to this; they are afraid of giving, unless in hope of getting. Clear gain, is with them the most blessed thing that can be; but Christ tell us what is more blessed, more excellent. It makes us more like to God, who gives to all, and receives from none; and to the Lord Jesus, who went about doing good. This mind was in Christ Jesus, may it be in us also. It is good for friends, when they part, to part with prayer. Those who exhort and pray for one another, may have many weeping seasons and painful separations, but they will meet before the throne of God, to part no more. It was a comfort to all, that the presence of Christ both went with him and stayed with them.


행 20:28 너희는 자기를 위하여 또는 온 양떼를 위하여 삼가라 성령이 저들 가운데 너희로 감독자를 삼고 하나님이 자기 피로 사신 교회 를 치게 하셨느니라 

행 20:29 내가 떠난 후에 흉악한 이리가 너희에게 들어와서 그 양떼를 아끼지 아니하며 

행 20:30 또한 너희 중에서도 제자들을 끌어 자기를 좇게 하려고 어그러진 말을 하는 사람들이 일어날 줄을 내가 아노니 

행 20:31 그러므로 너희가 일깨어 내가 삼 년이나 밤낮 쉬지 않고 눈물로 각 사람을 훈계하던 것을 기억하라 

행 20:32 지금 내가 너희를 주와 및 그 은혜의 말씀께 부탁하노니 그 말씀이 너희를 능히 든든히 세우사 거룩케 하심을 입은 모 든 자 가운데 기업이 있게 하시리라 

행 20:33 내가 아무의 은이나 금이나 의복을 탐하지 아니하였고 

행 20:34 너희 아는 바에 이 손으로 나와 내 동행들의 쓰는 것을 당하여 

행 20:35 범사에 너희에게 모본을 보였노니 곧 이같이 수고하여 약한 사람들을 돕고 또 주 예수의 친히 말씀하신 바 주는 것이 받는 것보 다 복이 있다 하심을 기억하여야 할지니라 

행 20:36 이 말을 한 후 무릎을 꿇고 저희 모든 사람과 함께 기도하니 

행 20:37 다 크게 울며 바울의 목을 안고 입을 맞추고

행 20:38 다시 그 얼굴을 보지 못하리라 한 말을 인하여 더욱 근심하고 배에까지 그를 전송하니라 


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STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
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